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    Love this one Skeeter!!! Only one I have really liked so far!!

    in reply to: Dark red Phoenix eyes please #916851

    Does anyone happen to have a spare set of dark red Phoenix eyes they don’t need? To give away or I can purchase if need be. I was taking pics outdoors of a PYO and at some point an eye I hadn’t glued in yet fell out somewhere and I have searched and cannot find!!! Ahhh hate to bug Susie so thought I’d ask n see if anyone has any they aren’t using!

    Please help if ya can.

    Also in general, if you have eyes ya don’t need n want to get rid of em I’d be interested for any PYOs.


    Oh heavens! We can send you another one! Just email Susie.

    Hahaha thanks Melody but…. I have been having seriously the dumbest issues with losing eyes, scratched eyes, wrong color eyes etc and Susie has been so incredibly amazing helping me already! I don’t wanna bug her again!!! I feel like I’m prob gonna make her into a Scatterbat with my freaking eye issues lol 🙂 I’m trying to NOT have to bug her again…. Sigh….. Why do these eyes hate me so much hahaha

    I really have got to stop taking pics of PYOs without eyes glued in if I’m not gonna pay attention to em! Company came when I was taking pics…. Just wanted to secure PYOs in house before they got damaged… Eye on the lose….. Waaaaaa

    My PYO eye rant for today :). Wish I had a stock pile of em for just this issue. I have lots of some PYO eyes and 1 set it seems of the ones I need!! Lol

    in reply to: Dark red Phoenix eyes please #916778

    Thanks for posting ya might have some Mandy!! Appreciate it. 🙂

    Posting these for Betrluk1 She said, ” he wasnt in the class picture so he was a complete suprise. i love his cute purple heart on his chest and the drag at the base of his spine.”

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    Someone able to post pics for me? i got my colt today and it is fabulous!! can’t wait to share him with you guys.

    Sent you a pm about posting pics. I will if you need

    Got mine today… He is gorgeous but the halloweenish spider n web is not my thing. He has a gorgeous purple color shift down his back and really is a beauty!
    I’d be open to trades .. He’s in set 4 and 4th one on bottom row in blog photos!
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    Are others from Canada still waiting on theirs? Mine and my mom’s didn’t show up in Canada until late last night, 6 days after they left the U.S. so not sure where the detour was. Now they are in B.C. so I hope they get to Calgary by tomorrow or Mon. Every time I want something to get here fast, it ends up taking twice as long as I thought!

    Still waiting on mine and I’m north of you in Peace River,AB. Mine cleared customs in Richmond yesterday

    in reply to: Hippocampus X3-last pg #916264

    Thanks Brandy.They are kinda close,sorry.

    No need to be sorry at all honey! It’s a beautiful coloring and though they are similar they are not the same!! That’s the beautiful thing about painting these… They are all OOAK pieces and each has it’s own uniqueness. 🙂 whomever buys this fellow will love the colors on him. I love Brandy Wines beautiful autumn warmth and richness. Was just dusting her up the other day and admiring her colors as she went into my new display cabinet!!

    in reply to: Hippocampus X3-last pg #916222

    She’s beautifully colored Mimi! Reminds me of my Brandy Wine Keeper

    Just letting you know Allie that I still have Beaver and Templeton but due to the costs of me shipping these guys out to new homes across border I will not be hosting anymore fuzzies. It cost me 20.00 each to send out my travelling fuzzy and my fuzzy swap with the new border rules on packaging and customs declaration! I will send Beaver and Templeton once they are done hanging out here and they have a new destination. 🙂

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, 96037! #916181

    Happy Birthday Allie!! Hope it’s a great one. :party:

    in reply to: Fear of Flying #916121

    Vodka and Vallium :bigsmile:

    Honestly there is nothing I could say to help alleviate your fears other than exposure! I found I was afraid to fly when in small planes but on the larger commercial airlines I’m good. Here is how I look at everything…. If it’s my time… My time will find me no matter where I am or what I’m doing so being afraid and not doing things because of my fear would be a waste. I want to live and experience the things I can with the time I’m given. That being said…. I’m pretty sure since my greatest fear on the planet is sharks….. When I go one the 10day live aboard vessel great white shark dive with my sister… I hope it’s not my time but if it is…. At least I will have had the courage to face my ultimate fear before I leave here and have one hell of an amazing experience to take with me.

    You will do fine Hannah, just breathe. Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway despite the fear. I believe you are a courageous woman and will be able to face this challenge head on 🙂

    in reply to: RIP Mishka #916083

    So sorry for the loss of you fur baby. Hugs to you at this difficult time

    in reply to: RIP my Gandalf #916082

    Oh my friend you know my heart and huggs are with you! I am so very sorry that Gandalf has passed but I am happy he was in your loving embrace and I have no doubt that he felt you love for him as he moved on. I send my love to you and Jeff and I am sorry to hear about Jeff’s job. I hope he finds something soon that he will be happy with. Wish I could be there to share in your sorrow but know that I am here and thinking of you and sending my love and good healing thoughts. Huge hugs my friend

    in reply to: Zelfs !! #915980

    I thought this would be a thread about Zebra selfies…

    I thought it was a twist on selfies too Pam!!! Well now I know there is such a critter as a Zelf n they r pretty cute

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