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  • in reply to: back in stock ( well they were, now they're gone) #660360

    Dragon Master wrote:

    khat7 wrote:

    I got my green curlie yes1erday. I love him! 😀 He looks so cute with my other dragons. I sure hope everyone else who wanted one was able to.

    I was able to purchase a few very slightly damaged greens recently. a few Minor chips is all. A chip on the edge of the mothers wing. Chipped toe on the oriental and a teeny chip on the underside of the tail. I’d like to fix them but I have no idea even where to begin. I’ve never painted anything but a wall 🙄 😆

    Guess I need to look for previous postings on repair tips or start a new thread. Any advice or links would be great *hint hint*
    send then tee Kyrin she is teh BEST at Windstone repairs!! *hint hint*
    Do you mean the Emerald?? There where no Green Orientals

    Sorry, Emerald Oriental.:) Guess I need to get my pics posted so I can find out exactly what I have.
    I would love to send them to kyrin but I’m afraid the postage would out be way to high considering what little work they need. Better than trying ii on my own and ruining them I suppose 😥 I do have them on myspace

    in reply to: Sea Dragon, the repainted oriental sun #661001

    Demyx wrote:

    I think they’ve mentioned that the ‘current’ oriental molds were too hard on the gypsum with all the holes and such (as compared to the rather solid poses the other dragons have). There’s talk about a future PYO, but I’m pretty sure all their remaining blank orientals were given test paints and are being auctioned.

    Thats too bad. I love the Orientals. Particularly because my kids are all into Traditional Martial Arts.
    Also I have an Akita Chow dog so we’ve kinda slipped into the whole Oriental thing 😆

    in reply to: Gypsy Vanner Kirin #660894

    Gorgeous. I am partial to tri-color paints to begin with. Could be cuz I have one 😉 You did a great job on him. Could you post a picture of Charlie to go with it?

    in reply to: back in stock ( well they were, now they're gone) #660355

    I got my green curlie yes1erday. I love him! 😀 He looks so cute with my other dragons. I sure hope everyone else who wanted one was able to.

    I was able to purchase a few very slightly damaged greens recently. a few Minor chips is all. A chip on the edge of the mothers wing. Chipped toe on the oriental and a teeny chip on the underside of the tail. I’d like to fix them but I have no idea even where to begin. I’ve never painted anything but a wall 🙄 😆

    Guess I need to look for previous postings on repair tips or start a new thread. Any advice or links would be great *hint hint*

    in reply to: A Happy announcement! #660687

    That’s wonderful. Is this your first? Or your first boy? I had two of each and they are all very different.

    in reply to: Windstone part of a Wallpaper #660131

    Will do Thanks 😀

    in reply to: Windstone part of a Wallpaper #660129

    I download themes and such from there all the time. It’s a great site. I think this particular one has been on there a year or more.
    I’m not really sure how to get this to John. I’m still kinda stumbling around this site 🙂

    in reply to: Windstone part of a Wallpaper #660126

    This is from Themeshack It’s from a theme called chime charms I think. Anyway it sure looks like a multi colored Windstone Dragon in there 🙂

    in reply to: Wanted… #659292

    I haven’t seen them either other than on eBay.
    If it helps, I have bought using paypal to pay from Japan, Germany, Australia and GB and never had a problem.

    in reply to: Blue Oriental Sun Dragon! Pictures Pg 3! #658988

    ddvm wrote:

    Karate is a great idea as long as the sensei is good. A friend lived near a place where the sensei was into “karate is macho and we are better than everyone”. He pretty much trained bullies. I took karate for a couple of years from a sensei who was great with kids. He layed down the law – NO KARATE outside of class unless the kid was attacked. The kids could practice at home but if they EVER used it on a kid at school they were in BIG trouble. He made sure the kids knew he would check with the parents and he had the parents talk to the teachers. All the parents and the kids loved him – several parents had boys that were constantly in trouble in school until they started karate.

    We also did that for our kids. It was a great outlet for energy and a confidence builder. The younger two have been taking martial Arts for seven years.

    in reply to: Blue Oriental Sun Dragon! Pictures Pg 3! #658985

    lamortefille wrote:

    dracco wrote:

    ill try a new answer that might help. does he like money ??? i think all kids do and they love to go to the store to buy somethin.i know my kids do.i remember my dad used to pay me to read books cause i hated doing it when i was younger,but i tell you what i got into those books and on top of that i got paid. maybe you can try a daily system .if he gets into no trouble he earns money or points towards something he really wants.
    it doesnt have to be a big amount just a little at a time so he can look forward to saving for somthin and you dont go broke.

    I’ve thought about doing this with my son….paying him to read. Just wondering if you became a “reader” in the long run? Both his father and I are avid readers, but he doesn’t see the “magic” in books:-/ *sigh*

    Spending time reading out loud to a child is the best way for them to pick up on and learn to love reading themselves. He can also have more “wiggle” time or even act out parts of the story while you read.
    Have you considered home schooling? My youngest of four was thought to be ADD. I never got him officially diagnosed. This was just the opinion of others who dealt with it 🙄
    Homeschooling worked great for him as he could get up and move when he needed to. Sometimes concentrating on sitting still took more focus and energy and took away from studying!

    in reply to: it seems like life just hates me #656526

    I’ve mentioned the post traumatic stress in some older posts but never what caused it. it’s something that heppend long ago that i did not have control over, So I deal with intense social anxiety, panic attacks,
    My cats are a big part of my life in helping me cope with this.

    Hey Koshi, I could have written that myself word for word. I suffer from the same things. I hope it helps you somewhat to know there is someone dealing with the same things.:( No one truly understands a panic attack who hasn’t suffered through one, or ten or whatever! ~big hugs~
    My cats are a huge part of my comfort and helping me cope with life. We had seven for the longest time. We lived in a very small town – little or no traffic- they were indoor outdoor cats. Than we moved to GA and after losing two to the neighbors dogs they became strictly house cats.
    It is so tough to lose someone that means so much to you. Doesn’t matter if it is a person or an animal friend it is your hurt to feel. My heart and prayers are with you. You have tons of supporting and kind people here.

    in reply to: OK, I like unicorns and all. But… #656128

    The goats are kinda cute but the “great oz” creeps me out

    in reply to: Serenity's PYO's ***New Jan 26th *** #651996

    Beautiful. You did a great job on bring the colors together. I love the winged wolves. I tend to favor the reds and browns . Hmmm Could it be something to do with my dog??? 🙂

    in reply to: Gothic Unicorn? Is this good? Er Unicorn Gargoyle oops #654527

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    And then there’s the rhino…
    Khat $60 is a good deal. I paid $80 for mine, which arrived smashed. Better luck to yours.

    Anybody have tips to share on fixing the chips? I also have three green dragons I recently aquired and each has one or two small chips. One is the hatching Kinglet and his shell is peeling. I have no idea where to begin and none seem to have enough damage to justify shipping for repairs. Is their a tutorial or thread in here somewhere I could check out??

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