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  • in reply to: WTT Flion for Sand Fledgeling #847416

    Sadly, the only thing I collect now are the fledgies– and really the only one I’m eager to own now is the sand one. But thanks for the offering 🙂 I’m hoping that my better half gets a job soon — she’s been looking for months — and with that, I can just buy one from the shop. 🙂

    in reply to: WTT Flion for Sand Fledgeling #847344

    Oh poo ::grin:: I got superexcited for a second– its been a really … erm… poo-tinted last few weeks, and thought someone wanted to trade; but thank you Wolfen, for posting the Flion pix; I’ll actually get my wheels rolling to get the pix of my own flion posted this coming week; mebbe that’ll get folks interested in him 😀

    in reply to: WTT Flion for Sand Fledgeling #843764

    It’s the winged lion– he is a brown lion, with creamy wings, and golden eyes and the stones in his necklace are, I believe (He is currently in the closet as I do not have room for him on my shelf LOL) teal.

    If you do a google search, the image does come up — but I didn’t want to link any images, as they might be misrepresented as being the one I am trading — if I get anyone interested, I’ll be happy to post as many images as the tradee wants 😀

    in reply to: A sneak peek… #837030

    ooooooo how amazingly CUTE they look, all lined up and sitting there proud and handsome 😀

    in reply to: New LP Coiled Mothers ?? #835938

    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    Maybe as a goof they can hold something else?

    *remembering the Moon Dragon with the cheese in his mouth*

    I was thinking the same– something like a glass egg? Or a marble egg? I’ve seen them on eBay from time to time; a cute marble or stone egg might be nice with an earth toned momma

    in reply to: Lavender and Green Fledgling #834000

    Melody wrote:

    Adaneth wrote:

    I love the color combo as well, though the blue eyes feel a little mismatched to me. *shrugs* But he’s adorable! 🙂

    Yeah, I noticed that the blue eyes don’t match very well, but they look ok, in a contrasty way. There was probably no other eye color available that looked good, that is a problem we have with green and purple dragons.

    is there a medium topaz you can do? Most greens and purples look good with golds!

    in reply to: "Dark Copper" #829247

    Melody wrote:

    Nytetyger wrote:

    wow, I just wanted to say that that is one *amazing* color on that curl dragon… I am not sure just how hard he was to create, but I think I’d go nuts over a male dragon or a fledge in that color…

    Really, I found it really gorgeous and a color I really can “see” a dragon being in ‘real life’. 🙂
    I suspect it is one of those colors that would only look good on a dragon with lots of wing space, but I could try it on a larger dragon and see how it looks. Might look really boring!

    It might– but then again, I’ve always been a fan of brown/darker colors. Not that I don’t appreciate my brighter colored ones, but the ones I love are my darker brown older male, and the fledge I have that is also toned a bit darker brown… and heck, the old “doberman” ones made me sell several other things way back when you had those on Ebay so I could bid my brains out. ;D

    … then again, I must admit, back when I was in love with the dragons of Pern, it was the browns and bronzes that stole my heart, and not the other colors, so there is precedence. ::grin::

    in reply to: "Dark Copper" #829245

    wow, I just wanted to say that that is one *amazing* color on that curl dragon… I am not sure just how hard he was to create, but I think I’d go nuts over a male dragon or a fledge in that color…

    Really, I found it really gorgeous and a color I really can “see” a dragon being in ‘real life’. 🙂

    in reply to: Brown Autumn Leaf #828780

    OOooo please please Brown AL FLEGIE!!! PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE? ::begging wildly::

    No really, please????? Just one thing…. kill the green lipstick… for some reason that ONE bit of bright green is odd to me…

    But I would KILL for this OW, but there is NO way I can afford him… but a fledgie… ohhhhhhhh… please!

    in reply to: Melody needs cat names #828713

    From my years being owned by cats…

    Merlyn, my mackerel tabby
    Modred the black and white tuxedo cat
    Firedrake who was black until the sun hit him and then he had amazing dark red striping
    Panda, who looked like… well, a Panda
    Bamboo, a golden kitty who had bamboo like rings around his tail
    Rebel, jet black bombay
    Hunter, one of the current pair– a Maine Coon brown tabby
    Sabrina, the other cat in the house, a golden Bengal with rosettes and glitter ;D

    hope these help 😀 Although I claim DIBS if you make a flapcat of Brini or Hunter 😀

    in reply to: Surprise/ GRAB BAG unicorns (bottom of page) #827087

    DragonCat wrote:

    *evil laughter* My influence is once again wreaking havoc on the windstone community… 😈 Even if it wasn’t intentional… 😳 It was a combo of Melody’s idea and Nytetyger’s question in my “windstone graveyard” thread.

