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  • in reply to: New Member- bjensen34 #583178

    I hope I did this right with the Copywright, etc. If not let me know and I will happily adjust as necessary. As I said still missing a few to have my entire Peacock collection and I have a couple of the new black pieces and a couple candlelamps thrown in but this is the whole family thus far. Enjoy!!

    in reply to: Members' pictures: what we look like #583739

    My wife and I last Halloween.

    in reply to: Terry Brooks #584337

    For those of you that liked the work of JRR Tolkien I found that Terry Brooks had a lot of decent work that while not as captivating as Tolkien’s work was a very good read. The entire Shanarra series that last I looked is still ongoing is a wonderful follow on now that there is no more new Tolkien to read…latest published by his son excluded.

    in reply to: J.R.R. Tolkien – Children of Hurin #564892

    I have been a fan of Tolkien since childhood. One of my other obsessions that I picked up a few years before Windstone and probably at least a part of the reason I became interested in Windstone, dragons, etc. I have read everything JRR ever put out but sadly I have not had the time to get out and purchase the new one yet. I expect it to be somewhat anti-climactic after The Hobbit and LOTR but will be happy to add it to my collection and list of his works I have read. He was an incredible writer and visionary that was either ahead or way behind his time.

    in reply to: New Member- bjensen34 #583174

    Your warm welcome is very much appreciated. I will work on getting pictures of my little family and posting them to this thread over the weekend. Just need to take some new ones and put the copywright stuff on it so I don’t get in dutch my first week here… 😀

    Thanks again!


    in reply to: New Member- bjensen34 #583161

    Hello all. Amazes me that I work with computers all day every day and never thought of looking for a forum for Windstone.

    I am 38 and live in TN now. I started collecting Windstone Dragons and Wizzards in Peacock when I was 18 and living in OR,(first piece was the mother dragon in peacock). I bought her at the Blue Herron in Depot Bay, OR. Since then I have been a casual collector and have picked up a piece here and there as I found them, always in Peacock, I guess I fell in love with that color out of all the originals. At last count I believe I have all of the Peacock Dragons and Wizzards except for 6 or 7 and I just talked my wife into getting me a few more of those for our anniversary next month so maybe a few less short of the full collection now 😀 . My favorite piece to date is a toss up between the Wind Wizzard and the Emperor Dragon, although I am counting the days until I can lay my hands on the Keeper of Secrets in Peacock!! He will be the crown of my collection.

    Generally I obsess over dragons anyway, I have other dragons, dragon books, and dragon related materials that I have collected over the years as well. I also had to break down and buy a couple of the Black Dragon set and I have the circle of dragons candle lamp than adorns my mantlepiece along with my wife’s Spirit Wolf candle lamp.

    The future of my Dragon hoard is to be on display in my new office that I am building next summer. I have designed special shelves and nooks into the walls with accent lighting, etc. so that they will have a nice place to live out their days with me. After I am gone I hope to leave the entire collection to my children who I hope will chose to keep it in the family for many generations to come.

    To the artist. I absoulutely LOVE your work. A million thank you’s are not enough to express my gratitude for bringing a childhood fantasy to life in your sculpture than has followed me into my adult years and I am sure will be with me the rest of my life. Your vision and skill in crafting these priceless works does not go un-noticed or without extreme gratitude.

    Your very loyal fan!


    in reply to: true jade and dark peacock baby orientals arrived! #580737

    I have been searching for the baby peacock oriental for a LONG time. It is one of the few I have left to complete my entire peacock set. Started collecting these at 18 yrs old and I am now 38. They have been a passion of mine for a LONG time. If you are going to put them out for sale on here I would love the chance to see if I can afford him. If not or he is already gone I understand. Thank you for posting the photos even those are getting more rare these days.

    Thanks –


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