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I’m hoping they realize it when they are in prison, and they read about themselves in one of those “World’s Dumbest Criminals” books. XD XD XD
Actually, tomorrow, I will email him and tell him the game is over, and I have sent all his emails to law enforcement and Paypal, and maybe I may tell him that he was so greedy, that he failed to notice how my “room-mate’s” name was pronounced. XD XD XDHAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :spank: :spank:
wasn’t the Wineberry SK the one that wasn’t hollowed out, and was very heavy? How much did it re-sell for??
ok, then I will repeat my squeak for the Darker Violet Old Warrior, with Amethyst on the underside, silver on the wings, and silver horns. squeek* squeek* squeek*
congratulations! I was put on the forum as a limited edition windstonian, then I got changed to “lurk”, but I don’t know how many posts it took to move up to Social. How many posts did it take you? I know if I get up to Chatty, I probably talk waaaaaaaaaay too much! XD XD
well, Craigslist won’t even take any reports of any abuses on their site, at all. I emailed him to tell him that FEDEX would not ship the package so I have to take it to Post Office next week, so it is unlikely I will be able to keep dialogue going with him that long without him getting suspicious that I am on to him, and playing him, since he already thinks so. So I will probably let him know that I am on to him, and have reported him to law enforcement, and hope he ends up in a “stupid criminal” book someday, for sending a fake payment to “Frawda Lurt”. XD XD XD
well, that I don’t know about, but what he did was advertised all over the place, apparantly, including getting donations, and my thing is not that sophisticated. I just hate that NOBODY can seem to shut these guys down, even Paypal can only at best, shut down the domain that these fake payments came from, but there are thousands more where that came from. 👿
you mean about the virus? I’ll just have to delete my email. And the other email was a fake one anyway so I could delete that one too.
so does 2Huberts mean you and your husband? :shrug:
yeah I knew you were Laurie, in fact since I recognized your cat, I just now realized you changed your username. So you can call me Michele if you like… 8) 8) 8)
does anybody know of an actual vet insurance plan? I don’t know if any veterinarians in my area even accept it if I had it anyway. :shrug:
how come you changed your name Laurie? :shrug:
There is an over the counter homeopathic pink eye relief drops called “similisan” that I have used on cats for mild eye infections, when I could not get them the eye ointment, it should be good for the kittens. The company may even have some sort of nose drops also, or even try the saline drops for their noses, just a little. If you could get a vet to sell you a bag of IV fluids and some syringes, without you having to have them hospitalized so that you could administer some fluids 3 to 4 times a day sub-Q that would save you a lot of money, and it is fairly easy to do. It also delivers the fluids to them a lot easier than trying to force feed them enough. What are you feeding them? When I have had to wean kittens, the formula has been one can evaporated milk, one can water, one egg yolk, and one tablespoon light karo syrup. The karo syrup should help give them a little energy. Then you could put the formula in bottle for fluids. Or for food you can add gerber baby chicken or turkey, gerber rice cereal, and if the veterinarian gives you some: Nutrical.
Me too–I lived in a building before, where the tenants were so awful that they truly gave meaning to the phrase “no good deed goes unpunished”. By the way, Lokie, I want your cat, lol. XD