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  • in reply to: Movie Recommendations… #714935

    Kyrin wrote:

    And for a lighthearted fun romp with some good actors, and terrific special effects…Stardust, the feel of the story reminded me strongly of The Princess Bride this is definately a keeper, we’re gonna have to get it for our collection.

    Hysterical, I just recommended it in another thread. Definately a movie to purchase and keep along the side of Princess Bride. IMhO, Stardust is even more comically loaded than Princess Bride.

    Kyrin wrote:

    I have to add Jumper to the list of really good flicks…this is a good movie and features the actor who played Aniken Skywalker as an adult. He’s just as charming in this as he was before he turned to the dark side.

    Even more charming. 😉 We appear to have the same tastes in movies. I rarely have time for them, but with all the rain and lightning storms lately, add in the lack of desire from the root canal, I managed to pick a few winners to add to the video library.

    ddvm wrote:

    Personally I am waiting for Hellboy II (love Ron Perlman)

    What is it about that guy? Ever see him in his debute movie, Quest for fire? There was something about him when I watched it back when.

    I was never much for the boob tube, I just didn’t have the time. So when I learned that he also played the role of the Beast, in the Beauty and the Beast television series, I was mildly surprised. If anyone could pull off the jowly face structure of a lion, he sure could.

    in reply to: OUCH #716161

    skigod377 wrote:

    Serenity wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    Its an old movie. One of the classics.

    OLD movie… classic… try 23 years ago!
    Holy cow… I could have gone the whole day without that information…

    I think that only works for cars. 😉

    . . . . 23 years ago?!

    Speaking of movies, any Princess Bride lovers out there? If so, I highly recommend Stardust. You won’t be let down.

    in reply to: anesthesia advice #713894

    I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better and I hope that your mind is more clear. As an aside, any kind of tea steeped with the herb Rosemary is a good way to clear that foggy feeling from your head. My thoughts were definately on you while I was undergoing my own root canal this week. 😆

    Hopefully the tests will show that all is within the norm, whatever that is these days. 😉


    in reply to: Ghost hunting pics #713692

    Necron99 wrote:

    Nor calling a whole group of people a snake in the woods before you know the truth ..thats maybe what you should aploigise for , insted of arrogantly proclaming you have said nothing to offend any one .

    Whoa nelly! Perhaps it is you that are mistaken? That once I offended you, everything else you read became offensive?

    There is no need to offer an apology for something I did not do. My comment was verbatum:

    Hoofer wrote:

    ….. and they boobie trap the exterior areas in the woods where they were/are performing their rituals/sacrifices.

    Not trying to be a thread killer. It sickens me what caretakers of graveyards have to put up with. Not to mention owners of private property. As if rattlesnakes are not enough to have to watch out for in the woods!

    The rattlesnake comment was in reference to the traps that were being set. Rattlesnakes are a concern in this state. I have had to dispose of them from my own property and must keep a wary eye out for them as I ride through the woods. I never implied anyone, thing, group (whatever) was a rattlesnake.


    in reply to: Ghost hunting pics #713690

    Jennifer wrote:

    A warning: Do not slander or speak poorly of any religion on this board, agree with them or not. Religion is a very personal choice and individuals within any given religion can vary how they interpret the religion. Rarely does good come from religious debates.

    Hoofer, I respect your sentiments that perhaps some groups have been very disrespectful to graveyards- it is disgusting and sad what some people will do. However please use care and not place labels on groups. I hate being “PC” as much as the next person, but when it comes to religion it is a very touchy subject and it is very easy to offend.

    In the future, instead of specifying, it may be easier just so say “a group” rather than name the group (either based on fact or speculation).

    This goes for everyone: Remember we all have different backgrounds, were raised in all parts of the world, and have different religions. Tolerance is something the world could use a lot more of.

    Use care in your words and be respectful even if you disagree.

    Thank you guys. 🙂

    Noted Jennifer aka Nam.

    Fact, I can not control how a person acts/reacts only how I act/react.