    “Did you ever think of offering a “grab bag” of these? You know, get a bunch of them together, mark them GRAB BAG SECOND so that they are marked as not having been on the retail market, with one lowered price… and then offering them to the forum folks who’d treasure them despite flaws? You could do “hoofer”, “dragon” and “other”, with no choices offered– you buy yer ticket, and takes yer chance, one per customer.”

    “I have wanted to do something like that on ebay, auction off a sealed box; we’d give the weight and the rough value so nobody bids too insanely high, and let the contents be a surprise. That would be fun! I am not sure ebay allows that though, as it smacks of gambling.”

    LOL and I missed it entirely, being sick and in bed 😀

    Hopefully I’ll be around when a dragon grab bag is announced 😀

    in reply to: male dragon crest #823787

    skeeterdeee wrote:

    My mom has a Macaw. One day it started “coughing” and kept that up for a week. So, she took it to the birdy doctor and said, “my poor bird keeps coughing, what’s wrong with her?? Is she sick??”
    The doc looked the bird over and asked her, “do you cough a lot?”
    She said, “yes, I have asthma.”
    The doc said, “she’s fine! She’s just mimicking you!”

    A little off topic, but I thought it was a funny Macaw story!

    I had a quaker parrot (sadly, I moved to a state where they are illegal, and Kechara found a home with someone who to this day spoils her rotten -g-) and she was a walking tape recorder, but only for things you DID NOT want her to learn.

    Spend hours, days, weeks, months on trying to get her to say her name? Nope… took TWO YEARS.

    Hear a car outside make the death scream of a transmission melding together ONCE? Her happiest noise EVER, repeated often at 2 in the morning…


    To get her to stop, we had to wait until she made the sound and then GO SILENT, and TURN AWAY from her, ignoring her altogether, something she HATED. Any other vocalization, she was praised and feted, and given treats and toys. Evil noise? Cover cage, and leave her alone for 10 minutes without saying a WORD to her.

    It took three WEEKS to get that to stop ::shudder::

    I’m sticking to cats from here out… even though my bengal likes leaping into the shower, THAT I can deal with over some of those vocalizations…

    in reply to: Windstone Graveyard #823080

    Melody wrote:

    We can’t recycle the gypsum. We would love to, but it is not a realistic thing to do because of the energy it would take to make it back into its original state. The bad castings get pulverized and put in the trash.
    We “rescue” most dragons and make them copper patina.
    We do end up with allot of finished pieces that are too good to throw out, but not good enough to sell. I don’t know what to do with those. -And, of course, each month one slightly imperfect, irregular, or odd piece gets raffled !

    Did you ever think of offering a “grab bag” of these? You know, get a bunch of them together, mark them GRAB BAG SECOND so that they are marked as not having been on the retail market, with one lowered price… and then offering them to the forum folks who’d treasure them despite flaws? You could do “hoofer”, “dragon” and “other”, with no choices offered– you buy yer ticket, and takes yer chance, one per customer.

    I think it’d be neat– you’d have no clue what was coming, except that it was something Windstone and thus something we’d all like. And if someone got something they hated, unlikely though it might be, there would be others in the forum who would take it off their hands, guaranteed!

    in reply to: muse eyes? #819585

    grayfire artz wrote:

    i was wondering if it is ok to ask for other eye color combination that are not listed in the store for the muse pyo’s?

    or too much to hope for some of those new really pretty eyes? I’d love a light and dark blue… or a purple and a blue… or a teal and a blue… etc etc etc 😀

    in reply to: Prices lowered on Wolf Color Sitting Chick, Bat – Pg. 1 #798770

    A timid knock at the door made Nytetyger look up. She wheeled over, putting work on hold– who could be there? Opening the door, the woman found a box addressed to her. Smiling, she picked it up and wheeled back to her table, gently slitting the tape keeping the box closed. So wonderfully packed– surely a treasure was inside!

    A tiny “mew!” was heard as the box was opened– nested inside was a small round brown box, and inside that, a tiny sunshine yellow kitten with wee orange spots and bright blue eyes. Blinking sweetly up at her new owner, Butter turned so Nytetyger could admire her pretty white stripes as well, and then, as only a cat can, demanded food.

    Nytetyger offered Butter a tiny slice of bread with fresh strawberry jam which was devoured immediately. Sleepy now, Butter blinked and hopped back in her soft bed within her round brown box. With a smile, Nytetyger tucked in a small slice of bread with Nutella upon it, just in case the kitten awoke hungry once more, and then snapped a picture so that Butter could let the wonderful person who created her know she had come home…

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