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Welcome! Cute totoros. <3
You have GOT to be kidding me right now??! 0.o I HATE that he even got to play again in the first place! I can’t believe that crap!!!
Ugh, I know. It especially irritates me when I see all the ignorant people saying that he’s ‘changed’. What a crock. You don’t do something like that and then magically realize that what you did was incredibly cruel and inhumane. He doesn’t care about anything except $ and ‘living the life’. Anything he’s done or said to the contrary is an act. He was *forced* by the courts to cough up a lousy $1 mil (what’s that to a pro football player?!) to ensure care for the dogs that survived him and his friends – money he should have freely offered if he was actually repentant. Nothing ongoing, although I understand he gives speeches to young people about staying on the right path – hah!! The only thing they’re going to learn from hearing his lip service (no doubt forced on him by his PR company) is that you can do godawful things and get away with it as long as you’re rich and famous. He was doing charity work for kids (again, probably informed it would make him look good by his PR people) before he was busted for the dog fighting, anyways!
What I find the most disgusting, though, is the number of people who just don’t give a fig that he’s a monster. The number of tweets and comments from people saying they think it’s just great that Nike re-signed him makes me want to barf. Either they’re willfully ignorant of what he did, or they just don’t care, I’m not sure which.
The only way I’d ever forgive Nike (those lousy now-boycotted turds), would be if they’d told him, “We’ll re-sign you, but all the money you make off us will go to rescue groups dedicated to saving dogs being tortured the way you tortured yours.” Though I’m sure that would never happen. I hear Nike will soon be the official brand of the NFL, replacing Reebok. I’ll just toss all my Nike stuff and buy Reebok from now on.
Well, I got his head off. I used a combination of letting some acetone nail-polish remover soak into the crack, and a light tap with a hammer and chisel. It came right off! Lucky~
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
This is what you all are screaming for LP over? I can’t think of one time I’ve disliked the Male Kirin no matter how he was painted…until now.
Geez, let me see…
Poads : around 30? I think.
Dragons :
Male –
Emerald (OE)
Old Brown
Old GreenMother –
Copper Patina (RE)
Emerald (OE)Hatching –
Emerald (OE)Emperor –
Emerald (OE)OW –
1 repaint (WIP)Lap –
Old BrownFledgling –
RubyScratching –
Red Fire (faded)Rising Spectral –
Spring Green Gold
Red FireCurled –
Violet Flame
Toasted Pearl
Emerald Peacock
AmethystCoiled Male –
Black Gold
WhiteCoiled Mother –
Jade SilverHatching Royalty –
Silver (Emperor)
Rainbow (all)Regular Oriental –
Light Peacock
Dark Peacock
Jade (x2, but one is broken)
Copper Patina (RE) x2 – one first version, one later version
Kyrin’s repaintYoung Oriental –
Copper Patina (RE)Sun Dragon –
RubyLarge Rock Dragon
Male Kirin :
Black Gold
RegularFemale Kirin :
Red Panda repaintBaby Kirin (x2)
Flion : regular
Circle of Cats (colored)
Hippogriff Candlelamp : appaloosa? test paint
Large Flap Cats (closed eyes) :
Peaches (stray)
Hickory (stray)Batwinged Small Flapcat :
SiameseBirdwinged Small Flapcat :
SiamesePebble Cat :
Siamese TPTiger :
Lynx Point TPCat’s Cradle :
Grey Marble TPMouse Wizard :
Autumn TPMother Pegasus : white
Baby Pegasus :
Silver Grulla TPGrand Unicorn : white
Male Unicorn : white
Mother Unicorn : white
Young Unicorn : white
Baby Unicorn : GB brown Pinto
Male Griffin :
Kingfisher repaint (WIP)Female Griffin :
Bengal TP
Lavender Pearl TPSitting Griffin chick :
Barn Owl TP
Bengal TP
Speckled Brown TPArmadillo
Also, various PYOs. Hope I got all the names right/didn’t forget anyone…this was from memory. TP stands for ‘test paint’.
Oh, and some kirins painted in the ‘Russet Pearl’ color like that Oriental!
I’d give my left foot for Black Emerald (aka Grackle) dragons. They looked great with those lime-green eyes!
Nike re-signed Michael Vick : WTF!!
That sorry excuse for a human being should be rotting in prison (preferably the one run by Sheriff Joe Arpaio), not petted and praised by the NFL and Nike! Insanity!
I don’t see it either >.>….
The lack of that “beaten” or “pitted” look might be because the earlier CPs were done on less-than-perfect castings, while the newer ones were from castings that were fine, but people loved the color.
Hmm. It looks more like a (usually undesirable) airbrushing effect called ‘orange peel’ to me. Although I also think I remember Melody saying something about it being the type of paint used…either way, the prototype OW I had in CP that I traded to Wolfen also had this effect, and I know he was not a bad cast, as they are all repainted Emeralds.
I *wish* I had one to trade for him! XD
Just as a warning– anything that dissolves superglue will almost certainly cause some measure of damage to the clear coat and/or paint job! Use as your own risk.
I tried to re-break a piece that had been broken, and was very careful to try and re-break it on the ‘fault line’ so to speak. Of course, it broke everywhere BUT! And so I was faced with a misaligned piece AND new breakage…
Good luck 🙁
Ick, breaking him and getting more breakage everywhere but where I wanted was what I was afraid of. I pretty much had already figured putting any kind of ‘dissolver’ on the glued area would screw up the paint job, which is already loosened up around the edge of the break just from the water. Jeez. I’m just gonna give it a go with the hammer, lol. Or I could just saw his head off above and below the old break, and rebuild that entire section…hmm…
I will report how it turns out, for better or for worse. Maybe I should videotape the beheading and horrify all of you for teh lulz? XD
I’m a fan of the red-eyed CP dragons too. >.> But I prefer a bit more patina than what the current batch has. It’s the contrast with the patina that makes the red eyes appeal to me. That’s why I didn’t like the teal eyes before…they blended in too much. They look a lot better on this version, but it just doesn’t excite me the way the 2nd? or was it the 3rd? version did. Er, the one that looked like this :
Ack, nevermind. *erases dumb question*
That’s a nice quilt and necklace! What a sweet thing to do. =)