Windstones in Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes

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  • #543594
    Keymaster Scroll down to the bottom of this page to the “trivia” section


        Well my friend took care of that! Hopefully the changes show up and are effective. She chose to keep N. Hollywood in the description because during the time of the show’s airing, that’s where it was from.

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


          Soooo, I’ve been re-watching Buffy while I work on a baby blanket for a friend, and season 6 is Windstone city in The Magic Box! I had no idea! I’ve seen the gothic unicorn two or three times (Anya even picks it up and dusts it once), pretty sure that was a gargoyle on the counter by the register in one episode, what looked like a gargoyle egg (not sure which one) behind Willow on a shelf, while she magically hacked something on her laptop, and there was a mother kirin front and center on the table they were sitting at while they were plotting Buffy’s birthday! 😀 Anya also picked the mother kirin up in this scene and dusted her, too. Lulz~ Well, it’s not quite over yet. I’ll keep my eyes peeled. o.ov


            Oo, oo! Are you able to get screen ‘caps’ or pix to share? That was one series we didn’t watch at our house… Roddy wasn’t real interested and to be honest, neither was I… 😳

            twindragonsmum 😀



              I can try! I had some program for taking caps, but I think the trial period expired…but maybe I can hit pause and take a screenshot with PSP…*hmms*


                Argh, I tried and I think it knows what I’m up to! I pause it, take a screenshot, and then try to trim it down in PaintShopPro, and suddenly all that’s left is a black square! I tried the PrtScn button and it still did that. D: Help meee.

                P.S. – also add the black male unicorn to the list of things I’ve spotted. XD He was on a table with the mother kirin next to Anya and Dawn while Anya tried to convince Dawn to wish something bad would happen to Xander. >.>; Oh, and the gargoyle is still by the register. It’s the “Roaring Sentinel” one. 😀 Got a better look at him while Anya and Hel..whatsherface, that other vengeance demon…were trying to figure out how to get someone to curse Xander. Hehehe.


                  I’ve had the same sort of problem when trying to take screen caps.The only way I have done it successfully is to use Media Player Classic (unicode build; version I pause, then go File -> Save Image and it gives me the screen cap I want. You can even advance it frame by frame (but you can’t go backwards) using the right arrow key once it’s been paused.

                  I don’t know if newer versions work or not as I haven’t tried them.


                    Well, after a lot of sniffing around online for a solution, I realized I already had one that would do it, that I had forgotten about. It is not as exact as I would like (it’s hard to get it to pause at just the right instant, but I suspect that is more my computer’s fault…), but has a “screenshot” button which works pretty well. There seems to be some pixellation from encoding or interlacing or whatever that techno-babble is…but I edited it out. So here’s my first screenshot! It’s the gothic unicorn on the shelf to the left (our left, not Dawn’s). This is in the episode “Once More With Feeling”. Thanks go to VLC Media Player.

                    I’ll get to the rest as soon as I can find them. >.>;… I watched a little more last night, and saw the black male unicorn again. Xander is peeping in the window of the Magic Box at Anya, and it’s on a shelf right by her. Seems like basically, almost any Magic Box scene in this season, you will see a Windstone. 😀


                      Okay, here’s some more…

                      The mother kirin on the table in front of Xander :

                      The gargoyle “Egg With Eyes” on the shelf behind Willow :

                      This is before the gargoyle is moved to beside the register; he’s on the shelf right above Willow’s head :

                      There’s a whole wad of Windstones on this shelf in the back, but I have yet to come across a scene where I can take a clear screenshot…so I labeled it :

                      Anyhow, I am supposed to be making a cake, so I’ll cap the rest later. >.>; *skitters off*


                        Coolest!!! Thankies kitsunelady 😀

                        twindragonsmum 😀



                          Oh my goodness, it’s been a long time since anyone has posted in this thread! I have owned Buffy seasons 1-3 for about 10 years now, but I had never gotten past season 3 until recently when I signed up for Netflix. The past few weeks I have been watching them and I just happened to catch that there was a gargoyle behind Giles in a scene in the Magic Box. I paused it immediately (and the look on his face is about what was on mine when I thought.. Is that a Windstone??), I went to the gargoyle page and scrolled down and lo and behold, it was a Windstone! I realize it was pointed out in another screenshot up above this one but I thought I’d add my screenshot as well for anyone who was interested in seeing it a little more clearly.

                          So very cool!

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                            lol 🙂 I really enjoyed seeing these thank you 😀


                              Okay, sorry to revive a very old thread, but OMG! Being the lame-o I am I only just recently started watching Buffy and am close to finishing the last season. Boy was I surprised when I started seeing Windstone pieces throughout seasons 5-7. SO COOL!!! Of course, still being a lame-o, I commented about it to Melody before coming here and finding out how very old news it is……woops. ^^;


                              You’re not that lame, I can’t make myself watch Buffy, I have tried, so very hard, I love most of joss’ stuff but, I just can’t make it through maybe I’ll try again some day, but so far just can’t do it.

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