
Windstone or curio?

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    OK…I got to choose…shall I spend money on ebay snatching up dragons or get a curio to store them? What should I do first? I’m so conflicted! I can’t afford to do both obviously, and there’s a great deal on a curio in my area, but that would mean no Windstones for a while. It should be a good choice, but ggrrrrrrrrrr….. 😑



      I say go for the curio. Then you can have fun arranging the Windstones you do have, and dreaming of where your future darlings will go πŸ˜‰


        There will always be Windstones but if you can get a good deal on the curio, go for that. Then you don’t have to worry about Windstones being dropped or damaged.


        Yep, they definately need a home to go in.


        Eeek… I shouldn’t even post, seeing as how you now have a solid curio vote, but, for me it would very much depend on if there was a windstone that might not be available later… of course, I’ve needed a new curio for months now (like 9!) and I keep spending on windstones instead (actually, we spent it on kitchen cabinets instead, but, still no new curio and ~ 15 new dragons in the last 5 months).


          Curio for sure. I had to make the same decision two years ago and I got the curio. Now I need another one. πŸ™‚


            Wow! Your curio looks great! πŸ˜€


              Thanks. I love my dragons πŸ™‚


              vapordragon wrote:

              Curio for sure. I had to make the same decision two years ago and I got the curio. Now I need another one. πŸ™‚

              WOW! Can I just come and live with you VD so I wouldn’t have to buy either?! (droool):D

              As for all the curio votes, you guys are soooo practical, but probably right also! It’s one I found in my area’s craigslist, but I cant get a hold of the seller yet…so who knows…maybe the money munching dragons are still in my future….


                One thing to consider when looking for a curio is an unfinished furniture store. They will often have very nice curios that only need staining and sealing and you can save some money that way. That is if you don’t mind taking the time to finish it yourself.

                I have a curio holding my porcelin dolls that was from an unfinished furniture store. My dad and I spent a couple weekends doing a detail sanding, staining and varnishing. I’ve had the cabinet about 18 years now and it still looks great. I just have to be careful when it is moved because it had an accident with a shelf that fell off the garage wall and knocked it over breaking one of the curved glass panels and twisting one of the legs. The same store we bought it from ordered us a new panel and my dad nailed the leg back into place.


                pegasi1978 wrote:

                One thing to consider when looking for a curio is an unfinished furniture store. They will often have very nice curios that only need staining and sealing and you can save some money that way. That is if you don’t mind taking the time to finish it yourself.

                I have a curio holding my porcelin dolls that was from an unfinished furniture store. My dad and I spent a couple weekends doing a detail sanding, staining and varnishing. I’ve had the cabinet about 18 years now and it still looks great. I just have to be careful when it is moved because it had an accident with a shelf that fell off the garage wall and knocked it over breaking one of the curved glass panels and twisting one of the legs. The same store we bought it from ordered us a new panel and my dad nailed the leg back into place.

                Well I’m buying antique pieces off craigslist and estate sales! They are REALLY reasonable, and solid, not to mention they won’t go down in value. I like to go on the final days of estate sales where they discount 50% or more. I’ve had them give me stuff before just to get them out!


                DAMN VD! I love that BG emperor! (drools more!) πŸ˜€


                  Hey if you can get a steal on a piece I say go for it. If I had the space my Windstones would get a curio of their own, plus I’d get another curio so some of the pieces in my old one aren’t as crowded and can be seen better.


                    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† If you can find a nice used one go for it.

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