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  • in reply to: I lost #583061

    I am happy that she will be well taken care of! I hope she has arrived to you safely! Don’t feel like a heel! 🙂 I know I’ll find another one…and since you have her now, you won’t need another one!

    in reply to: Hi #582454

    Sorry I haven’t been on in a while….but I like the photoshop edit of the young unicorn! When I see it, I think of TLU, but I don’t know of amy suggestions… I wonder if anybody else has any suggestions??

    in reply to: Haunted Windstone #582965

    That is kina freaky. My mom and sister believe in ghosts, and they say they have experienced some weird stuff. I don’t know what to believe. I am happy that he is situated fine on the Bible though-I’m sure that when guests come over, they’ll ask about it! 🙂

    in reply to: It is here! My preciousssssssssss! #583549

    Wow! She is gorgeous! I am happy for you!!

    in reply to: I lost #583055

    wolflodge100 wrote:

    ddvm wrote:

    Sorry you lost – that is a bummer. But I don’t think keshete found the auction through your post – she is an awesome ebay surfer. She found the $5 hatching tortoise auction. Many (maybe most?) forum members search “windstone” on ebay frequently. So we tend to bid against each other!

    The good news is they do show up on ebay pretty often – hopefully you will win the next one! Happy ebaying! 😆

    Yes, and the general consensus is “alls fair in love and e-bay” I get out bid by other forum members on a daily basis! 😆

    I’m not alone! It is a friendly competition here! I’m not dwelling on it….in fact I am looking forward to finding another one! I just thought I’d share my dissapointment. 🙂

    in reply to: I lost #583051

    wolflodge100 wrote:

    Don’t feel too bad, another will pop up. And the winner is another forum member!

    What the??? Grrr….they must have read my post and thought to themselves “Oh, I didn’t know this was on Ebay…I’ll have a stab at it too!” ARGH!
    That makes it worse 😥

    in reply to: I lost #583047

    I feel so used. 🙁 I lost the bidding for the mother pegasus. Whoever keschete is…I envy you. I feel kinda bummed right now.

    in reply to: Would you like to see my artwork?? #582706

    Awww…thanks guys! My puppy’s name is Karly. Right now she is laying on the couch. I feel all fluttery inside! 😉

    in reply to: Would you like to see my artwork?? #582705

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    Wow you are very good. I like “ocean current” as well. In your description of that you meantion that it’s based off a mangnet from the Omaha Zoo. Would that be the Henry Doorley Zoo in Omaha, NE? I got to go there many years ago while I was on a Girl Scout Wider Opportunity.

    Yep! That is the exact zoo where I based this picture from. To tell you the truth…I think Ocean Current is my favorite peice.

    in reply to: Hi #582449

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Somebody should photoshop it in… 😆

    That would be so cute if someone did that! I would probably use it for my signature.
    I haven’t the faintest idea as to how to photoshop anything! If someone would be so kind to do it….I won’t object! 😆

    in reply to: NO NO NO NO NOOOO!!! #582645

    skigod377 wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Good luck, eaglefeather. I, for one, won’t be bidding.

    I dont know… Eagle kinda makes it sound like a challenge.

    I know! I was thinking that if I posted it it would, but I have seen others try to claim other Ebay auctions. Kinda like “first dibs.” I am 100% positive that some people will see it, and automatically decide that they want it. Shucks-too bad I let everyone know my bidding strategy!!

    in reply to: NO NO NO NO NOOOO!!! #582634

    Do I sound so mean that I’m scaring people away? I’m sorry…… :squeak:
    Ok…I’ll allow it….you can…. (dare I say it) … bid

    in reply to: Welcome Nuke #582651

    Hey Nuke!
    I am new here too, but you’ll find out quiclky enough that people are really friendly-and they have a wonderful sence of humor!

    in reply to: Would you like to see my artwork?? #582698

    I have a deviantart account, and I love to find artwork by others, so I thought other people would like mine! I feel that the people on this forum are great, supportive, and fun, so I feel comfortable with this!

    I wish I could show you more of my artwork, but I gave some of it away (which I regret not taking a picture of). Oh well. Anway I’d love for your guys’ opinion!!


    in reply to: NO NO NO NO NOOOO!!! #582633

    Ok….the baby and mother WHITE pegasi on Ebay are MINE!! Right now they are cheap-ish, and I can afford them at that price!!!! PLEASE I WANT THESE SO BAD!! THEIR MINE!! MWAHAHAHA! 🙂
    They end tomorrow, and I am going to pounce on them at the last few minutes of bidding. Well-I can’t for the mother pegasus because I get off work 10 minutes before it ends, and I work 20 minutes from my computer. Maybe I’ll quickly go to the local library. I am hoping that the bidders on there already won’t be able to pounce on them like I will. I looked at one bidder’s history, and I think that he/she is aiming to complete their collection because they have all of the other ones. It makes me think they are a little bit more motivated. Plus-they buy items at least once or twice a week. It makes me think they have money to spare! Good for them! (but I’ll win!)
    *laughs meticulously*
    Ok…I’m not that mean 🙂

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