    Though I am not sure what I am apologizing for, I offered him an apology, it’s all I can do.


    in reply to: Ghost hunting pics #713689

    Necron99 wrote:

    I am a Satanist, and what you wrote is very offensive and i believe was ment to be there fore im Calling BS on this one for many reasons.

    Excuse me?

    What I wrote was not intended to offend you or anyone else for that matter. You definately took offense. The only thing I can do is offer an apology.

    However, I am not sure why I need to apologize. Because you took offense? Or because you think I am BSing?

    I was speaking about first hand experiences from this area. It is a sad fact that there are many people out there doing things without any guidance whatsoever, just winging it.

    Also, it is what they call themselves, not what I call them. What I call them is not printable on this forum. 8)


    in reply to: a strange look back #714187

    I have had a few horse spills here and there throughout my lifetime, but I have no first hand experience of what you went through.

    It is obvious, without me knowing any details of your ordeal, that it was very serious and there are unexplainable layers to what happened to you.

    I live with someone who has had to experience it twice in this life. It is either a miracle or Karma that this person is here at all, perhaps even both. Some days are definately worse than others, but since they are still here, I remind them constantly to try and make the best of it as possible. Each day is like a rollar coaster ride, but considering what they have experienced, I can understand their ups and downs as they try, fail, succeed and try again to make it through a single day.

    Amazing imagery Necron99.

    in reply to: Older Cartoons #711918

    starbreeze wrote:

    hmmmm….I must be the only one who liked Underdog!!! 😆

    Underdog and Mightymouse were both very cool critters.

    Necron99 wrote:

    i liked dexter till they changed his Voice and Gendy Tardakawski went onto Samari Jack then Dexter Fell apart …i nver could get into Samari Jack.

    The chair head you sure you werent watchig Pink Floyds The Wall :Razz:

    I don’t recall a chair-headed character in The Wall.

    Then again, my second viewing of it was definately an entirely different movie from when I first viewed it.

    Eh hem. Nuff said!

    Speaking of adult oriented cartoons … how about Heavy Metal, anyone recall that one?

    The South Park spoof on that had me seeking it out for another viewing. Gawds, I should not have watched that as a young impressionable child.

    in reply to: anesthesia advice #713886

    Snapdragon wrote:

    Still doesn’t sound right, but maybe you are just one of those sensitive girly types. 😆 😆 😆

    Sensitive girly type huh? We have the bigger adrenal glands. 😛

    Anyway ….

    Like you tfsculptures, I’m very sensetive to the drugs they want to use on me, so unless there was a true need to put me under, I always will choose to not be knocked out.

    Emerald212 wrote:

    I’ve been put under before and throw up every time. It’s a sensitivity to the anesthesia. You need a shot of antedote. And you need it now. You’ve been poisoned. Treat it as such.

    Agreed, anesthesia can be very toxic/poisonous to our systems, do not take this lightly. You stated that you were under on Tuesday, it is now Sunday. Please, if you are not feeling better, go get checked out.

    You already know what type they used on you. Are you drinking anything in particular that will help your system clear this out?

    in reply to: Techno-Logical (Technology) Woes my Turn #713822

    Stephanie wrote:

    I feel exactly the same way! I also get anxious when I actually drive the speed limit…people tailgate me and I just want to scream that I’m doing the right thing! 😆 Well said, Hoofer.

    I agree, tailgaters sucketh, but I don’t sweat it anymore, they can go around. I even hug the right side so they can see past me to try and pass or let them see that it’s not me slowing everyone down, they usually back off. Better that then to have them up my arse, if I did have to hit the breaks real fast.

    Now on the highways, way different story, I’m an admitted lead foot. It’s getting over to an exit at the same time traffic is trying to get on to the highway, now that can be hairy scary!

    Worse is driving a live load (horses) on the highway. We used to plan night trips, just to avoid daily traffic mayhem. I know what Semi’s go through, it’s no fun when cars constantly get in your break zone.


    Speaking of people passing …..

    While waiting for the car ahead of me to turn left, I chose to come to a complete stop, instead of dropping off the shoulder to go around. The car is low to the ground and I’d rather wait than pay to get it realigned. Heavens forbid!

