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  • in reply to: Windstone eBay AUCTIONS – March 7, pg 25 NEW THREAD #837529

      soooo pretty…. i wish i could snag a rainforest dragon 🙁

      in reply to: I have eyes! #837946

        I understand. I don’t sell my art either because i get way too attached and because i don’t make art often enough to make more than I love 😀

        in reply to: want to trade for a red fire emp or OW #839785

          also willing to buy

          in reply to: Old Warrior #838614

            ditto wolfenmachine. I want them to look like the flegies too. Maybe a little bit different but i’d like them to be pretty close without interfering with melody giving him a unique spin if that’s what she was going to do. I just saw a picture of the violet flame prototype in the cafepress store and I liked his colors a lot. So something between him and the flegie would be really gorgeous I think

            in reply to: Mint Condition White Emperor Dragon For Sale #839757

              ya i’m sure someone could host pictures for the seller if they were willing to do so

              in reply to: Old Warrior #838612

                Melody wrote:

                kitsunelady wrote:

                So is it finding someone to cast the pewter objects you need the problem, or is it finding someone to gold plate them?

                Yes, both. There are almost no pewter casting places left in this country. I don’t think any of them could compete with imported pewter prices. John did find one company in Rhode Island. (Thats a long way to ship heavy stuff, but not as far as China!)
                I am actually not sure who was responsible for our egg and horn rot problem; I don’t know if the same company both cast and plated our pewter since I wasn’t involved with this, but both processes were pretty screwed up. We discarded about half of some horn castings before we even used them, because of defects, then we find out years later that the plating was bad too!! argh.
                So I am ranting again. Sorry. Feels good though.
                THE GOOD NEWS is that we DO have enough Old Warrior horns to start casting them again, and we DO have a bag of good eggs that have been sorted, checked and given a nice coating of clear lacquer for good luck ( you can’t see it at all). We are starting to cast coiled mother dragons again.

                I’m really hoping for some violet flame Ows squeek* squeek* squeek* (sorry but i’m going to keep squeeking for these forever 😆 )

                in reply to: want to trade for a red fire emp or OW #839784

                  Looking to trade for a red fire emp or OW. I have a number of pieces i’m willing to trade. Pm me if you are interested and what you are looking for

                  in reply to: Mint Condition White Emperor Dragon For Sale #839753

                    can you post picture?

                    in reply to: Reputation goes a long way… #839696

                      I have to say I don’t like the malicious tone this forum member is taking in their posts. Syn is a good friend of mine and has helped me out a lot as well. To hear she has helped so many of the other forum members as well just furthers my respect for her. I get angry over losing auction as much as the next person but I try my best to keep it to myself so that this can be a pleasant place to come and enjoy melody’s art with all her other fans and not a place to be angry over losing a thing… To know someone is insulting a friend of mine over a common production piece is just not ok. There is no need to try and hurt someone or say malicious things they intend toward them over an inanimate object.

                      in reply to: WOOT! I did it! My biggest repair ever! PIC HEAVY! #839648

                        That is the coolest repair job i’ve ever seen!!!!! 😮 I hope you will post picture of him when you are don’t painting him! I love the paint job so far

                        in reply to: Penguin Chick #839567

                          I think I would like the male. I generally don’t go for the females though so I wouldn’t get a whole set. just the male and babies

                          in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.5 #812367

                            Darn. I wish i had snatched up a red fire ow and an emp while I had the chance…. maybe i’ll have to compensate myself with a rainbow Ow when melody has a chance to make more. I didn’t think the was a good color for him but that picture persuaded me. He looks just lovely 😀

                            in reply to: Windstone eBay AUCTIONS – March 7, pg 25 NEW THREAD #837516

                              syn wrote:

                              Hey, Nicole, I just noticed that you’re at 999. Only one to go to reach 1000! Ta dah! 😀

                              omgosh I didn’t even notice. Well this is my thousandth post 😀 And i’m sad that little griffin chick is going so high. I hope there will be lots more

                              in reply to: Penguin Chick #839561

                                Yes please!!!! I would love a pair of penguin griffin chicks (more so that the Siamese 😳 )

                                in reply to: Windstone eBay AUCTIONS – March 7, pg 25 NEW THREAD #837512

                                  That’s how baby penguins look when they first hatch. They don’t look like the adults until they grow up a bit

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