Why collect Windstone?

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    I collect Melody’s sculptures because I feel like they are personal friends who have stood by me and helped me thru bad times.
    4 years ago I was in a really bad accident that left me crippled. (This WAS a toyota Corolla and I was the passenger)
    After the car accident I got really depressed, and thought about suicide a lot. I spent a couple of years on my back, unable to do anything. I had started collecting windstones 10 or 15 years ago, so I had a decent collection. They were all over my room on shelves protecting me. When I would start to cry or get overwhelmed with self pity, I would close my eyes and imagine I was riding my dragon and he would stop to scratch (I could open my eyes and see him doing it)and laugh wondering what it would be like hanging on to the back of a scratching dragon. Or I could imagine how smooth the scales of my friend Ki-rin would feel under my hand.
    So I feel like I owe Melody a little bit of my life because she helped me get thru the really dark years.


      Holy Moly. What a wreck. Im so glad you made it out of that. Its amazing that you lived to tell the tale.


        skigod377 wrote:

        Holy Moly. What a wreck. Im so glad you made it out of that. Its amazing that you lived to tell the tale.

        I was just thinking tjhe same thing. I’m glad you are OK. I reminded me of 7 1/2 years ago when I got rear ended on my motorcycle. I was very happy to be able to walk away


          ddvm wrote:

          In addition to the above I love Melody’s dragons because they are not angry looking or spewing fire, etc. A lot of the dragons out there are, well, nasty looking for want of a better word. I grew up reading Anne McCaffrey where dragons were partners not adversaries and that’s how I view dragons. I don’t particularly like the St. George type of dragon stories so Melody’s look like how I picture dragons.

          That is very true. That is why I love Melody’s dragons and don’t have any other type around my house.


            SilverArrow wrote:

            ddvm wrote:

            In addition to the above I love Melody’s dragons because they are not angry looking or spewing fire, etc. A lot of the dragons out there are, well, nasty looking for want of a better word. I grew up reading Anne McCaffrey where dragons were partners not adversaries and that’s how I view dragons. I don’t particularly like the St. George type of dragon stories so Melody’s look like how I picture dragons.

            That is very true. That is why I love Melody’s dragons and don’t have any other type around my house.

            I have to second that as well. Most other dragons look like they’ve been over-doing the steroids, you know?


              Dragon Master wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              Holy Moly. What a wreck. Im so glad you made it out of that. Its amazing that you lived to tell the tale.

              I was just thinking tjhe same thing. I’m glad you are OK. I reminded me of 7 1/2 years ago when I got rear ended on my motorcycle. I was very happy to be able to walk away

              That is amazing you made it through that, but even more wonderful is the support your Windstones gave when you needed it. I know it sounds silly, but they really do have a type of magic to them, a very wonderful magic….


                SPark wrote:

                SilverArrow wrote:

                ddvm wrote:

                In addition to the above I love Melody’s dragons because they are not angry looking or spewing fire, etc. A lot of the dragons out there are, well, nasty looking for want of a better word. I grew up reading Anne McCaffrey where dragons were partners not adversaries and that’s how I view dragons. I don’t particularly like the St. George type of dragon stories so Melody’s look like how I picture dragons.

                That is very true. That is why I love Melody’s dragons and don’t have any other type around my house.

                I have to second that as well. Most other dragons look like they’ve been over-doing the steroids, you know?

                Or need anger management.


                  Maybe a tiiiny bit contributes to the sparkly and expensive aspect of them. Another part would be something that has been discussed before-they are THE best quality and prettiest dragons out there. If you collect Wolves, you want to have some pretty ones for your collection. If you collect pigs or cows or unicorns or chickens (like my mother) you want to at least have a few nice pieces among the common ones…but if you’re financially ABLE to have a collection of nice things, why not?

                  I fell in love at first sight 7 years ago in jr.high and bought my first ones, the original green family (got super lucky on ebay) as a ‘HA! Take that!’ for having no money in jr.high. Then of course, I wanted them all.

                  Today I was thinking, “What’s the point of collecting?” Because when I get one, I open it, stare at every inch of it for about half an hour, clear a space for it and start hunting down my next one. I really need to STOP BUYING and start appreciating the ones I have more than I already do, but I feel this frenzy to try and catch up; get the ones I REALLY really…REALLY want like the spectrals, rainbow male and gold lap, but its hard!

                  I wish I had a moving story to tell, like ryliecat, but alas; they’re pretty, and I love owning them. And, a bit like Ski says, I like having a limited production item, because I feel like I got something that only ‘Special Privellage’ people got. Anybody can go to the store and buy a Windstone, but the limited production or numbered pieces, you gotta be at the right place at the right time. Not EVERY one out there knows about the Windstone website. To me, that alone is like having a collector’s club.

