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  • in reply to: teh winnar #719317

    Kyrin wrote:

    About time you showed up! We were starting to hint at a second chance drawing…I so wanted that dragon….anything I can trade ya?? LOL! I’m kidding, not about wanting him, but in trading.



    Hay ya never know, I might get him, lick him a few times and realize that he’s just not my taste.

    πŸ˜† Har!πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: OUCH #716340

    Sooooo, would it be bad of me to come into this thread and complain of my aches and woes for a freebie also?


    ~Hoofer neighs, ducks and gallops off

    in reply to: teh winnar #719314

    Dragon Master wrote:

    Hoofer wrote:

    Dragon Master wrote:

    Serenity wrote:

    June Raffle… the Lavender OW prototype… ringing any bells here??? πŸ˜›

    NOPE working 2 jobs and I think I have my bells removed with my tonsils when I was 5.I wshake but no bells!!
    I do remember the picture now though now that I think abotu it.
    Is there a plan for prizes not claimed?


    Tonsils n Bells shaking ….. What!?!


    PS Prize claimed!

    I could not remember the prize at first so they where reminding me of the prize and asked if it was ringing any bells. I said I shook and no bells so I must had them removed when I had my tounsils taken out at age 5

    It was my DRY attempt at humor with no sleep

    And it was DRYLY hysterical. πŸ˜€

    Admittedly, my first thought was probably what everyone else thought.

    Then my second thought was that you were possibly referring to the dangle of skin that hangs down in the back of your throat, the uvula, that is between your tonsils. But then I realized that would actually be the clanger that rings the bell and not a bell itself. 😎 Anyone have a clue what that clanger on a bell is called? I’m wracking my brains here.

    in reply to: teh winnar #719313

    Serenity wrote:

    YAY!!! Congrats again Hoofer! Glad that you could make it! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

    PS I just adore your new icon and ….. signature photo? Who did that?

    Verra Hot!

    in reply to: teh winnar #719312

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Yay Hoofer!!! It is so exciting! It’s the kind of feeling where I want to grab your hands and jump up and down with you! Haha!

    And I wouldn’t care how we looked doing it. πŸ˜†

    It feels kinda like when you win a snipe on eBay. Woo!

    I wanted to call someone and share the excitement, but Windstones are kinda like my Gaming, no one around me seems to understand. Then it hit me, Mom! “Hey Ma, ya know that Good Cat candle lamp from M. Pena that I suprised you with, well, you’re not going to believe this!”

    in reply to: When will the Test Paint Pegasus Babies hit ebay? #706912

    Barrdwing wrote:

    I like the bay and the fjord color schemes for themselves; the pinto is also nice, although I’d love to see a little pale spotting on his wings (just for fun). I wouldn’t mind seeing a new color for the Pegasus and/or the Unicorn families someday, and these three are all lovely. πŸ™‚

    I’m pretty much on the same boat as most, color not necessarily OOAK. I really, really like the Fjord coloring. The Dun is a very close second. For me, it’s the beauty of your sculptures when you start giving them more personality through different color schemes. No need to mention that a production line would be also be more affordable for your standard collector.

    Personal opinion here: The star on the Dun Pegasus mare wasn’t quite to my liking, simply because I’m a blaze person, but the added snip on the nose made up for it. πŸ˜€ However, in the same breath I will also say, if I had the extra cash flow, I definately would have given ddvm a run for their money for that Pegasus Dun mare. πŸ˜€ I really liked the blaze on the Bay mare Unicorn in your gallery and of course, the color scheme.

    As for the pinto Pegasus, another suggestion? If you’re going to OOAK any of the Pegasi family in the spot/dapple/appaloosa, etc. style coloring, please, please get fancy with the wings! I see all that wing work on the Griffins (Jennifers Griffins/Dragons nearly keel me over) and get a twinge of jealousy for the Winged Hoofers. I even had visions of in a Peacock (bird) patern. Talk about eye popping. 😯

    ~Hoofer and her opinion(s) 😎

    in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread CLOSED #697237

    Melody wrote:

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    Jasmine wrote:

    kitsunelady wrote:

    You know, you and your signature pic remind me a lot of my roommate from college. Her name was Jasmine, and she was very pretty. And she knew it. XD She was hilarious, though. Good times, good times.

