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  • in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768397

      Is the current trade the custom rag quilt, or the custom rag quilt and the coiled male peacock?
      Either way, it sounds absolutely lovely!

      Edit: And that is an extremely nice red fire Spectral too. 🙂

      in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Aug 27 page 64 #756716

        That pale lavender is marvelous. Dragonish, subtle, and I’ve a suspicion it would look good on any dragon. Also reminds me of my Leucistic Pinesnake Steve. 😀

        in reply to: Jokes and Email Sharing Part 2 #740222

          In a monastery where the monks were known for their quiet, austere lifestyle and celibacy, a young monk was faithfully copying an old text onto new paper. He made a small mistake and had to redo the entire page. The error was repaired in short order, but it made him wonder, what if other people in the past had mistakes copying the sacred texts? Worried, he brought his concern to the Abbot.

          The elderly Abbot smiled approvingly and said, “Your concern is wise. I will go to our archives and compare our current copies to our most ancient manuscripts. Then we will know for sure.”

          The next morning, no one could find the Abbot. The young monk remembered his mention of the archives, and so he and the other monks rushed over there, worried as the Abbot was rather frail.

          They found him sitting at a table, an ancient, dusty tome open before him. Tears streamed down his gentle face. Alarmed, they asked what was wrong, and the Abbot weakly gestured to the book. “It says celebrate.”

          in reply to: Jokes and Email Sharing Part 2 #740217

            Ouch! XD

            Here’s two doggy ones.

            When the store manager returned from lunch, he noticed his clerk’s hand was bandaged, but before he could ask about the bandage, the clerk said he had some very good news for him.
            “Guess what, sir?” the clerk said. “I finally sold that terrible, ugly suit we’ve had so long!”
            “Do you mean that repulsive pink-and-blue double-breasted thing?” the manager asked.
            “That’s the one!”
            “That’s great!” the manager cried, “I thought we’d never get rid of that monstrosity! That had to be the ugliest suit we’ve ever had! But tell me. Why is your hand bandaged?”
            “Oh,” the clerk replied, “after I sold the guy that suit, his guide dog bit me.”


            A little boy was practicing the violin in the living room while his mother was trying to read in the den. The family dog was lying in the den, and as the screeching sounds of the violin reached the dog’s ears, he began to howl loudly. The mother listened to the dog and the violin as long as she could. Then she jumped up, dropped her paper to the floor, and shouted above the noise, “For goodness’ sake, can’t you play something the dog doesn’t know?”

            in reply to: Let the PYO swap begin! #772589

              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              I think everyone is at that stage where their brains are running 500mph! XD
              Mine is… 😮

              Oh, yes… 😆 Got a delightful challenge. Just have to figure out the details. 😀

              in reply to: Why Does This CRAP KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?!? #775486

                That is freaking scary.

                Pyewacket’s advice via Nakase sounds excellent.

                Pressing charges will probably be a stressful pain in the tail, but getting him off the streets will spare other innocent people from having to deal with him.

                The one bright spot about him being such a horrific maniac, if he keeps it up, he’ll encounter far, far more pressing concerns than you. Of course he may too crazy to understand that, so take care and stay safe.

                in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768301

                  Congrats on the win! 😀

                  Shall PM you.

                  Dang, I have those sculpts, but am still tempted! 😆 They’re such lovely beasties.

                  in reply to: A Newbie—Uggggggh–the Frustration! #775393

                    You’ll be allright. 😉

                    And IMO, there’s nothing that blue eyes in a sculpt don’t go nicely with. 😆

                    Don’t know if this’ll be useful, but I have just one technique that permits me to paint my way out of a wet paper bag. I call it glazing, though I’m sure there’s a proper technical term for it. Essentially, it’s going from light to dark, with a pale base coat, and thin darker coats added on. It requires some forethought, but is reasonably forgiving of minor errors. I worked for a very gracious, frighteningly skilled carousel horse painter, (mostly doing simple prep-work) and it’s the only technique that sunk in well enough for me to take home and use.

                    So… in a nutshell, the steps I use. It takes some planning, it’s best to start with a preliminary sketch of the color scheme, there’s probably an easier way, but… 😕

                    1. Prep the PYO with the lightest color that will be used. Mixing in some metallics (if they don’t take away from the proper color) will give it a nice final glow. So, if the lightest part of the griffin is a silverish white, that would be the base color.

                    2. Thin the next lightest color down dramatically, let’s say… yellow, and paint the bits that are supposed to be yellow, and the bits that yellow undertones wouldn’t hurt. To thin my acrylics down, I use Golden Mediums GAC 100, 200, a tiny bit of water, and a tiny bit of Retarder. Instead of my funny mix you could just use Golden Mediums GAC 100, or some other clear drying Acrylic Polymer, or if you’re on a major budget, water.

                    3. Go to the next lightest color, let’s say it’s a sun griffin so the next color is orange. You’d mix that color thinly, and avoid the parts that are supposed to be silverish white and yellow, but go to the parts that you want to be orange and red, and use it there.

                    4. And so forth, continuing darker and darker. Several notes about mixing. If you want a really pale color, thin it down greatly. Mixing white in, gives it a chalky look and knocks out any glow you’ve been building up, so it’s best reserved for emergencies. Shiny colors, silver, gold, etc, tend to be very agreeable when a little bit is tossed in. The beauty of this technique is that since the paint is really thin, a missed brushstroke or an extra brushstroke will have a minimal impact and can just be smoothed out, with the same done on the other side. But the bad thing is, once it gets too dark, or too much of a darker color infringes on a lighter color, you’re pretty much stuck. In that case, your best bet would be to try to work with it, somehow.

                    5. Lastly, would come any intense dark crisp markings, or gold markings, or very, very white thin markings that were at too much at risk of being painted over to simply paint around.

