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  • in reply to: Spam PMs – June 18 #1602372

      I just received a message from “Kayla Noyes” yesterday. Just so you know.

      in reply to: Christmas cards #1594589

        I just received mine a couple days ago – thank you so much, Melody! Your cards are a bright spot in my life around this time of year. I always look forward to getting them and seeing what you have come up with. It is always good! Won’t spoil it for anyone – you’ll enjoy it when it comes!

        in reply to: Christmas Card #1550174

          Received my card last Saturday and it is beautiful!!! Thank you so much, Melody, for doing this for us. Your cards are a bright spot in a dark place–things haven’t been going well for me lately and this card lifted my spirits. Thank you again for this.

          in reply to: Christmas cards 2018 #1549798

            Gaaahhhh! I just sent my email – been so busy this year. I’m usually on your list but I hope I’m not too late!

            in reply to: Has this happened to anyone else? #1540028

              I did receive all my order but that box was strange!  It was in an Amazon box and had the same Amazon return address as the ink cartridge–both labels were generated on the same day–they just had different tracking numbers.  They were both addressed to me–did not come from China or some other place.  But it was so weird that when Amazon used that tracking number, they had zero results!  Oh well, I have some plastic funnels, oh boy.  I’m keeping these pkges with their labels just in case something else crazy comes up.

              in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1538328

                Congratulations, Melody!  What a sweep!  Now you know we’re all behind you.

                in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1538168

                  For all who want a Podge mini Poad–you can add $25 to your pledge for this item.  Melody said on Stream yesterday that she would paint a bunch of these and they were $25.  So everyone can get one!!!


                    As far as fairness in claiming Poads I remember Melody saying in one of the Live Streams that we could have as many as we wanted–if you can afford it.  I know it can be frustrating to lose out because someone claimed multiple items.  I remember that happening with the mini Poads.  What I feel is this–Melody will accommodate everyone who wants any of these items.  I’m sure there are individuals who are backers and weren’t on the Streams and didn’t make any claims.  When Kickstarter is over and all claiming is done, I’m sure the Windstone staff will have a lot of work to do to make sure they fulfill their obligations to all the backers.  If Melody has to paint more or make more mini Poads, then she will.

                    That said, if there is a concern with not getting a Special Young, then add it to your pledge and when the email comes, tell them what it is for–could even give preferred colors.  I’m sure all who wants a Special Young will get one.  They have given an estimated delivery date of July, so they have some time.  Kickstarter is a whole new experience for Windstone and I’m sure if they decide to do another one (for Rue Day maybe) they have gained a lot of experience with this one.

                    in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1537938

                      Think of something for the stretch goal–from what I’m seeing on Kickstarter you’ll make $80,000 today!!!

                      in reply to: 2nd Poad(tm) Show today, 4/12/18 at 3 pm PDT! #1537927

                        Soooo hard to pick just one–they are all just lovely!  I’m on Poad overload!!!


                          Congratulations!  I know you’ll enjoy her!  Is there a picture of this Poad?  I remember entering because it was a Poad, but I didn’t see pictures.  Could someone let me know where it’s at?

                          in reply to: 2nd Poad(tm) Show today, 4/12/18 at 3 pm PDT! #1537652

                            As for the Special poads yes she said those were $280 to add on and she said she hadn’t planned to paint more but said she could if more people wanted them. But I would ask her directly about that.

                            So it sounds as though Windstone changed the rules on the special Poads in mid-stream, didn’t announce it beforehand, haven’t announced it yet on the Kickstarter page, and don’t show special Poads as an add-on option. In fact, they may not even be an option except for people “in the know”. This is not good.

                            This was a surprise for me as well.  I know they take time to paint and they were almost out of them towards the end.  But there are pledge tiers that promise Special Poads as a reward and Windstone would be obligated to fulfill those awards.  I’m going to guess that Melody will paint more Special Poads if she needs to fulfill these awards.  I think she meant she wasn’t going to paint more for Live Streams.  I don’t feel any of us are no more in the know than anyone else.  Don’t like to see people upset and think they’re being excluded and not part of a group–you’re not.  We are all in this together and learn as we go along.  So please don’t feel bad.

                            in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1537592

                              I like these!  Good idea, Etruscan!

                              in reply to: Live Stream of Poads(tm) this afternoon! #1537522

                                Just out of curiosity I went back to the Kickstarter page and took down the amounts of the backers who were interested in the novel only–either PDFs and/or real copies.  The amount I came up with is $3,765.00–the Poads definitely made a difference in the pledges!  By just offering the books only, Windstone wouldn’t have made their goal.  The Poads are Melody’s very own creation–it is unique to Windstone.  And…she’s gotten a few more backers since the Live Stream.  I feel we were all very civilized during the Live Stream when more than one person wanted a particular item–to be otherwise would be an insult to Melody.  To anyone out there who is new to Windstone and is here because of the Kickstarter–this is what Windstone is about–Melody wants us to be happy with what we get from her.  Sorry if being able to personally pick your Poads put you off–that wasn’t the intention.  I feel the members on this forum are great people and we all have one thing in common–we all love Melody’s work to a fault!  We welcome new people and hope you have as much fun as we are.

                                in reply to: Live Stream of Poads(tm) this afternoon! #1537308

                                  All these comments regarding the selection of Poads for Kickstarter is appreciated–different people see things differently and that is not a bad thing.  I appreciate the comments Zloy made–makes a valid point.  I also want to thank Stephanie and Kim for posting videos.  I really wanted to see the special Poads again but did not want to watch almost 3 hrs of video.

                                  I just wanted to comment and say that this is Melody’s first Kickstarter.  We all know that the Windstone staff does bend over backwards for us–they want to make us happy.  You won’t find this anywhere else.  Melody does amazing art and it is awesome that she wants to share that with us and even encourage our artistic side by making paint-your-owns–let’s not forget the monthly raffles–who does this?  It was exciting for me to see all the Poads and that I could personally choose the one I wanted.  Melody did make a comment during the stream that people were sometimes unhappy with what they got in grab bags so she thought by letting them choose their Poads would help.  That is so appreciated!  She doesn’t have to do this but she wants to.  That stream got me wanting more of these beautiful, special Poads.  If more people want to do the higher tiers or have add-ons then she will have to paint more.  Yes, it could be overwhelming but it is also a learning experience.  She’ll learn from this Kickstarter what to do and not to do if she has a next one.  (Really hoping she’ll do one for The Rue.)

                                  Again, all comments are appreciated and I’m sure Melody will appreciate them as well.  She wants feedback from us to see what she is doing right or maybe doing wrong.  She may already know that she has a lot of painting to do!  They are patient with us and we need to be patient in return–maybe it’ll take a little longer to get our awards but to me it would be worth it knowing that Melody is doing all she can to accommodate us.

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