Forum Replies Created
Okay, we’re live now! Will be streaming until 6 or 6:30 Pacific Coast time.
Setting up now! For once, our internet seems to be working without any hitches. Yay!
September 20, 2011 at 11:36 pm in reply to: Grab Bag Young Unicorn Livestream Part 3– Horn-gluing Edition! #857235Considering there are 26 people online right now… I’m thinking you’re right. 🙂
In last night’s livestream, I mentioned that I might do another one while I’m putting the horns in– just wanted to let you guys know that it WON’T be tonight; we’re experiencing a hang up on horns (I misjudged the number that would be useable, so now I’m waiting for the rest to be lacquered).
The horn livestream will be tomorrow, most probably. As always, I’ll keep you guys posted.
Maybe by then the last batch on my mom’s painting wheel will be done!
As such, it’s unlikely that they will go in the store tomorrow (Wednesday). We’re trying to gather up as many as possible before putting them up for sale!
Turns out I CAN do them tonight! Is tonight better than tomorrow morning? I doubt many people will be able to watch in the morning… right?
Okay, so… apparently I was wrong about the horns– my coworker Andi already finished ’em up and the lacquer dries quicker than I thought!
So… Is it better to do a livestream tonight, or tomorrow morning? I’m thinking tonight, because more people might be able to watch in the evening than in the morning.
Please note that because I have the microphone off (at least for now) I will be ignoring questions as much as possible (since it will take me so long to respond to everyone via keyboard).
I will turn the mic on later, in the last few hours of streaming (probably around 4 o’clock), because that is when most of my coworkers start to trickle out (and that way no one has to worry about being quiet). Also, I can get more work done this way.
Thanks for understanding. Please feel free to take over the chat and keep any questions in mind for later. 🙂
Um… yeah, I didn’t go to work this weekend. I have too much Battlestar Galactica to wat– er, I mean, I have too much house cleaning to do before school starts.
… Yeah. >.>
Anyway, I will be streaming again tomorrow (Monday). I’ll let you know tomorrow when I start… chances are I’ll be going until 5 or 6 in the evening (or later, if I don’t implode from webcam willies first). Maybe I’ll have acclimated to the situation by then and actually get some work done. If that happens, you might get to see them win their horns!
Here’s a link to our channel:
I believe the recorded footage is there. Is that really what I sound like? Because I don’t imagine myself sounding like that AT ALL. O_o Thanks for putting up with my dumb commentary, btw. It’s easy to babble mindlessly when you can forget that there are people listening.
We are live!
Click this link:
There might be an ad that you have to sit through first– after that, you will be seeing my arm and table.
Let me know if it’s working okay!
So, our computer guy has just about got the wireless set up! I’m sitting at my work desk now. We will hopefully go live shortly. We’re starting a little late, but I should still get a good two hours (at least) of unicorn time.
I’ll post the link as soon as we have one!
It’s 2:45 pm right now, Oregon time.
They’ll probably be up for sale sometime next week, yes. It takes a few days for them to go through finishing; we will have to make packaging for them and probably send some back for touch-ups, and such, as well as putting eyes and horns in. 🙂
Wait… can I take you up on that??
And here I am, feeling bad about all of the dragons piled around my ears because I can’t pack fast enough. You mean you want me to STOP?
Well, in that case… bring on the beach! Does it come with horses?
I think it’s because they are copper patina. 🙂 The horns were a little tight, so I have reason to believe these were made with the older molds (old molds shrink, causing things to fit less well).
I am excited to see moon dragons, too! I’ve never eyeballed one of them before! Or a sun dragon, for that matter. Orientals tend to behave better than the other dragons, so I am extra looking forward to it… haha.
I can’t help it– I have to offer my two cents as a Windstone employee about the pre-ordering concept. No hard feelings (I know how awesome it would be if we could make it work, after all), but to give you an idea… I am the only person in our packing/eyeball department right now. Susie has been doing the bulk of our shipping AND taking care of all her ordinary book-keeping and customer service duties. The way we are set up, it would be almost impossible for us to run a pre-order service smoothly and without mishap, even though this process sounds very stream-lined. I know it would be wonderful if we were able to offer this service to you guys, but at the moment (and in the foreseeable future) it would be very, very difficult. At least as I understand it.
Also, from a personal perspective, I want my mom to be able to work on her own artwork again someday. 😉
However, with this in mind, please continue to brainstorm about any ideas at all, including pre-ordering. We are always open to new methods.
Responding to this thread at large, I would just like to reinforce what Pam and Susie have said about this post being directed at the general populace rather than a specific person. Otherwise, it would not have been posted to the forum at all! 🙂 Perhaps it would have been easier if Susie just said, “Big Brother is watching you”… and left it at that. 😉 (Disclaimer: Big Brother is not, in fact, watching you.)
For the record, if it was up to me, I would happily do nothing but put eyeballs in Grab Bag Unis. They are my favorite. And I am sick of dragons… they like to get in fights with each other.
August 5, 2011 at 12:19 am in reply to: Nutmeg Curled Dragons going into the store at 3 p.m. PST, Aug 3, 2011 #852880Whoops, nevermind! I was hoping that might help people make a decision whether or not to buy one, but they’re already out of stock. 😛 I was worried no one liked them, haha! They are quite pretty, after all!