                    6. Sometimes, mid-painting, this technique has some pretty frightful results. Wanting to make a reddish brown unicorn, I started with silver, added a thin red, and the poor beast looked like she had been skunked and soaked in tomato juice or worse. Several layers of brown made it behave perfectly, but it was frightful for a while. 😮 :shout: 😮

                    There are many very excellent ways of painting, and some work better for some people than others. This is just the way I know.

                    Ack! Essay length! Sorry ’bout that. 😆

                    Edit: Now thinking about it, I hope this didn’t come across as a lecture, bossy, or thread-hijacking and I’m sorry in case it did. I like to share what works, but wanting to cover all bases, combined with my know-it-all and essay writing tendencies makes my posts explode, sometimes more than they ought to. 😳

                    in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768294

                      Laurie wrote:

                      I have MIB white male and mother unicorn I’ll trade. I could even throw in a young, but I broke his horn at the weak spot dusting him 😕 8)

                      Ooooh, those would be shiny!!! Lovely, lovely unicorn parents. 😀

                      Another thing is that I work metal so instead of the rock/fossil/gargoyle set, I could offer a modest art commission if the winner prefers it to the rocks, fossils and gargoyles.

                      Either a three-dimensional animal of choice cut, stamped and folded out of sheet copper, 6″ by 6″ complex animal, or 6×10 simpler animal (dimensions are approximate height and length and a rough average) Angular animals, such as tigers or Irish Setters agree with the medium more than round or sinuous animals such as pandas, pugs or dolphins.

                      Or I could do a 15″ by 15″ (give or take) flat piece custom designed and plasma cut out of 18 ga Corten steel. Hand controlled, not machine cut, so the lines and curves are a little rough.

                      I can do anything from pets with specific markings, to fish, to roses and can dig out pictures if anyone wishes. So, there’s an option available for non-rock hounds.

                      Oooh, but unicorns sound lovely! 🙂

                      in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768291

                        Ah, fixed the photos. Darn, that was pesky.

                        Nakase, it may be worth a shot to make a trade thread offering cabochons. 😉

                        If anyone has any questions about the rock set, history, value of pieces, etc, feel free to drop me a note.

                        in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768288

                          *low ominous voice* Drag0nfeathers! Come to the dark side of rock collecting! We have cookies!

                          Metaphorical cookies anyway. 😆

                          Yup, I recieved the Emerald Male today, and a big bunch of stones, fossils, and several non-Windstone little gargoyles all together are the current set available for trade. (most are listed on the previous page, I added several new ones above, on this page.)

                          Edit: Gah! My photos disappeared from page 10! 🙄 Officially dismayed with Imageshack now. Will fix soon.

                          in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768282

                            Dang, those are very very pretty shinies, Nakase. 🙂 (we need a cheering emoticon here…)

                            Well, the economy’s slow, shipping’s epic, and while my trade set has received some very kind remarks, it hasn’t received any offers yet. So since the end result’s going to charity, I’m sweetening the deal.

                            Here’s another shot of the Labradorite cut wand/rod thingy, better showing the banding. I lightened this photo slightly, but I did so because I stink at photography and I lightened all of it. Next to the Labradorite, are three new additions I’m adding to the lot.

                            Right next to the Labradorite, is a fossilized sea lion tooth. (98% sure that’s what it is anyway. Anyway, I’m 99.5% sure it’s a fossilized pointy aquatic mammal tooth.) Believe it was found in California. Some of the tooth enamel’s worn off, don’t know how much of it happened during the animals lifetime, or not. I think it was treated with a resin for the sake of sturdiness, but that’s just my guess judging from the texture. These aren’t common. At all. On Google and Ebay, these exist, but aren’t plentiful. For someone who likes marine mammals, would like a specimen while wanting to do right by protected species and Fish and Game, this fossil would be an excellent option.

                            Lastly, the two little lumps next to the ruler are stony Meteorites. These are NWA (North West Africa) meteorites, stone, not iron (so they’re fairly stable). But as a heads up, due to the (relative) commonness of NWA meteorites they’re only worth several dollars. But, they’re genuine, have some itty bitty thumbprints, stick to (strong) magnets (sadly, they’re nowhere near being able to hold notes on a fridge), and have a major coolness factor.

                            So… if anyone knows a young sciency-type they’d like to spoil rotten for several Birthdays and Christmases, (or older types, or themselves) they’ll be set for several years.

                            Here’s the pic. 🙂

                            (by the way, some twit hacked imageshack, not my account, just imageshack so my first photo was replaced with a manifesto. Nothing obscene, but certainly annoying. If this happens again, please give me a yell.)

                            in reply to: Keepers! (all gone for now :() #770900

                              kenziesmommy663 wrote:

                              My gripe is that I make a Twitter account, make a facebook, and have a tab open of the forum looking for an announcement, and it gets announced in the one thread (about a swap) That I don’t keep track of! 🙄 🙄 I am really losing all hope here. 😕 I am trying to follow everything, but I don’t think this is for me anymore….. :nea:

                              If it’s any consolation, the official channels that you’re working with (along with the waiting list of course) are probably the best, hands down. The mention in that thread didn’t state an official release time, and I got mine through sheer dumb luck.

                              Wish there were enough Keepers for everyone to roll in. (although that sounds a bit lumpy)

                              in reply to: Keepers! (all gone for now :() #770891

                                I think 17. (saw this thread)

                                After I checked out, I think there were 10 or 11.

                                Could be mistaken, but I think they actually sold out slower than previous times.

                                in reply to: Keepers! (all gone for now :() #770887

                                  I got quite lucky and got one.

                                  If it’s any consolation, that removes me from the competition for at least six months. 😕

                                Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 517 total)