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Aww thank you sooo much Hannah 🙂 I can’t wait to receive her 🙂 as soon as I do, I will post pics of her and all my Windstones (haven’t been able to because I have no computer at home and can’t get to my aunts a lot and have no clue how to post pics from my phone LOL) and thank you, I hope to get one soon 🙂
I missed out on these >.< grrr I need to check facebook and the store more often. Gonna save money once I get a new job for the next grab bag baby poad! Always wanted one of these!
Rock-Reader, thank u SOOOOOO much for that link! I wrote it down so ill never forget! You are a lifesaver!! 😀 now I will be able to upload pics on here with ease!!!
Oh gosh…I STILL need to post my collection >.< been so lazy to do so hahaha. And…I still need to figure out how to post pics from deviant art, I don't know how to post other than a link, but I want to post actual pics, not links TO the pics Lol
WOW dragonlove, that is one handsome griffin! I love the rainbow colored feathers!!! And thank you dragonlove for making me feel better that my griffin counts 🙂 ill take a pic of her and post her! I feel reaaaly silly but, from deviant art, how does one post the picture from copying the link? I felt embarressed by asking for someone to post my pics of my foo mom but someone kindly did it for me (and I thank that person for doing so 🙂 )
All of these griffins are making me drool!!! I have a special griffin, but she was in the special pieces in the windstone store, I don’t think that counts as an ebay piece, but she is oh so beautiful and am super proud to own her. 😀
Thank u so much! She was a bit of a challenge to paint, especially the feathering on the feet in purple. But I am very happy the way she turned out! 😀
Ohhh thank u so much for posting the pic! And it worked perfect! Thank u sooo very much 🙂 and its not your fault, it just really sucks that I love the job n I’m getting let go. Some said that I might get hired back, but I’m not going to get my hopes up for dissapointment. I will miss being a PSE (Postal Support Employee) at the USPS. It was fun working there. The economy has affected the usps in that people use E-mail for sending stuff to people rather than sending letters.
I had ordered that same Kirin! Albino with blue eyes! Love your Fancy Fuzzy!! I had gotten a yellow fancy fuzzy with red and orange tufts with my wolf colored sitting griffin chick.(which now I own the entire griffin family! :D) I’m gonna post pics of my Windstone collection one of these days, but need help posting pics :/ still cannot get the hang of posting them and followed the new instructions on how to post them >.<
I am sooooo happy I ordered one of those baby Ki-rins! I have been waiting a couple of months for these guys to go in the store. I am extremely happy I now have a baby Ki-rin!!!! I like the albino pink eyes too! They aren’t creepy, how are they creepy? I think they are cute! Would look soooo cool on a dragon too!
Thank u so much *hug* I know there will eventually be some guy out there for me, it just has to happen when its meant to. I can’t thank all of you enough for helping me and being here for me, it has really helped 🙂
I will deffinately give that a try, and I’ve tried multiple times to try and date, but, I just think of him. But u are right, if its truely a problem with him, I. Should finaly give up, as hard as it is to say that.
Beautiful griffins u have!!! I have the dad, mom (ocelot as well), and crouching. I just need the sitting and I will have the whole family as well! But my griffins are all different colors, sunset male, ocelot female, spotted crouching and I want the wolf sitting chick. Ill post pics of my griffies when I too receive the whole family 🙂
Congrats on the pebble!! I hope you will post picsies!!
Your probably right, but, I just cannot and don’t want anyone else, he really is a sweet guy, he has given me advice for when I had a serious family issue and it helped. He told me he felt really bad about my situation and he gave me several hugs. He has this charm where it doesn’t matter how bad I am feeling, he is able to cheer me up in some way. Thank u, I needed to hear two opinions for this, even tho its something I don’t wanna hear. I still tho, want him no matter what is thrown at me.