    So after the car ahead of me completes its turn, I hit the gas and start shifting gears … I <3 my manual transmission. So anyway, I get this odd feeling so I look in the rear view mirror to see that the V8 Pickup truck behind me had moved over to the left in an attempt to pass me. Eh? I was already a car length ahead of it and in third gear (what I like to call my power gear) and doing 40+ in the 50 mph, soon to be 60 mph, (no passing) zone. All I could think was, are you for real?

    This person stayed in the left lane, giving it all they could to that V8, (I even saw a really nice cloud of black smoke come out of their exhaust), before they realized how stupid they were being and returned to their proper lane.

    I wonder how much gas they blew trying that manuever. At least they were cordial about it and did not tailgate me the rest of the way.

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    OMG you just described my day the other day I went to town and you made me laugh. Laughing They can all wait since we wait for them too. It’s called Patience people! patience!

    I have had to remind retired, elderly people that patience is a virtue while we were standing in line awaiting the register. Eh?! Oh well.

    [The Castle [Dave wrote:

    “]Don’t worry about these fools. Just wait until one of them happens to use the phrase “How can I help you?” so you can reply with “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

    To far ahead, way to far ahead of a lot of minds around here Dave.

    One of my retorts to, “Need any help?” is, “That would depend on whom you ask.”

    We have the infamous Baker Act in this state. For those not in the know, any family member could deem you a harm to yourself and get you locked up for a few days for observation. Course, it’s prudent to not be a screaming, ranting, raving lunatic when the authority shows up to determine if you are indeed Backer Act material.

    The Castle [Dave wrote:

    “]In my shop I have a tendency to say “If you have any questions, please ask. I may be able to come up with an answer”. What I love is when someone takes me at my word and asks me a random question that is totally unrelated to what either of us is doing there.

    Oh the novelty of someone actually listening to what you have to say, imagine that! Dependent on the day/mood, I might have a flood of ‘off the cuff’ questions fly out at you.

    Dragon87 wrote:

    My computer crashes if I update it… So I don’t.

    Dagnabbit, don’t jynx me ❗ 😉 Windows OS’s are a joke. I couldn’t type in my password after it rebooted, keystrokes weren’t being recognized, so I hard booted it. I wanted to kick it with my size 10 muck boots. 8)

    Dragon87 wrote:

    I like it when it’s icy on the roads or otherwise terrible driving conditions and people are trying to go 40 over the speed limit. My fiancee speeds and he will go UNDER the speed limit in bad conditions. Some people are just impatient bad drivers. I hope they realize that when they go into the ditch

    Very agreed, refer to my passing story above. I’ve ticked off a lot of V8 drivers, unintentionaly. Oh well. Their heart/high blood pressure, not mine.

    I came up with a saying about driving in icy conditions.

    “You don’t drive on ice, you slide and pray on ice.”

    Speaking of icy conditions, I had a goofball for a horse. One morning I woke up to an ice skating rink covering everything. Oh was it ever gorgeous! Well, Mr. Goofball wanted out of his stall so bad. I knew there was no convincing this horse and he would inevitably trash his stall throughout the day. So I snapped the lead rope on and walked him very slowly out of the stall and on to the ice. The look on his face when one of his four feet slipped was priceless. He froze in place as best he could, turned to look back at his stall and I let him cautiously wobble his way back into his stall. He was a good boy for the next three days that he had to live in his stall while the ice slowly melted away.

    Snapdragon wrote:

    When I speed, I do it with no one around me. If I’m gonna crash and wreck, I’m only going to hurt myself.

    Same here, I go with the flow, but if I really have the need for speed, it’s me and the moon out baby! Which really is a risk because I have no radar detector.

    Now, how the heck can I revert back to Lurker status??? Darn it, I lost my lewd and lascivious title.

    Keplilly wrote:

    Gotta love technology! Though it is a shame people don’t have any patience and feel the need to rush though life these days.

    Yes, I have a total love/hate relationship with technology. Can you tell?! 😀

    Sadly, the only thing they’re accomplishing, is that they’re burning themselves out really fast. Eh, their choice to I suppose.

