Forum Replies Created
Peacock- Hatching Emperor
KingletEMERALD – Sun Dragon
Oriental DragonEMERALD – Kinglet
CURLED – Old Green
FLION – In original Polystyrene packing
FLAPCAT – Siamese Batwing
I’m interested in some of the above but have never bought from overseas- how much shipping is it usually?
Hey thanks! 😀 I wish I knew about the store when he was in there! And the brown lap too!
Wanted, to buy or trade for. Doesn’t need to be in perfect condition.
Hatching royalty
Hatching kinglet
Coiled motherSun Dragons (orientals)
Hatching royalty
Coiled MotherPeacock
Hatching emperorEmerald Peacock
AllForgot! A rock dragon (I like both large and small) and trio of dragons candle lamp
Also looking for an old warrior in one of the following colors (since he’s more expensive I only plan on owning one at the moment! In order of most wanted first)
Black Violet/emerald peacock
Brown (not sure if he comes in brown?)
Emerald or Emerald Peacock
Ruby or Red FireLet me know if you have any of these for sale/trade! 🙂
Cyleren wrote:Cherokee, I sent you an e mail. We may have had a misunderstanding.
ThanksI have all e-mails. I guess it has now turned into an auction. Buyer beware.
I’m not sure how you misunderstood… I quote “I for sure want the scratcher.” “Do you take paypal?” I was only waiting for a shipping total… I sent you my zip code and city and state and was waiting to hear back from you on a shipping total.
Ummm I have been e-mailing you back and forth for days and told you I would pay for the scratcher as soon as you got me a shipping quote…???!
Hi- Do you have starting offers in mind?
purpleturtle wrote:ANY special ebay item is out of my league 🙁 . I wants that OW sooo bad. Maybe I can sell a kidney. No, maybe not…
Can you do that?? 😯 I really only need one… lots of bills… 😆
I highly recommend doing business with skylover. She was very friendly and extremely prompt on returning e-mails. She shipped my pieces very well- they withstood the post man throwing the box the 15 or so feet from the fire escape on to my balcony because I wasn’t home when he delivered them! Thanks again!
I bought 2 pieces from Skylover on payments. She was very friendly and kept up communication very quickly. She packed great! I could have strangled the post man he actually left a sticker on my door saying on my porch… I don’t have a porch… but a balcony… he actually walked out on to the fire escape and threw the box the 15 or so feet from the fire escape on to the balcony!! I’m very lucky they weren’t shattered or at the very least chipped. I highly recommend Skylover.
Nuke wrote:I have an emerald hatchling for sale if you’re looking to buy *shrug* I can’t trade as I don’t collect dragons (this little guy was in a forgotten corner and at a good price so I snatched him up for any needy collectors), but I see you’re wanting all emeralds so I’m tossing the offer out there.
Ooh I should mention I don’t collect the little hatchlings (but I do collect hatching royalty). Thanks for letting me know!
Oooh thanks for letting me know. I wonder why that is? Huh. Thanks! 😀
Lap, scratcher, mother, coiled mother… 🙂 Oriental sun!!! Do you know when we might expect anything new in any color? Or restocks of curls?
I have decided I have too many peacocks and would like to trade my spectral maybe for another spectral in ruby, red fire, or silver?? Emerald? I don’t have any other colors of spectrals so I am open. Also open to other sculpts. I’m looking for all browns except male and mother, all emeralds except scratcher, fledge, male. All ruby except male, scratcher, mother, and lap. Emerald, brown, and white coiled mothers. All silvers, all whites… there is a lot 😆 😆