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  • in reply to: Young Uni Livestream – June 28 #899186

      I have to say, I don’t think there was a single safari or black with pattern that I wouldn’t love to have. Those baby poads were super cute too.

      Has there been any word on the final cost for these beautiful grab bags?

      in reply to: Grab bag young unicorns #899135

        I vote for separate please. At the moment I’m waffling over buying one at all. But if there’s a gaurentee that the one I get will be natural/safari then I will deffinately buy.

        I agree with the fact that there is always the option to trade, but personally I find the idea of trades to be very stressful. Plus that fact that you can lose large amounts of money having to pay for shipping multiple times. In the end if I got a fantasy one I would probably just sell it on ebay to avoid the hassel and end up with none. 🙁

        Separate Please 🙂

        in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #898690

          Oh, noooooo!!! These are my top favorites, too!! 😀 I will cross my fingers for us both.

          I’ll be happy as long as I don’t get something wildly unnatural looking (provided I manage to grab one at all) I just put up those pics as examples. Fingers crossed for you too. 😉

          in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #898686

            Loving the natural/safari pieces. I’ll certainly be trading/selling if I get a supernatural/ candy corn coloring.

             photo 1013789_589695547736982_625853773_n_zps8ff4a39d.jpg

             photo 600740_589695601070310_1058479572_n_zps765f8c3a.jpg

             photo 251011_589695614403642_1703257491_n_zpsb61f6f0a.jpg

             photo 1017489_589695551070315_1028092558_n_zpsdae45920.jpg


              Congratulations, that’s a great collection.
              Exactly the reason why I never buy more than one of a particular sculpt (excluding grab bags). Because if had more than one of a specific type I would then have to have all of a specific type. I’m obsessive that way. 🙂

              in reply to: GB Young Uni Livestream (June 14) #898554

                Those unicorns are super pretty. I’m not big on the bright colors on equines, but those might tempt me to try for one. I was super excited by those tiny poads. I hope they’re going to be a production sculpt at some point.

                in reply to: The on-going horn shortage… #898348

                  I have high hopes for male blue eyed albino kirins! And I wouldn’t mind a mother coiled and a grand unicorn too. I don’t have any of those in my collection yet and would love to add them =)

                  Took the words right out of my mouth. I assume unplated means they could be done in any acrylic color available. That would be nice. Silver or dark shiny black horns/ colored eggs would be interesting to see. ( I do like gold, but it’s definitely not my favorite color)

                  in reply to: Albino Mother Ki-Rins #898124

                    At this time, we do not have enough horns for males…

                    Waaaaaahhhh! 🙁

                    I’d already set aside a place on the shelf to put one when they got released… guess I’ll have to buy something else to fill the void.

                    Darn… 😉

                    in reply to: Hippocampus X3-last pg #898090

                      Bodine encouraged me to try and that is the only reason that I found something that I am good at. If it was not for that encouragement I would have never know that I have somewhat of an artistic side!!!

                      Try…you may surprise yourself!!

                      Yep,I did…and I say it with pride.Look what you can do!!

                      You guys are so sweet. I don’t want to take space away from Bodine’s beautiful work, but I just had to say thank you both for the encouragement.

                      in reply to: Albino Mother Ki-Rins #898077

                        Is it safe to assume Males are being painted too?

                        I sure hope so. I’ve never been a fan of the male Kirin with the brown fur { and I have no idea why, I just don’t really like the look of him}, but I think the white fur would be beautiful. I’ll definately buy one if they show up in the store.

                        in reply to: Jan — May 2013 eBay Auction Picture Thread #898012

                          Congratulations! He did sell for a great price! Post pics when he arrives? 🙂

                          I’ll do the best I can, I don’t have the greatest camera. Plus since I live in Canada, and pick the cheapest shipping to try and sneak past customs, it could be up to a month before he gets here.

                          in reply to: Jan — May 2013 eBay Auction Picture Thread #897998

                            SIBERIAN HUSKY #1 GOTHIC UNICORN BY MELODY
                             photo T2eC16JyUE9s6NEGOBRnS5cJ5w60_57700x660_zps0ae5f228.jpg

                            I can’t believe I got this guy for less than $300. Honestly, I wouldn’t even have considered bidding if I hadn’t lost the auction for a Red Fire Rising Spectral from Switzerland this morning. I was so depressed, but this really cheered me up. I’ve always wanted a gothic unicorn and this is such a pretty piece. I can’t wait for it to arrive.

                            in reply to: 5/2/13 Grab Bag Poad™ picture thread #897764

                              Here’s my poad – I guess you would call it winterberry? Sorry again about the picture quality.

                               photo 2poad4_zps0b49006d.jpg

                               photo 2poad5_zps50784a63.jpg

                               photo 2poad6_zpsb5ea5fe1.jpg

                               photo 2poad7_zps97af3442.jpg

                               photo 2poad3_zps9753b801.jpg

                              And I paid my brother for the poad he ordered, so she’ll be joining my collection. Here’s a better picture of the winterberry from the back, beside her new sister.

                               photo 2poad2_zpsfd5dc83f.jpg

                              And an extra for fun.

                               photo 2poad1_zpse8d1bd92.jpg

                              I think these two will be staying with me, at least for the foreseeable future.

                              in reply to: Hippocampus X3-last pg #897727

                                Image and video hosting by TinyPic
                                Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                                Seeing beautiful pieces like this always makes me wish I had any artistic talent what-so-ever. You do gorgeous work.

                                in reply to: 5/2/13 Grab Bag Poad™ picture thread #897720

                                  Well… my poad hasn’t gotten here yet, but the one my brother ordered arrived today. Sorry about the picture quality – I’ve given up trying to fight with my camera.

                                   photo poad4_zps5b03bc4b.jpg

                                   photo poad3_zpsb47056ad.jpg

                                   photo poad2_zps68a3b6d8.jpg

                                   photo poad5_zpse5bcc0f4.jpg

                                  I had to add the last picture despite the poor focus because I just love the sunset orange splash across the top of the beak. I’ll post pictures of mine as soon as it gets here.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 201 total)