    I wish…I hit 30 and everything is going downhill, sometimes literally. πŸ˜‰
    Wait till you are past 40 😯Wait till you’re past fifty.

    And I hear that once you get past 60, you just don’t give a darn what people think and that’s about the time when you start going to the grocery store in your house dresses, MuMu’s(sp?). πŸ˜†


    Since I see it all the time, I just couldn’t resist commenting. 😎

    in reply to: Lavander Blue…… #718552

    siberakh1 wrote:

    Congrats Hoofer!

    Just remember: If you lick too much, you might take his paint off. πŸ˜†


    I’d have the most awesome purple tongue !!


    I just realized that he’s the flying Purple People Eater and he’s commin’ atcha!


    Except this fella has two eyes and two horns. πŸ˜€

    ~Hoofer, not that old, really. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Lavander Blue…… #718551

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    You sure are lucky, Hoofer. Can we see some natural lighting pics when you get him?

    I’ll gladly do my best. I’ve already done some test shots of Windstones with my (starter) digi-camera and sadly have determined that it is a really crappy camera. Though it can pick up the color very well, I found it was very hard to focus in on any details for anything, even the dapples on my real horse.

    It’s not me or my eye, oh no!

    So I’m very open to suggestions for an affordable digi-camera to replace this one with.

    By the way, I keep meaning to mention that I have throughout the house the new mercury gas lightbulbs (which are supposed to be so much better mercury gas eh hem) but I noticed that the spectrum of white light that they are really, REALLY makes the colors of Windstones just POP :shock:, when compared to the softness of the normal yellow lighting.

    As an aside, I also learned that the noseeums (very tiny red bugs that eat you as much as they eat everything else they land on) LOVE that spectrum of light and will flock to ANY white light turned on outside. Eeeeeeee! Moths don’t hold a candle to these bugs. pun intended 😎

    If anyone else uses them, then you know what I mean. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: teh winnar #719304

    Dragon Master wrote:

    Serenity wrote:

    June Raffle… the Lavender OW prototype… ringing any bells here??? πŸ˜›

    NOPE working 2 jobs and I think I have my bells removed with my tonsils when I was 5.I wshake but no bells!!
    I do remember the picture now though now that I think abotu it.
    Is there a plan for prizes not claimed?


    Tonsils n Bells shaking ….. What!?!


    PS Prize claimed!


    in reply to: teh winnar #719303

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Like most other folks, she was probably expecting not to win. I can’t wait to see what she says when she finds out.

    I really can’t print what went through my head, I have to maintain my myself and practice restraint so as not to offend any young persons, virginal eyes who perhaps might be reading this here fine (family oriented) bulletin board system.

    But I will say that it went something like this:

    Holy [bleep]!! No freaking way!! πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: teh winnar #719301

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Well congrats to Hoofer if she ever shows up.

    Hoofer is a she, right?

    ::Glances downwards::


    Yup, all girl parts. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: teh winnar #719300

    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    I’ll keep it safe until Hoofer shows up! πŸ˜†

    Can’t knock you for tryin’ dragOnfeaters, right Starbreeze? I’ll keep you on my ‘baby sitting’ list Romeodannay πŸ™‚

    in reply to: teh winnar #719299

    travistie wrote:

    Maybe she’s on vacation or something. A lot of people seem to be taking vacations lately.

    I wish! Nawp, work, work and more work, add in to the mix lightning storms and there you have my week.

    in reply to: teh winnar #719298

    Serenity wrote:

    Yep… I’ve been waiting to see Hoofer here too… Hmmm. I love it when people find out that they won! πŸ˜‰

    Because of the storms, I had a nice build-up of spam and was plowing through them, deleting away when I saw Ms. Melodys e-mail address.

    It took me a moment … and then I had a bunch of happy expletives flow through my head when I realized that it wasn’t actually spam. πŸ˜€

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