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  • in reply to: How many Windstones do you have? #810398

    1. I started collecting in about 1987 with the peacock male from a shop in Old Sacramento and then the Ki-rin family. Then I stopped collecting for about 20 years, then started up again in about 2007.
    2. I have about 395 pieces possibly a few more, it’s hard to keep track. I have 11 big display cases in my office and they are not quite filled.
    3. I like so many of my pieces I have trouble choosing 1 favorite piece. I am proud of my tiger cub (Windstone found him in a box of broken Windstones, put him back together and I bought him from ebay. He’s the only evidence that Windstone ever made any tigers.) I am very attached to my first Windstone, the peacock male which was given to me by my best friend for Christmas in 1987. (He was killed in an auto accident the following year so I have a special connection with that one) I have 13 oriental suns I enjoy a lot, also the 23 males and 25 curls. The best one of my 8 OW’s is the fire and ice done for the raffle for DDVM and bought from the winner. He’s all turquoise and lavender with gold accents. I love the cats (70 of all kinds)and I really enjoy the wizard’s retreat and the two grimalkin cats, the violet flame and the autumn green. When they are lit up, they are spectacular! Every one of the pieces I have I really enjoy looking at. My least favorite that I own is the poad, I just don’t get it. *ducking my head to avoid flying objects being thrown by poad enthusiasts* 😀 I bought it to see what all the fuss was about and I still don’t get it. 😕 i also am not fond of gargoyles in general (although I like the woodlore wizard), and the rock dragons. I have the quagga family that I also like a lot and all the hoofers except the black foal pegasus which I am on the hunt for.
    4. I would like to complete the collection of pegasuses (pegasi?) with the black foal pegasus and the last 2 castles, I have 5 of the 7, and the copper patina emperor which I missed. I would love to have a male dragon in those Mardigras colors, and one like the February raffle prize. I LOVE those bright combination of colors.
    I hope this year to learn to post pictures on the forum. I tried twice and they were a disaster. The last one was so bad Jennifer had to lock the thread! So I haven’t tried again until I learn to do it properly and well. There is a lot more about the collection, but not now.

    in reply to: April Raffle…. #810116

    How wonderful it would be to choose! The uni doesn’t get it for me, and the other three are fantastic!! I think maybe the dragon edges out the flapcat and the griffin just a little but not much! What a choice!! 😀

    in reply to: Odd Request from Picture Savers? #809049

    That is one of the most stunningly beautiful dragons I have EVER seen!!! He makes my heart pound!! *clutches chest, rolls eyes, falls on floor* That one is truly incredible!!! 😮 I hope Miss Melody paints some more in that theme! WoW!! He is truly worth everything you spent on him!! Good for you!!!

    in reply to: SPRING GIFT SWAP – COMPLETE! #800534

    I would also like another one and “Summer” sounds good to me!

    in reply to: Windstone Raffles #789456

    Where can I see the pictures of the raffle pieces? I have looked in the forum, the blog, and the gallery! Maybe I need to ask HOW do I get to see them as well as where! Thank you!

    in reply to: March Raffle the winner is… lamortefille!!! #807691

    I’m sorry! 🙄 😕 I can’t seem to find the raffle pictures on either the blog or the gallery.( I missed the February one completely so I didn’t put in for it and when I finally saw it, I was heartbusted, it was one of the most beautiful ones Melody has ever made, IMO!!) Can someone post the raffle pictures on the forum so people like me who are so computer digitally-dumb can see them before the raffle takes place? That would be wonderful! Thanks!

    in reply to: SPRING GIFT SWAP – COMPLETE! #800465

    I got a beautiful tiger print from my swapee, Jennifer Miller. Tigers are my very favorite of the big cats and this print is just lovely! As soon as I learn to post pictures, I will do that, unfortunately it will be a while. I have hired someone to teach me in the next few weeks so this will be the first one I post. So thank you Jennifer, for the great present! (and the little dragon you drew on the envelope is so cute! I cut it out and I’m saving it!)drgnlvr

    in reply to: SPRING GIFT SWAP – COMPLETE! #800464

    I’m so glad you got them and you like them!! I hope they will help you feel better and stop being down on yourself. After all, losers don’t get presents, right? So I hope these things help cheer you up (especially the chocolates, those Irish Creams are made with real Irish Cream and can be very…compelling! Whoo! 😀 ) Good for you!! Take care. drgnlvr

    in reply to: You just never know… #806970

    Thank you so much for the encouragement and the positive thoughts! They really mean a lot to me!! I am type II and was diagnosed in the early 90’s but I didn’t really understand what to do, the relationship between what I ate and the numbers on the meter didn’t make any sense, so when I got stabilized, I went back to my old habits, taking oral meds but eating whatever and whenever I wanted. Well, I guess my body got tired of being ignored and “bit” me to get my attention! Well, it worked! So now, I have a diabetic educator to help me with my questions and a whole new learning curve to deal with. The blood sugars still aren’t stabilized and they bounce around a lot so I’m hoping they will settle down soon. Mostly it affects my vision and my balance. I can still work and drive and I’m so grateful for that!
    I will keep you posted about this and I am so grateful for the kind thoughts and expressions of care. Thank you!! 😀

