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  • in reply to: Anyone else have issues sleeping??? #759121

    I don’t know if this is relevant, but you might want to check with your doctor to see if there is a hormone problem, thyroid, or maybe menopause if that is in the realm of possibility. Just a thought!

    in reply to: Dragon Museum #758995

    Where in Tennessee? My son lives in Lavergne, is it anywhere near there? He loves dragons too, has big tattoos of them. (I live in California, it took him two years to tell me he had them! 😮 I told him I brought him into this world perfect and now if he wants to mess with perfection, that’s his priviledge :shrug: He’s 43 now and doesn’t need my permission! His wife loves them, so “if they like it, I should love it!”) But I’m sure he would love to see the dragon museum!! Please let us know what it is like!! 🙂

    in reply to: Life just got worse!!! **NEW** Update page 3 #758706

    I’m so glad you are ok!! 😮 ( I used to work on the orthopedic ward of a hospital and most of the patients there were there due to motorcycle accidents and most would never ever recover! I learned to hate motorcycles!! The gas mileage just isn’t worth it! 👿 ) You might want to check on your insurance. If the accident was deemed not to be your fault, ie, the car ahead slammed on the brakes giving you no option but what happened, etc, the insurance shouldn’t raise your rates except maybe if this is not one of a whole string of accidents that they have had to pay for. The DMV will still require a report but it will be on the insurance record as a nofault accident and even though the insurance will still have to pay for the damage, the rates shouldn’t go up. I’m not an insurance person, but it seems like it would be worth checking out anyway. I think that’s the way it works, anyway! You can do the checking anonymously too. Just a suggestion! Hurry and get well!!! 🙂

    in reply to: HEY GUYS!!!! GOOD NEWS….CAR Update page 6 #757637

    Well, I hope that is the last of your bad luck!! Take care of yourself, send good energy/love to your back and neck, and good thoughts to that apartment!! It seems to me that everytime you look at an apartment, it is better than the last one! So if you don’t get this one, the next one you look at should be “the one!” 😀 So you hang in there, ok? We are all behind you on this! :yes:

    in reply to: Tristen 9/21/95 – 4/1/09 #758761

    I’m so very sorry!! My deepest condolences to you!! 😥 *sends hugs and chocolate*

    in reply to: My curlie picture #758599

    I got the BIN curl. I got a message from the seller that she is in college and won’t be back to ship the curl until Friday, is out of contact until then. So it’s possible that she hasn’t gotten any messages from the forum and won’t until after Friday. Just FYI. I really hope things go smoothly!

    in reply to: My curlie picture #758579

    Well, I’ll let you know what happens when/if I get it. I think it is VERY RUDE to “borrow” the picture without permission. 1) Maybe he/she doesn’t know any better. 2) Maybe he/she didn’t think anyone would notice 3) Maybe he/she figured it is public forum and it’s ok to take anything on it for personal use. 4) Maybe he/she was embarrassed/mortified about the pictures he/she takes and doesn’t want anyone else to know how bad they are so he/she/”borrows” one to make him/herself look better which while it is still very wrong, it’s still a little flattering to know that your picture was so good that someone thought of stealing it! 5) He/she is just being rude and unethical and unconscious and for shame!!! 6) No excuse at all!!! We’ll see when I get it what happens next! drgnlvr

    in reply to: NEW TOPIC:Amythest Curled #758555

    There is one on ebay right now, current bid is $71 and 10 for Shipping. Seller is 2huberts of the forum, so you might want to take a look at that one.

    in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY drgnlvr! #757905

    Thank you so much for all the posts! I look forward to them every year and they are much appreciated!! Yes, I did get some more Windstones and they arrived right on time! I got the dark grass curl, a test paint baby kirin, a blue eyed orange tabbycat, and the cinnamon pearl lap. Really beautiful!! I had a splendid birthday too! I got calls from both my granddaughters, one of my best friends surprised me at the office with 10 balloons (“just to embarrass you!”) and a dozen yellow roses and a card. Then at the end of the day, 2 other friends surprised me with a whole party in my office! They drove all the way to a town about 35 miles away and got the best tacos, also brought a Mexican hat, a necklace with a glass chili pepper on it, 2 books on cats (one is the Caturday cats!) a bag full of little things, ie, pencils and erasures with positive saying on them, a package of stickers with also positive sayings, a butter rum candy stick,(my favorite! :yum:) a pair of kid sunglasses with happy birthday on them, a happy birthday sign for the door, and the best chocolate cake, cookies, and ice cream with happy birthday napkins. I was absolutely blown away!!! So we had a party in my little office until my next client came in and she took pictures of us. It was just perfect!!! The next day a granddaughter came in with the small bookcase she had just taken to refinish for me, all done already with a splendid job on it!!! Then she and her BF cleaned out the storage room, rearranged another room, vacuumed, repacked the bookcase, rearranged some shelves, hung a picture, and watered the plants. Then we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and had their huge (!!) burritos and chimichangas :yum: :yum: !! and the rest of the cake at home. Her birthday was March 5,(she’s just 21) so I gave her an emerald male Windstone and she just crowed “Now I’m a Windstone collector too!!!” YES!!! Hook ’em early I say!! All in all, a VERY good birthday!! I felt very loved!!! 😀
    Thank you again for all the good wishes!!! They added to the good day!!

    in reply to: New Batch #758262

    The waiting list doesn’t “save” them, though, it’s just a list for her to notify us when they get here. We still have to do the hustling for them! :nea:

    in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Aug 27 page 64 #755985

    Just wondering, have you found out yet about the apartment? I really hope that goes well for you. If it doesn’t, maybe the Universe has something better in mind!!! *fingers and toes crossed for you!* I’m sorry you have been so sick!! I hope you feel better soon!!

    in reply to: How many more prototype OW's? #757792

    That’s a really good idea!! A friend of mine wanted to buy me a coffee table book of Windstones and was surprised to find that there wasn’t any! So I’m sure there is a good market for a quality production of those books!

    in reply to: HEY GUYS!!!! GOOD NEWS….CAR Update page 6 #757613

    Suggestion: If you have a college nearby, you can call the student employment office and post a job opening for a couple of strong people to come and help which will be a LOT cheaper than a moving company!! You can specify the hours, pay, and that you need someone with a truck. I have done this many times with our colleges here and have had very good luck with it. The students are hungry right now, and very cooperative and helpful. I paid 2 young men $9 per hour to help me clean out a storage unit and they were very good. I recommend it.
    I REALLY hope this works for you so you can be safe again!! I would also recommend NOT telling the BF until you are out of there!! He is unpredictable and under the influence of whatever, and could endanger you and your son. He doesn’t deserve any warning after what he has put you through!!!
    You go, girl!!!!! 😀

    in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELODY! #757826

    Happy birthday!! I didn’t know we shared a birthday!!! Yea for Aries!!! I hope it’s a roses and sunshine day!!!

    in reply to: New Batch #758255

    I just missed the amethyst curls!!!! 😥 👿 :shout: 🙄 When will the next batch be out? and when are the bears coming? Will they be store or ebay? Were there any ebay amethysts in the buyitnow section?
    ( and it was my birthday too!!! Doggone it!!) Anyway, I will keep a very close eye out it! I had been checking the store every hour all week and still missed them! Arrgh!!

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