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  • in reply to: Bumper Sticker Ideas (was griffins on stuff) #561738

      Hey I have a few in mind: πŸ’‘

      Windstoneholic! little rock dragon
      Beware of my dragon’s bite. red old warrior
      Hooked on Windstones for life! Scratcher
      Debate over dragon or porche…dragon won over. Lap dragon

      πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰

      in reply to: First PYO, Clouded Leopard/Spotted Owl Griffin #584076

        Zelda wrote:

        Sorry Blackdesertwind! I’ve had mine painted up for quite a while. I actually wanted the upper body to turn out a lot more leopard-y, but this is how he ended up, and I can’t complain. The spots and stripes around the eye are leopard-inspired too. Good luck with yours though, I’d love to see pics when it’s done!

        When I’m done I’ll post them but it will be in the fall. Don’t have time to paint in the summer…between entertaining my physicaly challenged son, gadens and mowing the lawn πŸ™„ …too busy. At least in the fall and winter I don’t have to take care of the outdoors and my son is in school…more time. πŸ˜‰

        in reply to: Happy Birthday Rockerbot #592162

          OK…I don’t see this posted anywhere else so here goes…

          Happy Birthday Rockerbot!

          in reply to: Golden Tabby TIger Griffin #591794

            WOW He’s gorgious! πŸ˜€

            in reply to: The "Who am I" Game #587490

              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              white hatching empress

              I second Nirvanacat13.
              white hatching empress
              NO wait never mind the empress,
              it a Hatching White Kinglet Dragon

              in reply to: The "Who am I" Game #587487

                purplecat wrote:

                Ha!! After painting the earth scratcher I had the image of the round side scales burned into my brain! That’s where the most detail was on that repaint! He’s also my very favorite sculpt along with the fledgies. Hmmmm….lemme know if you ever wanna sell that white scratcher, he’s one of my dream dragons… 😈

                I’m not sure if this was addressed to me or not… but my white scratcher has a toe missing and I’m not willing to part with him yet. And I know how you feel…I like that mold to including the old warrior.
                Thanks πŸ˜‰

                in reply to: Hatching Emerald Empress for saaaaaaaale #589910

                  vantid wrote:

                  Next up for sale, is an emerald hatching empress. Is it safe to just say emerald empress? XD if anyone is interested, she is mintalicious with box! I honestly have no idea how much these ladies go for,

                  Hi, maybe this would help on the price:
                  This brown hatching Empress goes for $100.00 not including the shipping.

                  Good luck on your sales. πŸ˜‰

                  in reply to: Behind the Screen- Real Photos of Windstone Collectors! #585982

                    Nice picture Dragonmedley, what was it like swiming with them? πŸ˜€

                    in reply to: How About a How Many Are There Game? #590217

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      I didnt see the coil on the second shelf… the shelf with the rainbow father and the 2 old warriors… And I didnt count the print.

                      The coil is right in front of the emeral scratcher. The print is not part of my 36 count.

                      in reply to: How About a How Many Are There Game? #590215

                        dragonessjade wrote:

                        How Many in these pictures?







                        Guys do you see what I see or I’m I going crazy. πŸ˜•
                        OK here’s what I see in dragonessjade pictures:
                        11 on Top shelf:
                        emeral hatching empress, emeral Rising Spectral, green Fledgling, Peacock Fledgling, Peacock Emperor, emeral Hatching Kinglet, gold Fledgling, ruby Emperor, emeral Fledgling, emeral Emperor, next I assume is an emeral Hatching Emperor.
                        7 on Second from top:
                        emeral old warrior, I think Rainbow male, Mother not sure of color, Old warrior not sure of color again, Emeral spetral, emeral scatching dragon, emeral Coiled Dragon.
                        7 on Third shelf:
                        Can’t remember if this one is called a coiled mother with golden egg, Emeral lap, Mother, Black gold lap, Gold male, emeral male, emeral mother.
                        6 on Fourth shelf:
                        Green male, green Mother, emeral Young Oriental Dragon, emeral mother Oriental Dragon, emeral Oriental Sun Dragon, emeral mother.
                        4 on Bottom shelf:
                        two stone cottages or something like that, trio dragon candle lamp, Some type of stone coiled dragon…bad rememering names

                        And finally beside the bookshelf on the ground is a 1 Guardian Dragon Gargoyle
                        And in the back is a Pena print.

                        So I still come up with 36 statues and one print.

                        Are my eyes deceiving me?

