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  • in reply to: Moving update page 8 ;D 100% moved but not unpacked! #764913

      Yikes. What a creep.

      I very strongly suspect he’s painting you as the villain so he can consider himself the ‘good guy’. If he blames you for everything, than that lets him think himself blameless, and saves him a long hard look at himself. Completely irrational, but there it is. As such, trying to explain your innocence won’t do jack. And arguing back will entrench him further in his… ah… biased view. This may be ridiculously hard, but try not to take it personally. His issues are his, even if they’re focused on you.

      Oh! Just realized ddvm just said the same thing. I shouldn’t skim. 😳

      Phoenix has a good point, it may be wise to move several boxes of fragile/precious stuff to your Mom’s house or other reliable location. As a form of insurance, and to give you greater agility if you need to move quickly.

      I third the tea recommendation. Chamomile, preferably. Walks in natural-ish areas, even tiny little strolls also do wonders.

      *hugs* If there’s some way I can help, drop me a PM.

      in reply to: Guardian Gargoyles, Rehomed! #760703

        drag0nfeathers wrote:

        I got the most in depth, well packaged, broken Windstone that I have ever seen 😆

        Best. Oxymoron. Ever. XD Jumbo Shrimp pales in comparison.

        I’m very happy that these two have found/are finding good new homes.

        We must see progress pics when they’re available. 🙂

        in reply to: Help!!! Anyone want boxes, packing peanuts? #765125

          If you have an extra OW box available, I’d love it. (‘Brilliantly’ tossed my Emeralds box all those years ago). There’s also a few other types I wouldn’t mind having. I’ll PM a possible list in a few hours. 🙂

          in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Aug 27 page 64 #756281

            Oh squeaky squeaky, squeaky! She’s awesome! Her lime green leading wing edge seems a little odd for some reason, but she’s no less lovely!

            If that color turns limited or regular production, I might have a budget crisis in the works. 😆

            And congrats ddvm! That’s an exceptional griffin!

            in reply to: I must be unlucky… #764987

              Oh, that royally stinks.

              But whatever you do, don’t toss ’em! There’s a lady on here named Kyrin who does extraordinary repair work. Once completely resculpted a male dragons face from the eyes down. And there are others with soft spots for wounded Windstones. It may be a horrible headache, heartache and/or financial blow, but you still have some good options open.

              Edit: As mmloda said. 🙂

              in reply to: The next swap – See p. 4 for set date #762031

                Hmm, good point. PYOs might come in handy. 😆

                in reply to: Star Trek #764615

                  Jasmine wrote:

                  But it is really, really, really annoying to have a bunch of guys sitting behind me in the theatre constantly going…”they would never have done that”…”that didn’t happen in the first series”…”that shouldn’t have happened”… I finally had to turn around and say, “What part of alternate reality don’t you boys understand?”. That finally shut them up though I could still hear them muttering quietly.

                  Glad I wasn’t sipping anything when I read that. Too funny… XD

                  Glad they made it an alternate reality. Saved me from having an apoplectic fit of nit picking. Thought the characters were great. Either spot on, (McCoy) or close enough to be very believable IMO.

                  But why the bleep did they have to destroy Vulcan? Such a cool planet, and now there’s only enough of my favorite Star Trek species to fill a small town (in that alternate reality anyway). 😥 There are so many other ways to create plot-relevant angst and strife like blowing up another planet instead…

                  Despite that (and a few other little things), IMO it rocked.

                  in reply to: The next swap – See p. 4 for set date #762029

                    Eeek! Swap!

                    I’m a bit antsy, maybe we could split the difference by making it late summer/early fall? Names in August, shipping in early October?

                    Anytime’s good though. 😀

                    in reply to: Did you ever do Otter or Gopher sculpts? #764000

                      purpleturtle wrote:

                      I’d love to see an otter sculpt (either river or sea). They are so adorable looking. Maybe you could make a sea-otter with a fish tail like a mermaid – although, that may be a little redundent 😆 ….

                      It could be gnawing on its tail! 😆 XD 😆

                      in reply to: Who's your favorite? #763937

                        Oh, that Spring Spectral’s pretty.

                        For mine, like them all. My Emerald Old Warrior is the official ‘gem’ of my collection.

                        But I love my scratching dog, he hangs out on my computer desk and keeps cracking me up. 😆

                        I’m also quite fond of my little PYO’s.

                        But the one that I keep returning to stare at, is my old Peacock Mother Dragon. Even though it’s so common, the darker Peacock is still my favorite production color, and that sculpt keeps growing on me. 🙂

                        in reply to: Commemorative? #725508

                          Even if it took time, the mystery thingy could commemorate the first or second anniversary of the move. 😀 squeek* squeek* squeek*

                          (And I think a print of a winged pack donkey, or caravan of traveling beasties would be adorable, but whatever the commemorative is would be neat.)

                          in reply to: store closing #762235

                            PM’d you, drgnlvr. 🙂

                            in reply to: It's Caturday….again! 🙂 #701416

                              BWAINZ!!! 😆 😆 😆

                              in reply to: Lefty or Righty #595644


                                But it’s odd, my mother made me learn to use scissors with my right hand, because kids scissors used to be pretty bad. So, when I started working with copper, I used tin snips with my right hand. And to stamp copper, I held the punch in my left, (like a pencil, sort of) and hammer with my right. So as a result of all that snipping and hammering, my right hand is notably stronger. So now I use my left hand for writing and delicate work, and my right hand for things requiring strength, and for petting strange dogs. 😆

                                With woodcarving chisels and mallet, I’m ambidextrous, thank goodness. Takes time to learn, but makes getting at funny angles so very much easier. (I’ve heard there’s actually a shop in Europe where they make architectural-type wood carvings professionally, and every half hour or so, they ring a bell or make some other announcement and whatever the carvers are doing, they have to switch hands.) 😮

                                in reply to: April Raffle?…. #759543

                                  Yay it’s on the blog! A cute little retina-searing Lap Dragon! 🙂 Kind of a mix between cherry-red iron and molten bronze.

                                  Must enter…

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