    in reply to: You just never know… #806957

    Life takes us on strange journeys sometimes! I woke up 2 weeks ago with the worst headache I ever had, nausea, shaking, blurred vision. I called my doctor and he said to come in and get a shot for pain. On my way out of my apartment, I walked into a post I didn’t see, and on the drive I almost hit a car, and then I did hit a parked car (luckily I was driving very slowly and did no damage) but was able to park ok. He gave me the shot, it did no good. He then called an ambulance and I was taken to the hospital for an MRI. Apparently I was delirious by then and they loaded me up with so many drugs, I have very few memories of that whole day. Apparently I was able to have them contact a very good friend who is a nursing student who works there and she was able to take charge. I had a blood sugar of 600 (normal is between 80 and 120) and a blood pressure that was through the roof. They were working on me to keep me from having a major stroke, losing my eyesight completely, having a major heart attack, and possibly becoming a vegetable or dying. Later my friends were telling me what I was saying and doing which was really bizarre and I have no memories of any of that! I was in the hospital for 6 days and my blood sugar was able to stabilize. they did a LOT of tests, and were very thorough. The MRI shows a patch on my left temporal lobe that they don’t know what it is, might be a small stroke, might be a tumor, so I have to go back next month for another MRI to see if it has changed. In the meantime, I still have some vision problems, ( I didn’t have to wear glasses before except for reading, now I wear them much more frequently) and I am a little more unsteady on my feet, also I have some memory problems, look for a word and can’t immediately find it. I can still drive ok and work. I feel like I was going north and have had to suddenly make a right hand turn and am now going east! I have to change my whole life around to accomodate my severe diabetes, drastically change my eating habits, sleep patterns, exercise, read food labels, shop and cook and plan meals differently. I use to just eat whatever was at hand whenever I wanted to, not ever again. I have to ask myself “Cookies or my feet? Hmmm! My choice!” I am grateful that in my delirium that I didn’t say or do anything I have to apoolize for except for scaring everyone! I also learned that one cannot lie to one’s body, (“yes that calorie or carb counts!) it will bite you back! So I have to learn a whole lot of new skills so I don’t lose my toes, feet, sight, teeth, and brain. My body is not kidding around anymore,it is saying to me “Either take care of me or I’m out of here! Do I have your attention now?” So I am in the process of grieving my old way of life (and chocolate cake!) and heading east instead. I also had a huge amount of support while I was hospitalized. I had nonstop visitors the whole first day, including friends I hadn’t seen in over a year. Two friends took over the tasks of contacting my clients and explaining why I couldn’t keep their appointments, two others took my car home, etc, and my granddaughters and their SO’s took the day off work to drive 3 hours to come and brought me roses. My brother brought his singing group of 6 and serenaded me (and the whole ward!). That part was wonderful! I felt so loved! It was eyeopening in so many ways!! Life takes some strange twists on our journey, doesn’t it! So I’m off on a new adventure called learning to take care of myself properly or my body will bite me again to get my attention! It will take time and practice and discipline and committment. I just don’t like the alternatives! Just thought I would let you know. drgnlvr

    in reply to: Has anyone heard from Kyrin? #804789

    Kyrin, no insinuation was ever meant or implied that you would ever be less than honest, I never even thought that of you! I just went through my file and found your phone number which I didn’t realize I had or I would have called you! I’m so sorry you took offense, it wasn’t meant to offend you at all. I was worried about you and as I said, this was unusual for you. I have had you do a lot of (excellent!) work for me and I trust you completely. I have learned not to bother you with inquiries when time goes by because I know how swamped you are with the Windstones as well as your family life and I know you will get to them when you can. This was just an unusual time span and I was worried about you, not just the pieces. I know what sleep deprivation can do to a person too, it’s really hard! The miserable weather doesn’t help either!
    Anyway, I didn’t intend to insinuate any negativity toward you at all, I was just explaining the time line and why I was worried about you. I will email you a list of what I sent you for your new computer and I hope this will ease things between us. I wish you time and sleep and sunshine and deep breaths, and Vitamin D helps a lot too, it’s the sunshine vitamin. Please take care of yourself!!! Margaret

    in reply to: Has anyone heard from Kyrin? #804784

    Kyrin has some items of mine I sent her for repairs on June 18. I have asked her often since then when I can get an update on their status. The last time I heard from her by PM, was October 5 and she was going to send 2 (out of eight) by Christmas. I haven’t seen any of the pieces and I haven’t had any responses to any PM’s which I sent every 2 weeks or so since then. I really don’t like to bother her when I know she is so busy, however, it’s been going on 8 months without the pieces, and no communication for 4 months. I hope she is ok, and, I would really like to have her finish them and return them, and if she can’t please tell me what is going on, or if she can’t finish them, can she please return them. She hasn’t been on the forum either and I really hope she is ok!

    in reply to: january raffle? #799245

    Has there been a picture of the January raffle piece posted anywhere yet? I looked through this thread and the blog and couldn’t find one. It’s already the 26th and I don’t know whether to enter or not. Any information please?

    in reply to: amethyst mother #798995

    Melody, I would like to ask a question about the mother dragons. I noticed that the new copper patina color has come out on the mother dragon sculpt. Is it possible at all to paint some more amethyst mothers? They went so fast and I missed them and I’m still crying about that. Can they be done with your new fix it technique that has saved so many other dragons that would have been in the scrap heap? Thank you!! (and Happy New Year!!)

    in reply to: Tragedy!! #798204

    Good for you!! I’m so glad you got a good responsible seller that was willing to give you a full refund without a hassle. I’ve had some really good responsible and responsive sellers and some really really bad irresponsible sellers. Most of them have been good overall. Now you have a chance of getting this one repaired like it was never broken. Both Kyrin and drag0nfeathers do really good work and I know there are other talented people on the forum that can help you out. It will take a while, but in the end, you will have a wonderful wizard. I wish I knew how to post pictures, I would be pleased to post a picture of the wizards I have. Maybe someday soon! drgnlvr

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