Find a good book to read, watch one of the TV programs I previously recorded, pester my dog or make him go for a walk A(he is lazy) play Solitaire, call a friend, get on Facebook, work in the yard if it isn’t to hot
My pink fledgie arrived the other day to join my curlie and my lap which is close to the same color which I have had for awhile. That color is GREAT I hop they make the baby in that color soon
I only have one Gargoyle Dragon and that is the large (the size of an Emperor) and he is blue and I think he was a Limited Production item so I can’t help you very much
My shell pink curlie arrived the other day along with my violet flame mini keeper and both are lovely. I really like pink and now I am waiting for the shell pink fledgie which should arrive sometime this week. I am hoping for the baby in that color also – hint hint