
WHINE is served

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      My friend just passed away, my gramma is in the hospital two states away, it’s been miserably hot here and we have no AC, and a ‘freak’ storm came through yesterday and not only wrecked most of my vegetable garden that I was relying on for food but took down a large, healthy oak tree that I loved (which took three other smaller trees with it when it fell). Life, not okay.

      Oh no! I hope she’ll be okay… Sending cool, healing thoughts.

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        This rotten heat has had me sick for over a week . When will it be winter again . Man I hate summer . As a kid I loved it .


          I wonder if you ever get over grief . It’s just so hard . Still early and still depressed over it . Hurts so bad .


            frickin nasty, dirty sugar companies have got me so pissed off! I’d heard about bone char..oh I mean “natural charcoal” before, but I had no idea it was still in use! All the big companies use bones from cows slaughtered in third world countries to decolorize refined sugar…because it has to be pure frickin white, ya know? I’ve baked with it my entire life and have been as ignorant as a slug. Ugh, apparently I need to find a brand that only does beet sugar.
            I’ve always liked C&H too, my grandpa worked for them all his life. Tomorrow I’m giving them the angry vegan call, see if I can make the unlucky fellow who answers the phone cry.


              I think some of the store brands are beet sugar. It does make a difference in baked goods, though (just so you know).


                Oi oi this day is starting to be fantastic. The post office lost a package I sent out that is valued at $458. I put tracking on but forgot to put insurance, I’ve had to do all of the foot work for getting phone numbers and trying to get an idea of what I need to do by myself. So I have put in a complaint again the manager at the post office I had used who didn’t help at all in any way. Frankly the first thing she did do was chastise me for not putting insurance on my box the first time I talked to her. I haven’t even received a chance to get a phone call from customer service to take my statement and she calls nice a sweet asking about it…. I lost my cool a little bit since you know I really would like to have a chance to think about everything before I make my statement. Seriously I just don’t want to not deal with her finale acting nice because she knows I’ve complained….Some empathy in the first place with her would have gone a long way in the first place and at least calling me back within a reasonable time frame when I called inquiring about the package last week. Over all the impression I had from her is “I don’t want to deal with this, I don’t know what to do, I’m just going to really on the tracking and blame the customer for possibly not putting the tags on the package right”

                I feel miserable I hate standing up for myself….


                  raw sugar works too….?
                  eeew that is freaking not coool T_T


                  It’s hot & I’m so tired, but it is too hot to sleep, whine! And I have a headache!




                    My work is sucking. I just got assigned to an account that will require 60+ hour weeks for at least 3 months and since I’m salaried, that means no extra money – just extra work!

                    Also I have over spent on Windstones! I need to sell something, but I can’t figure out what.

                    Finally, I love, love, love the new koi kirin and orientals, but due to second whine – I just cannot bid!

                    Why can’t money and things I love align?!?!? Stupid money! Or if I have to work OT, why can’t I at least get paid for it?!?


                      I have hear when it rains it pours and that is what has been happening to me in the last couple of weeks

                      1. My best friend passed away from lung cancer she has been it fighting for a little over a year.

                      2. My email has been screwed up for the last 3 weeks. I have been changed from bellsouth.net to att.net and back then I signed up for gmail to try to get email. AT&T’s techs (all 4 at different times) keep telling me it is because of Yahoo being hacked for over 400,000 passwords and one of them was probably mine. For over a week I could send but not receive – today bellsouth.net seems to be working – for good I hope.

                      3. The jacuzi stopped working – pool company came out – it was the timer that turns on the waterfalls so he replaced it and it is working again.

                      4. I have a side by side refrigerator and the refrigerator door kept coming open – called Whirlpool and they sent a repairman 4 days later. In the meantime I had a chair keeping the door closed.

                      5. Kitchen faucet went bad. I called Moen and they replaced it for free since it was less than 2 years old. It arrived yesterday and my neighbor will install it this weekend. Meanwhile I am using a large pitcher to get water from the bathtub to use in the kitchen.

                      I hope that is it for a long while


                        The day started out so well. Mom and I set about canning up the pasta sauce we had made from the garden tomatos her neighbor was nice enough to give her. It all turned out fantastic and we had a massive batch.

                        Then the husband and I decided to go run our errands, that was the start to the bad day. We were sitting at a stop light when a lady rear ended our new car. Massive damage for ours, and her suv had a few scratches. Thank goodness no one was hurt and we were all insured. Not earth shattering but no darn fun to say the least. She was at least very nice, and it wasn’t a big hassle.

                        While we were waiting for the very polite police officer to finish his report our vet office calls and informs us that they will not be filling our cat’s insulin order. Our sweet old fellow has been diabetic for 5 years now and he requires shots twice a day to regulate him. It was drilled into us that we needed to make sure he got his shots every twelve hours and missing them was life or death. His usual vet is unavailable so the one on staff decided that he was no longer diabetic and he did not need the insulin any longer. This vet has never seen our fellow before, nor did she bother to look at his file.

                        We brought him in last week due to his sugars crashing, during which time he had his tests done. She demanded we bring him in for the same tests again before she would be willing to fill his script. Of course we agreed to do so despite the fact it is another 100 on top of the cost of his insulin, only to have her inform us that the earliest she can see him is next Friday. That is a week without his insulin. I’m so furious. How can someone be so heartless to an animal.

                        So now we are going to pack up our 14 year old fellow tomorrow, along with five years of medical records and find him a new vet that will actually take care of him. Which means he will miss at least two shots. It’s heart breaking to watch our old fellow suffer because of this woman who claims to be a vet.

                        End bad day rant.


                          That is just…wow. I hope you find a good vet, and quickly. How awful; I would be beyond furious. :angry:


                            Wow, what the hell is wrong with that vet? Someone needs to smack her, you don’t randomly mess with an old animal’s meds, especially cats and insulin! It’s great that your cat has been responsive to insulin, many cats with diabetes are insulin resistant and don’t life long or well with the disease. I had to get over my needle fear when my cousin’ dog, who I pet sat/dog-napped for over a year while they bought a new house and put in a yard for her, got diabetes. It took like 5 months to get her blood sugar fully under control, and the vets and techs kept telling us how much easier it is with dogs than cats. It ticks me off to think you had your old kitty boy stabilized for five years and some moron comes along and upsets the balance. I hope you get it sorted out soon and your older kitty boy doesn’t suffer while the humans try to grow brains.


                              Getting more and more frustrated at a Web site I use to do some work from home. I should not have to downgrade my Internet browser to make the site function properly. I’ll be so glad when I can pass the work from home off to someone else starting next week.


                                Ugh, it is too hot, and while we were on vacation for a week our air conditioner blew a valve, so we called the AC people the night we got home (at like 3 am) and they had to special order the thing since they, the manufacturer, and the warehouse were out. How do you not carry a valve for the only machine you sell?!

                                If anyone needs me come looking for a puddle T_T

                                Hope Adaneth doesn’t mind me borrowing this picture, because it explains the feelings pretty darn well.

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