    Happy Father’s Day all!


    in reply to: OMG!!!! birthday prezzie from BDW & Melody #714008

    What a fantastic surprise!

    Super sweet and super big of you Blackdesertwind and Melody.

    I’ve a grin from ear to ear that just won’t stop.

    in reply to: search for a better life/ update page 18 #707936

    Yikes BDW:

    Rock Blackdesertwind Hardplace

    If anything, you’re getting something that you do need right now and that’s emotional support.

    It’s obvious that what you are going through is very wrong. The best that I can suggest is to bide your time, save your money (when it starts coming in again) and keep as positive as possible that your situation WILL change. Believe in miracles and they will manifest. I know, I know, easier said than done. Is there any one, perhaps family, (when the time is right) that can help you escape this parasite?

    Geeze, packing up and moving when you have livestock is one thing, but a handicapped (almost adult) person with special needs …..

    You’re very strong and have been through so much already, don’t let this parasite break you ❗

    Tons and tons of equine goodness hugs

    in reply to: Ghost hunting pics #713682

    purpledoggy wrote:

    We had lots of fun doing it way back when. We started out with a group (Ghost Hunters of Baltimore). They took us to a grave yard after dark and told us it was ok to be there. While we were taking pictures some guy in a car came speeding through the grave yard after us and the members of the group yelled for us to run. After we got in our cars and left I ask them why they told us to run if we had permission to be there. When I went back the next day I saw no trespassing signs all over the place. We decided to form our own group after that. We tried to be a non profit group and help those who felt they were experiencing a haunting. Most of the time we got alot of really nutty people and the cost of travel, film, developing and all that just sunk us into the ground. We ended up quiting and selling off all of our equipment but it was fun while it lasted. Out of all the places we went to the only one that I had any kind of paranormal experience was the farnsworth house in gettysburg.

    So the GHoB lied to you and were trespassing, how grand. No wonder you started your own group.

    Those who take care of graveyards have to deal with a whole lot of other things occurring. Ghost hunting is one aspect, but very minor when compared to what else goes on out there.

    I’m referring to satanic worshipping. Around here it included initiations where the initiate must dig up a grave and return with a specific body part(s). And of course, it does not stop there.

    They also paint their signs/symbols on the various surrounding trees and they boobie trap the exterior areas in the woods where they were/are performing their rituals/sacrifices.

    Not trying to be a thread killer. It sickens me what caretakers of graveyards have to put up with. Not to mention owners of private property. As if rattlesnakes are not enough to have to watch out for in the woods!


    Speaking of TAPS, we laugh everytime we hear Roto Rooter mentioned during an episode. I’m waiting to hear about the next drinking game, which would include various plumbing terms for a shot. 😀

    in reply to: Older Cartoons #711916

    Barrdwing wrote:

    I’m sure that I’ve seen Isis tapes (and DVDs, nowadays) at Comic-Con. They’re usually being sold by bootleggers (which can be awkward . . . but when it’s the only way to get the series I’m after, I do shop there. I’d rather buy a legit release, though :/) There’s been a small but persistent return of shows like Isis, or Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. I can look up business cards for these dealers sometime if you like . . . . 🙂

    Sweet! If you pass by it again, a PM will work. Thank you. 8)

    And I know what you mean about the bootleg stuff.

    A friend of mine was bragging about how they see all the new stuff, before it’s ever released, via the PC.

    So I’m sitting there, watching their bootleg/self burned DVD, dealing with the graininess/poor sound quality and I kid you not …. I get a flashback to Science Theater 2000 as someone gets up from their seat to go take a pee/get some popcorn.

    WTH was that?! Pause/rewind/playback.

    It took .003 seconds for me to realize that the DVD they burned was from a camera someone snuck in to the Theater.

    The rest of the movie I kept anticipating the silhouette of a talking bubblegum machine to start wisecracking. 😛

    in reply to: Regrets? 2 update Mister pics pg.3 #713417

    skigod377 wrote:

    Awww you should never regret caring too much. You mak up for the morons who dont care at all. 🙂


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