                        in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527337

                          Everyone, dragonessjade will be taking back over the list of birthdays. So please address yourself to her.
                          I updated the list and made it public for everyone to see but she will update it from now on.
                          Thank you it was a pleasure

                          PS: to view the list go to :

                          in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527336

                            dragonessjade wrote:

                            Blackdesertwind wrote:

                            dragonessjade wrote:

                            Blackdesertwind wrote:

                            Thanks Maebnus3 and emerald212, Akeyla & Lokie are corrected.
                            Dragonessjade I hope you don’t mind if I take care of the list. You did suggest someone could go through the post to make one. I had a hard time keeping up so I did it.
                            Took a long time to do, and I went to bed in the early hours of the morning but at least it will be easier. Hope you are not offended by it. After all it was your idea and it was great. πŸ˜‰
                            Greater Basilisk, I added ‘Yang Earth Dragon’ beside your name.
                            Maebnus3, I added ‘Yin Metal Rooster’ beside yours too.

                            Keep it coming!
                            I am keeping track of these, but it really isn’t a list. I just add it into my email and put it in my appointments. So I remember. I haven’t heard of anyone else that has a list. Maybe what I or someone can do is go thru the posts again and then repost it at the end so it is in order.
                            Well I asked if anyone wanted to do it a while ago and no one offered so I did it myself. I would of prefered if you asked me before you took it upon yourself to post them. I did say that someone else could put them in order, but I didn’t think that meant taking it over. So I guess you can say that I am kinda offended.

                            Well I’m truly sorry you feel that way. You can copy the list I worked on and take over from there in the ‘Birthday List’ sticky section. I had suggested that you do the list but you suggested that someone else could do it. If you remember you said, Quote: ‘Maybe what I or someone can do is go thru the posts again and then repost it at the end so it is in order.’ That is what I have done, but the list got moved and not by me. It is now updated and you can take over. I had posted it here, but Snapdragon sent it to become a sticky. It was not my intention to offend you in anyway.
                            All I did was make this list for everyone to see and use. I looked in other posts beside this one to collect the info since some members had it posted elsewhere. It took time and I’m glad I did it, makes everyone’s life a little easier.

                            Thank you πŸ˜‰
                            Yes, that is what I said. To go thru it put it at the end of the thread, but not take it over. Since the sticky has your name attached to it, I am not sure how to update it…unless I send it to Nam or Snap each time. It is silly for 2 people to update 2 lists. I enjoy doing it and want to continue doing it.
                            All you have to do is go to the sticky birthday list and copy the lits I worked on and than post it in the same sticky under your name. That way you will be able to edit it. It was not my intention to take over but once Snapdragon posted it as a sticky…well I had no choice. I had done what you requested and posted it at the end of your thread. When I went back to verify if you had made a comment about the work I had done and if you were pleased, 😯 the list was gone and Snapdragon had moved it to a sticky.
                            I worked hard on finding all the info from other threads also. So please no hard feelings between us? πŸ˜‰

                            in reply to: How About a How Many Are There Game? #590212

                              skigod377 wrote:

                              So did I get it or I didnt get it? πŸ˜† Ah well.. I took the pics so here ya go. πŸ˜†

                              I got 54 only.

                              in reply to: How About a How Many Are There Game? #590203

                                Maebnus3 wrote:

                                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                                OK…I counted 36 and one print.
                                11 on the top shelf
                                7 on the second
                                7 again on the 3rd
                                6 on the 4th
                                4 on the bottom and one dragon gar. beside the shelf in front of the print.

                                for a total of 36 statues and one print.

                                Where did I go wrong? πŸ˜•

                                There’s only 10 on the top. And you counted funny. The numbers you provided only add up to 35 statues, not 36. So fix that and subtract the phantom piece, and you’ve got 34. πŸ˜€

                                *edit* wait… there is 11 on the top! So there’s 35… so you just can’t count. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰
                                *edit* make that add.. you counted fine. And I apparently can’t think well at the moment.

                                That because I had written ‘4 on the bottom and one dragon gar. beside the shelf in front of the print.’
                                So I corected it and now it is more ovious.
                                I still recounted it and come up with the same thing. πŸ˜•

                                in reply to: How About a How Many Are There Game? #590201

                                  OK…I counted 36 and one print.
                                  11 on the top shelf
                                  7 on the second
                                  7 again on the 3rd
                                  6 on the 4th
                                  4 on the bottom
                                  1 dragon gar. beside the shelf in front of the print.

                                  for a total of 36 statues and one print.

                                  Where did I go wrong? πŸ˜•

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