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  • in reply to: Excuses… #820014

    I am sorry about your step-dad, and hopefully he will make a full recovery. In the meantime, I feel bad that all of that has been dumped on you. 🙁 Can you possibly recruit someone to help you every once in a while?

    in reply to: Away! #818346

    Jennifer wrote:

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Both are wonderful works with vibrant color! Congratulations again!!!

    P.S. Have you painted any centaurs in the past? If so, would you offer a print up for sale? Just curious, but I want to buy a print for a friend who loves centaurs.

    I have only ever painted one centaur, in a group with other critters: http://featherdust.critter.net/fantasyindex/pages/Fantasy%20Detail%202%20-%20Digital.html

    I don’t have any real plans to paint more in the near future; humans are one of my weak points!

    I love that painting, but unfortunately, I don’t think that centaur will live up to her expectations. I will browse your other paintings soon to possibly get one for my friend.

    in reply to: Away! #818342

    Both are wonderful works with vibrant color! Congratulations again!!!

    P.S. Have you painted any centaurs in the past? If so, would you offer a print up for sale? Just curious, but I want to buy a print for a friend who loves centaurs.

    in reply to: July 4th #819572

    This was very humbling to read. thank you, and Happy Independence Day!!

    in reply to: Away! #818338

    I am so glad that he chose one of your paintings for the ribbon! That is an awesome experience, and you deserved it! I am so glad you had fun!! Please post a picture of the painting!

    *hugs* if you lived closer, then I might let you. I am so sorry. It sounds like she needs to find a better way to communicate, and she takes things to the extreme, when she doesn’t need to.

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809832

    Crimson, I am still praying for him. *hugs*

    in reply to: Away! #818326

    Have fun! it turns out that I can’t go, but I hope you come by next year because I am definitely going next year! I hope to buy something of yours, and meet you. 🙂

    in reply to: HAPPY FATHER'S DAY #818159

    Happy Father’s Day! I had a biological one that abandoned us, and one horrible adoptive father growing up, and despite that, I am glad to say that I have two great father-in-laws, one great step-father, and my husband who is the best dad in the world to Chloe. 🙂 He is usually gone a lot, but starting next week, after his vacation, he will now be home for three days a week, instead of one day out of every 7. Yay. 🙂 He isn’t home now, but I will treat him to something special.

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809827

    I can’t wait to see pictures!! 🙂

    in reply to: OMG WOW!!!! #817293

    That is an awesome surprise like that, CONGRATS!! I am so glad you won!

    in reply to: Anthrocon? #817804

    Oh! That is awesome Jen! It sounds like I can’t go, but I am doing the budget today, so I will see if I can make it work! I know that I will definitely go next year!! This time, it was a spur of the moment thing, because my friend is already going, and she wanted me to go too. 😀

    in reply to: Anthrocon? #817799

    Is anyone here going to the Anthrocon this year? I MIGHT be able to go (big might), but if I do, it will be my first time! If I can go, I wouldn’t mind meeting anyone from here! It’s in Pennsylvania. The only thing stopping me is Chloe-if I can get any one to watch her-or if I decide to brave the 13 hour drive with her. lol

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809816

    Dragon87 wrote:

    You can usually buy Tazo tea at Starbucks locations…. (yeah I didn’t participate but I still like looking!)

    Haha, well that could explain why I don’t know where to buy any, because i never go to Starbucks! lol, i will look next time! 😀 Thanks!

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809814

    DragonCat wrote:

    Hooray! I can stop worrying now that you got it. 😀 I’m glad you like it, it was kind of hard to try finding things for you. Enjoy a good day of reading! 8)

    I am sorry it was hard. You nailed it right on the spot though!!!

Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 3,360 total)