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Trekkie burgers huh?
I don’t think it’s my company, at least… so I know they aren’t trying to make me go there! π
I’m still amused. LOL
“Wanna See?”
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *desperate dive towards cat that inevitably ends in pain and embarrassment, followed by the cat sauntering away calmly* π
I haven’t received one yet either, but I suspect it’s just a little late. π Won’t get bummed till there’s reason to.
*whine* Even though I just saved my company probably around $25000 today (according to one of the managers), it still cost me lots of hours at the plant. And I have a bum knee from slipping out of the production manager’s truck in Brooks last Wednesday, which was in pain to the point of almost crying multiple times. And I just don’t cry from pain. I don’t. π
And those programs are good for people, like myself, who are NEVER around when auctions end. There were some windstone pieces that I would have loved, could have afforded, that I never got, simply, because I was at work when they ended. A program like that gives me a fighting chance at some stuff.
Not like it’s gonna happen anytime soon. I mean, I need money to buy anything off of ebay, windstones included. :shrug:
Phoenix wrote:I just solved the Rubik’s Cube by myself!!! Heck ya!!!
On a lesser note, I just got my 3rd raise this year! Now I’ll go whine about how much stress my job causes me… πWoo hoo!
And woohoo to Pegasi, and the others too! Good news from you guys is always nice to hear. π Makes me a little happier.
swoltanski30 wrote:just found out that someone I trust has been stabbing me in the back. I am not to happy right now and very disappointed. Makes you not want to trust anybody. π
Aw, that’s no good at all. I hope it doesn’t sour you on other people though – not everyone does that. π
And, free hugs and e-hot chocolate to everyone! Warm up, snuggle under the covers, and be glad you aren’t in Brooks with me looking at the slaughtering house! LOL :puke: (actually I haven’t been to that side of the plant, for which I am eternally grateful). But I *know* it’s there. So I’m still a little queasy.
Good luck and travel safe! I hope this works for you! π
I think there was a thanksgiving thread done to that effect, but heck if I can find it (because I can’t remember the title name).
And that’s one of the things I like about this forum. We aren’t just strangers over the internet, who happen to have a common interest (though it started that way, I’m sure), this is more like a family that we almost never get to see. π
Oof Mgutz… that makes my neighbor look like a saint.
I just can’t have a normal voice level conversation while in the hallway, because my neighbor works a night shift, and we wake him up. Then complains to the landlord that we were yelling in the hallway. She ignores him mostly, because she knows he’s like that. :shrug:
You’re reading the message of someone who just got a friggin awesome raise! I’m making $2.75/hour more then I was before – now I’m making $17/hour! Tradeoff? Well, I’m gonna be starting at 3:45am…. LOL But hard to argue that kind of a raise, right? π
HECK YEAH! First time I’ve really felt like celebrating in MONTHS! π
foxfeather wrote:Hmmm…. I always remember hearing about a devil/demon that followed behind Santa’s sleigh and would leave coal in our stockings if we were bad. Gramma was the one who told these tales and she was Irish π
Anyone remember the the song “Gramma got run over by a Reindeer” and the line “incriminating claw marks on her back?” π
I thought that said “Claus” marks…..And I never heard about Krampus. :scratch:
Haha…. π I was curious to see it myself, but I never ask.
And you’re super cool for hosting them! π
Awwwwwwww so cute! I will now secretly glare at my cats who are being all independent and not cuddly right now. This has me craving serious cuddling.
This is gonna sound super cheesy but heck yeah, my engagement photos went well, the weather cooperated (it was nice and sunny, and warm for December). I was nervous about them (considering the money that went into them). π
Wish I had money to buy supplies… or I’d join on the next one. π