Forum Replies Created
I particularly like the warm shades on Galatia–the coppery colors on the shoulder. Are those Pearl-Ex powders? I have a rescue wolf that I’m trying to nerve myself to experiment on, but having never worked on a black background before, ‘m’a’lil’ confused . . . 😕 Seeing what you can do with that same kind of background is wonderful!
And I still can’t stop admiring my Keeper. 😀 Plus I pulled Winter Morning off the shelf recently and realized that you antiqued some of the silvery-green scales with lavender-pink! Holy rollin’ roaches, it looks brilliant! You just keep on having these incredible innovative ideas . . . I love it!
January 26, 2010 at 3:33 pm in reply to: Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12 #632155I ADORE the neck feathers on that griffin! 😀 And the pinto unicorn has a lovely pattern.
Aagh! I spy with my little eye a momma griffin with malar stripes! And oh, aren’t the gray unicorns gorgeous, and all those wonderful griffin chicks, and that calico flapcat front-and-center . . . .
I know I’m going to get bid right out of the ballpark, but it sure is nice to see these! Thanks for posting the photos! 🙂
Absolutely! I just finished (finally!) painting the one for my niece’s Christmas present (latelatelate 🙄 ). I’d love to paint another, even if the horn needed some work. It would be worth it! 🙂
It’s really cool to see them as “free-form” stones. Seeing them as slabs set in jewelry is nice, and more practical for protecting the stone from damage, but I could play with a free-form piece for hours.
Well, there’s no question about it: I’ll have to get my opal fix from the smaller pieces! 😆
Tyrrlin wrote:…are the eggs edible? (Please don’t kill me for asking)
LOL! Yes, they are, and yes we eat them. But none of the birds themselves have to worry about being a main course. About the worst I’ll do is give any nasty-tempered roosters away and not ask too many questions about what is going to happen to them. If a rooster wants to stay around here, he has to be polite. 😉
You’re right that even a bantam isn’t quite right for a large aquarium, Nam. I built a trio of two-foot-square cages for some of our bantams to use as broody pens. One of the cages houses our little blind bantam hen, Sonar. She’s six months old now and so far so good; for a bird born without eyes, I’m amazed at how well she’s done. Of course she’s a total pet and an absolute love: she can’t see how big and weird humans look, so she thinks we’re fellow chickens. She’s been handled heavily from two days old (I had to teach her how to find her food!). With the cold weather she sleeps inside, in a plastic tub.
Of the other two cages, one has been taken over by a couple of our bantam hens (a Beardie and a Cochin) who were tired of being propositioned constantly by the young roosters. The other has three young bantam Cochins who also wanted some personal space. Once I find homes for the extra roosters I’ll move them into a bigger pen. I will say that the bantams are much more tolerant of confinement than the bigger birds. There are lots of cute “chicken tractor” designs that incorporate a little chicken hut and a frame-and-wire attached foraging yard that you can move around the property, and I think they’d be perfect for bantams. I keep meaning to build one and put it out on the front lawn–it’d cut down on the mowing. 😉
They sure are cute! Although, if you want to raise a pet bird, you might also consider a nice bantam Cochin hen, or a Bearded Belgian hen. (Yeah, here she goes with the chickens again! 😆 ) But seriously, our little banties are really neat birds, very personable and tolerant of handling. Bantams are much smaller than regular chickens. The Cochins look like little feathery Chinese grapefruit, and the Beardies have little beards (usually) and feathered feet. Both types weigh less than two pounds; the Beardies are pigeon-sized and the Cochins are the same, although with those poofball feathers they look a little bigger. If there’s a feed store in your area, they may do orders of chicks in the spring and summer, and sometimes you can piggyback a special request onto an order.
If you go with a hen, then you don’t have to put up with crowing and they’re a lot less likely to be nippy. (Plus, you get eggs!) We have four Beardie hens and four bantam Cochin hens, from two different sources, and they’re all sweet. We also ended up with a bantam Old English Games hen who is even tinier–the size of a very small pigeon–and very friendly, but since I only have one I don’t know if she’s a fair example of the whole breed as far as temperament, or an oddity. She was probably raised as a 4-H show bird, because she’ll put up with anything.
Yup, I love my chickies! 😉 They’re not as cute as Poads, but they’re definitely pets.
Not a movie, but if any of you have the chance to catch “Prep and Landing” when it airs in reruns, DO. That thing was so funny that I can’t wait to find it on DVD. I want to watch it over again about five times to catch all the background details and humor. 😀
That was brilliant! 😀 Those guys are extremely talented, and have fantastic group spirit. Thanks for posting the link!
All I could say to this guy would be, “Dude . . . seriously?” 😮 While I’m a member on an anime fan forum, and have read my share of rather interesting Mary Sue fanfic, nobody over there has ever indicated that they thought they could marry their favorite character. This guy’s reality horse has come completely unhitched from his wagon and is clip-clopping away down the street with sly ears and no intention of returning. :nea:
That sounds like the Easter we put a rubber mouse stuffed with red miniature jellybeans into a particular plastic egg, and made sure my sister was the one who found it. When she cracked that egg open, Dad had the camera ready! 😆
Congrats, Dragon87! 😀 That’s one heck of an accomplishment!
I think your Tabby, Bengal, and Siamese-marked pieces are super! And I’m hoping there might be another run of the Spirit Wolf CL in either of the two colors that you offered in the store a while back. I was too slow to catch those, but they looked marvellous. I love Northwest Coast-styled art! 😀
Very nice! I love how you transitioned the colors of the Lights, and trailed up the little “flames”. What a nice even black the background is! And hey, stars, snowflakes . . . is either one a bad thing? I think she’s shaping up beautifully. 😀
. . .
I’ve seen edible packing peanuts before, but this . . . is sheer genius. 😀My dog loves to steal packing peanuts from the Windstone boxes. I’d have to fend him off of this box with a big stick!