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  • in reply to: Maplecarver's PYOs Wolfey Page 2 #732959

      I appear to have been outvoted. πŸ˜†

      So… if you hear a faint griffiny despairing wail of “Nooooooooo!” coming all the way from California, it’s probably Griffykins. 😈

      I’ll get more pictures up after I make a bit more progress.

      Edit: Forgot to say, thanks guys. πŸ™‚

      in reply to: Maplecarver's PYOs Wolfey Page 2 #732948

        Well, here’s my first PYO. Decided to spare his dignity by calling him ‘Red’ instead of Griffykins. He’s still in progress and a lot of dark browns, greys and black needs to be added.

        I’m mixing a little bit of gold or silver in with the paints. But my gosh, I never knew that glazing could cause plain brown to sear the retinas. 😯 And feathers hide a multitude of brush stroke sins…

        in reply to: Your Favorites! (Getting to know fellow members) #714386

          Favourite colors : Green, Brown, Purple, Metal colors, and any natural sort of iridesence

          Favourite animals : Dogs, Snakes, Raptors, Tortoises, and Lizards.

          Favourite mythical creatures : Unicorns, Pegasi, Griffins, Western Dragons and Tribbles.

          Favourite food (that can be mailed): Dark Chocolate, Maple candy, Marzipan, Toffee and Milk Chocolate. Sweet tooth here. πŸ˜†

          Favourite flowers : Roses, Honeysuckle, Rosemary, Heliamphora Flowers, and Cactus Flowers.

          Favourite gift : Art supplies, Books, Gift Certificates, and well made handicrafts, especially if they’re personal.

          Favourite collections : Stash of carving/woodworking wood, Windstones, Books, Tools, and Fossils/stones.

          in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.3 #683710

            Eeeee! My three PYO’s arrived! Unicorn, Ki Rin, and Griffin, hanging out with the Fuzzy. Partially-painted ‘Griffykins’ is in the background watching from the corner of his eye. Overexposed photo, but will work.

            It was funny, I looked at the new Griffin compared to my older fellow, and was momentarily horrified that I appeared to have obscured so much feather crispness when painting. But then looked a bit closer and realized the feather sculpting was a tiny bit different. It seems that Griffykins is one of the soft feather sculpts. Very nice thing to confirm. πŸ˜€

            in reply to: Here she is! The prize from the special raffle #731856

              Wow, that is awesome. Congrats! πŸ˜€

              Love the felt pad Griffins expression. He sticking his tongue out there? πŸ˜†

              in reply to: Hue Test! #731660

                Got a 20. Goofed mostly on the blue greens, and a little on the yellow tones. To the best of my knowledge, my monitor’s pretty good. Ah, well. πŸ™‚

                in reply to: Blueberry dragon #731764

                  Ditto. The little pale blue scales on his muzzle contrasted with the darker blue in the grooves remind me of a California Kingsnakes nose pattern. (with different colors of course). πŸ˜‰

                  in reply to: Welcome maplecarver #718410

                    Thank you for your kind welcomes and pardon the late reply.

                    Regarding the queries on my work I have an exceedingly outdated Deviant Art account, which gives some idea of the stuff I do.

                    And pardon the formality of this reply, it’s an odd default ‘tone’ I have when posting late at night. πŸ˜›

                    in reply to: Fail again for 2009 πŸ˜€ #723360

                      Mediocre fail, but they were from my one cookie. 😯

                      in reply to: What are the downfalls of selling on Ebay? #727677

                        Ahhh, but nothing beats dark chocolate for a college student for the levels of filling fat, peppy caffeine and tastiness in one package. The perfect paper writing food in my experience. (though Ben & Jerrys for a treat and peanut butter as a staple can’t be argued with) πŸ˜†

                        Regarding Ebay, I’ve done a little bit of stuff there, and here are my thoughts…

                        Avoid setting a reserve price. It annoys the heck out of bidders and the item probably won’t go for what it should. If you want to play it safe, setting your minimum bid for the lowest amount you’ll accept is far simpler.

                        Be crystal clear on shipping charges. Buyers can get snippy about that. If you have a digital kitchen scale that measures ounces, that’s an excellent tool for calculating shipping (adding for packing material etc).

                        Communication is key. Describing every little thing on the item, and your packing/return/shipping etc policies is very essential. But at the same time that you’ll need to be detailed, you’ll also need to be clear which means only saying what is necessary. Rather annoying catch. πŸ˜•

                        And with the economy in such a delightfully stable and robust state, make sure that each item you place on Ebay is either unusual, in high demand or a good deal for the buyer. A ton of labor goes into writing descriptions, filling out the auction page info, estimating shipping, taking and uploading pictures, answering questions, packing, labeling and shipping. So if you only get $5 or $10 for a specific item, it may have been a better use of time to just take it to Goodwill, or hold a garage sale and label it $2. Searching for similar items on Ebay and watching those auctions may be a good way to test the waters, if you have time.

                        And there’s nothing sweeter for the buyer or more convenient for the seller than a properly priced ‘Buy it Now’ option.

                        Either way, good luck. πŸ™‚

                        in reply to: When shipping Windstone Editions sculptures… #727249

                          Yikes, thanks for the heads up, I’ll remember that.

                          So when shipping Windstones without an original box, what would be the safest material for them to contact?

                          in reply to: How do you eat M&M's?!?!? #721803

                            Mint M&Ms? Haven’t heard of those till now! 😯 *scampers out from under rock*

                            With regular M&Ms I just eat them out of the bag, (room temperature preferred) but save the green ones (my favorites) for last.

                            I eat the blue ones first. Circumstantial evidence indicates that they came on the scene about the same time as the tan ones vanished off the face of the earth, so I don’t really trust ’em. πŸ˜•


                            in reply to: What are your favorite nonmaterial things? #724306

                              Watching a tortoise eat a dandelion

                              How it smells right after rain

                              Flying dreams

                              Watching puppies, ducklings or baby snakes yawn

                              Discovering a beautiful old carved wood or stone architectural feature or statue where I didn’t expect one

                              Hanging out with friends and family

                              When it turns green in the spring

                              Watching a snake shed or tarantula molt

                              Artistic inspiration thwacking me upside the head

                              Moonlight over the ocean

                              Playing the “Oh my gosh I’m so shocked by your irreverence” game with my dogs (where I act surprised and they wriggle in glee)

                              Standing on any ‘perch’ that’s high

                              The smell of freshly carved Basswood

                              Rain on the window when I’m snug inside and don’t have to go anywhere

                              Uncanny happenings

                              Making my family crack up laughing

                              Holding any tiny living animal

                              in reply to: Puppies! #714517

                                Seeing as no-one’s said this for a little bit…

                                EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Too darn fluffy and cute! Excuse me while I melt. πŸ™‚

                                in reply to: Favorite Gemstone… #726904

                                  Man, that’s a lovely choice for a ring. And just a tiny bit off the beaten path which is cool. πŸ˜‰

                                  My favorite gem is a Ruby, (also birthstone)

                                  but for the semi-precious, I like natural non-heat treated Citrine, Jet, Labradorite, Rose Quartz and have a weak spot for Fire Agates and whatever’s green and native to California. Long list. Love the shinies. πŸ˜†

                                Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 517 total)