                  Its like eating chocolate…not good for you, but very pleasurable 😀

                  I also agree about the friendlyness of Melody’s sculptures.
                  All of my 32 Windstones are in my room, and my mother will walk in there, look around, and later, if I’m telling her about a nightmare I had (had lots after my other half left for the Army) she would say, “Im not surprised you have nightmares, sleeping in a room full of dragons!” I always tell her, “But not THESE dragons! They’re nice…see…that one is just itchy :)” I think she still equates dragons=evil.


                  I second everything everybody else said – except Ryliecat; I haven’t had any accidents. Glad you survived the crash, Rylie.
                  But there’s another aspect for me. I love dragons by definition, and Melody’s are so realistic. But I wouldn’t buy them if they were made anywhere besides the U.S. I am so sick of being bombarded by Chinese/far eastern trash, by the companies constantly outsourcing jobs, quality getting worse and worse. Every time I buy a Windstone I know that I’m supporting the U.S. economy, and that I have a real piece of artwork, lovingly hand-painted, totally unique, and beautiful on top of it. So my Windstones are a statement – another quality item that not Made in (bleeping) China. I can’t remember the last time I bought something made in China. I just don’t. If I can’t get it quality, made in U.S.A. or Switzerland or Germany or some country with a tradition of quality, I just don’t get it.


                  Hello! I’m as much of a collector as my budget allows. I saw my first Windstone dragons as a child in a local gift shop. It took me many years to get my hands on one of my own, but I hope that I can keep collecting and appreciating Melody’s beautiful artwork.

                  There are plenty of dragons, griffons, unicorns etc. out on the market, but I love Windstone sculptures because of the quality. I work with preparing fossils, and creating life-restoration depictions is a big part of the job. I’m studying paleontology, and you essentially have to take something you’ve never seen, and think like it’s alive. Melody’s sculptures make believing in dragons, unicorns, and winged beasts second nature. Her attention to musculature, pose, and integument really shows.

                  Most of all though, her work is just plain inspiring. The faces of her sculptures really get to me; no matter what angle you look at them from they have a piercing gaze. When I was just a kid and looked up at the face of a lovely peacock emperor on a store shelf, it was something pretty special!

                  Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                  I thought that there was only a handful of them at first; still did up until a little while ago (I found the forum and you crazy people)…but I’ve been collecting windstones because they just are the most beautiful representations of dragons/gryphons/kirins etc you could possibly find, and I’m pleased to have been able to paint my own! Its a truly wonderful experience when you know that you’ve ‘rubbed shoulders’ with the best 😛

                  I’d just like to thank Melody for the love she’s put into each of these guys ^-^ I doubt they’d have been this beautiful if she hadn’t X3


                  The quality and the colours, plain and simple 😀 Plus Windstone actually makes gryphons and they are not easy to collect either!


                  Same, mostly. Melody’s dragons and gryphons are the most appealing to my picky eye, the gryphons especially. Search “griffin” or “gryphon” on eBay and you will find TONS of ugly gryphons, hideous chicken-necked affairs (and not just because they’re “helradic”.) Melody’s gryphons are pretty much the only gryphons available commercially that actually look plausible and appealing to me. Of course, I really started getting obsessed with the creatures when I found art of them online, by our Nambroth, Vantid, and of course Novawuff, Likeshine, and other artists I can’t think of at the moment, so I like the look of the more “modern” gryphons. Besides, they usually have more anatomically correct wings than older depictions of gryphons. *anatomy stickler*

                  I also admire Melody’s sculpting skills, and her willingness to get into the more obscure critters such as KiRins and such, not just Western dragons (did I mention I really like Mel’s Eastern dragons more than most depictions you see at Chinese buffets? XD). That, and she’s an awesome person. So yes, Windstone overall is full of win. 😀


                    Melody’s was the first fantasy sculpture that was able to take my breath away – When I looked at her work, I could SEE the living creature in it, the muscles beneath the scales, the intensity in the eyes…my tan griffin was the only piece I had for a long long time – got him back when I was a preteen – and when I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, I swore I could see him move. 🙂 She’s just the best, and her sculptures are truly the finest to be had. And as prohibitive as the price is sometimes, each one is absolutely worth every penny.
                    I admit that I have the same problem as Wolfen, though – now that I have some money, I feel the intense compulsion to CATCH UP! 🙂 I’m becoming dragonish myself and accumulating a hoard with an insatiable hunger to add to it. I either have to REALLY slow down or “create” more room for them somehow! God, I love looking at them, though…they truly are a feast for the eyes.

                    "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                    -J R R Tolkien


                      Well, the reason I choose to collect the Windstone Dragons is because they are the most relistic-looking dragons I have seen yet, in my opinion. Even from a distance you can see the detail and texture that is put into these dragons. And how each one has a little personality to it. That’s why I love them soo much. 🙂

                      Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
                      Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
                      Website: courtneymooreauthor.com

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