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Very nicely done! The violet overtones you put in places are a great touch. Nice three-dimensional appearance to the fur, as usual: you must do a fair amount of layering. And I agree, the skull was an inspired touch. Excellent design! 🙂
Abby from NCIS would flip for this unicorn . . . . 😉
I’m very sorry to hear this news. 🙁 I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that things improve for all of you soon; hang in there!
Check Ravnheart’s database on this page:
She’s got a lot of information on that site. It comes in handy when something pops up on eBay and I’m trying to remember if it’s a good price or not. You’ll note that there are some amazing low prices listed in the database: numbers like those don’t seem to come up too often when I’m watching, but it’s good to know that they do happen! (Probably most of those are “hidden auctions” or listings with Buy It Now options.)
Oh cool! Boy, with that as a PYO, I know what I’d paint for my sister next . . . 🙂
grayfire artz wrote:😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 hahaaaa!! this is the moment i am glad koishii is my sister i that i can bribe her with sushii!!! i’ll to see if i can get her to do a comic!!
That, I definitely want to see! 😀 Even just a group shot with little labels would be fun.
“Cinnamon bun ocelot” is such an interesting phrase that it really begs for a cartoon to go along with it, you know. 😉 If I were better at drawing kitties . . . cinnamon bun ocelot with raisins, cinnamon bun ocelot with cream cheese frosting, cinnamon bun ocelot with chopped walnuts . . . .
Well, you’d been thinking about this for a long time, there was a great sale, and they sound like very nice earrings. Sometimes a “gift to self” is in order, and if you can find it at a good price, so much the better. 🙂 Congratulations!
February 9, 2010 at 5:29 am in reply to: Defective PYO Unicorns – 2 per customer (posted 2/2/10) #804665Oh, super! 😀 White glue I can definitely be comfortable with. Thank you!
Holy smokies, did they ever! I think I might have gotten one. The payment seemed to go through, anyway . . . unless these Keepers were just a mirage brought on by too much hopeful staring at the Store page . . . . 😉
February 8, 2010 at 10:19 pm in reply to: Defective PYO Unicorns – 2 per customer (posted 2/2/10) #804662My girl has her horn detached. I think I can dig the old epoxy out of the socket no problem, but does anybody know what kind of epoxy should be used to re-glue the horn? :shrug: I have some E-6000. It’s industrial-strength epoxy . . . I worry that using that might be like swatting a fly with a Buick, though. Anybody have suggestions?
Oh, I desperately love the Siamese griffins! I really hope those make it to a LE run. Those little blue dots on the wings really accentuate the color scheme well. 🙂
The Wyandotte griffins: super cool! I have a Golden Laced Polish rooster and he’s the handsomest boy out there–those laced patterns are wonderful, aren’t they? I see Melody even put in the iridescence along the black lacing, which was a nice touch.
Hmm . . . Buff Laced griffins, maybe? Or Millefleur? 😉 Or Partridge!
I like this paint style but I’m trying so hard to be good. I hope that they sell well enough that we see some other coat colors as well: I love the “colorful” candlelamps! 🙂
. . . especially that gorgeous Silver Wolf #1 that is currently shooting the moon on eBay . . . not to me, alas.
February 3, 2010 at 1:01 am in reply to: Defective PYO Unicorns – 2 per customer (posted 2/2/10) #804650Wahoo! 😀 I have more unicorns to paint! Thank you so much for putting these up!
Now to sit tight and see what kind of horn troubles my little Damaged has. I chose red eyes for her; figured if a unicorn’s got horn problems, she’s either going to have a splitting headache or be red-eyed mad about it. 😉 Plus it’ll make me think outside my equid box, and that’s a good thing.
WindstoneCollector wrote:But, now we have another problem…It’s a problem needing an attitude adjustment I hope. Charlie, Glen’s (My son) cat, has gone to peeing in the sinks and dogs food bowls. 😡 Scott is the only one catching him, but I can see it as “Anything is possible in this house” syndrome. 🙄
Mm. Another possibility is that Charlie has a bladder infection. I know the last thing you need to hear right now is More Trouble in Bladderland, but it would be worth taking Charlie down to have his urine checked. Cats seem to be convinced that “if I pee on the right object all my pain will go away.” It’s often true, although it usually comes by way of a visit to the vet . . . which wasn’t what the cat had intended . . . .
Straw eyes pick up the gold on the neck feathers, which is nice. Blue would work also if there were blue somewhere to pick up, but what I can see on the wing coverts looks more lavender than anything else. But either color in that black mask is a great effect!