WHINE is served

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      There’s a dust storm going on and I’ve got sand in my teeth. Waaaaah.


        FWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *runs in circles*
        so a few years ago there was this cute guy i met i gave my phone number to and we started talking he was shy and cute and all and then he opened up. He had been divorced for 6 months and had a shite past. SOOOO instead of being smart i tried to comfort him i felt sooo bad for his situation. we talked for a while and then he had to move. a few weeks later i got a box in the mail containing a later containing a very expensive guitar tuner and a letter professing love O.o :puke: :shout: i emediatle wrote a “i’m sorry you feel that way, please don’t talk to me again” letter. a week later he was calling my house phone and cell constantly for two weeks!

        well i haven’t heard from him until now. he found me on faceboook. my reaction is “nononononononononononononono nooooooooo thats not supposed to happen!”

        i did learn a lesson though guy need bro time when they are dealing with women issues…


          ooooo,bad…tread carefully,flags popping up everywhere :nea:

          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


            Eeeeeeeek! Scary, Grayfire! 😮 Yep, seeing those red, red flags all over the place–guy obviously has a problem. With this day and age of the internet, people can find you whether you want them to or not!! 😮


              Oh, stalker facebook! I have myself as private. I don’t want people from high school and coworkers finding me. I don’t even use a photo of me. I’ve known creepy and cling-ons that just won’t go away and I’d really like to not have them find me. *nods*

              Finding a bra with a company that actually fits – haven’t had to buy anything in a while, so when I finally go to buy more, only to find that they’ve discontinued the entire line and no one seems to carry anything like it without going to a sports bra, which is far more and thicker than I need! Why on earth would you decide to add underwires to a bra for a size that is barely large enough to take into consideration! Large chest capacity from years of singing and flute playing (yay breath control) combined with an in between trainer and barely there size (hard to find that combo to begin with) means finding anything is a PAIN! Found a suitable replacement for now, but it’s essentially a sports bra and just not the same. Considering resorting to actually sewing my own. Same with shoes. Or if you go to the store, find a product you like, then find out that they stopped selling it (my area is a test market for grocery stores, so we get this a lot). Totally stinks!



                My favorite online manga site is going away in a week! *cries* Most of the ones I read aren’t even released here in the states or are really old. 😥


                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  My favorite online manga site is going away in a week! *cries* Most of the ones I read aren’t even released here in the states or are really old. 😥

                  what one?


                    grayfire artz wrote:

                    siberakh1 wrote:

                    My favorite online manga site is going away in a week! *cries* Most of the ones I read aren’t even released here in the states or are really old. 😥

                    what one?

                    onemanga. Mangahelpers has already shut down their hosting part of their site. I only went to the second site for the scanlations for Bleach and Naruto early – the US translations for Bleach that come out by Viz in the store are extremely lacking and ‘Americanized’. Some of the terminology isn’t even consistent with the anime. 🙄 I can understand why, but at the same time, many of the mangas I’ve read on onemanga are old and I haven’t heard of them ever being released in English, let alone in the US. 😥 I wish they would have worked out some sort of licensing or something for those at least. Guess I’m going to be doing a lot of saving over the next few days (at least I have a couple already done). A few have decent translations here in the states, so I have no problem with buying them in book form here. Bleach, I may resort to buying my copies from Japan if I have to (I’m learning Japanese anyways), but I’m taking note of the translators for the ones I like, so I can follow their individual sites for now or torrent for them.


                    Yikes! grayfire Artz, that is so crazy!! Make sure that everything you have on there is set to private. And I am sorry about your favorite Manga Siberakh1. 🙁 I know what it is like for something you love to be discontinued, and it is always sad. 🙁


                      My right eye started twitching earlier this afternoon and it’s still twitching. Thought it might have been because I was tired, but when I laid down for a nap I couldn’t go to sleep.


                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        My right eye started twitching earlier this afternoon and it’s still twitching. Thought it might have been because I was tired, but when I laid down for a nap I couldn’t go to sleep.

                        I get that now and then and it’s annoying. I’d say you just have a pinched nerve of sorts. As long as you don’t have pain, I’d say just wait it out but I do feel for you cause you can’t help but use your eyes! It happens to me (I think) when my eyes have been extra strained… extra work hours and free hours on computer, too much reading anywhere, extra amounts of TV. Any especially repetitious eye motion… like ocular carpal tunnel syndrome.

                        My whine for today… I can never, ever afford Windstone ebay pieces!!!!!!!!! Even the small ones. Always outbid no matter what. Always pre-sniped even if I could begin to afford it by going without groceries for a couple weeks. And I’m buying for another, not even for myself! I think my karma is dyslexic. I want some of those intricate ones in the darn store soooooooo badly! Wahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! Pfft. :shout: 😥

                        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


                          I was going to post a whine last week that my mom suddenly had a bill pop up that I HAD to pay for her, so that all my vacation saved money was gone. My husband revealed that he’d paid down his cards enough to pay for a few days in a room on a closer beach, though, so we got to stay at a really lovely beach anyhow.

                          While we were away, though, my mother called to tell me that my beloved ranchu goldfish Snotface died. 😥 I’ve had him since he was just a marble, years ago. He was about 8″-10″ now, and heavier that a can of soup. His swimbladder had gone awhile ago (common with these rounded body goldfish, it’s how they control their position in the water), but he was chipper and happy to accept the peas and stuff I handfed him. Even before his swimming went wonky, he always responded to me and followed me across the room. I’ve had a good cry over him, even at the beautiful beach. Be at peace my ugly fiddie buddy, swim free. 😥

                          I’d brought my blank keeper with me, and painted on him after the phone call to distract myself. I was so distracted, though, that it came out the way it wanted, not the way I wanted. *whine*


                            Aw, I’m sorry about your fish Pip. 😥 I’m upset and frustrated with my mother but that is whole rant in itself. 🙄


                            I’m so sorry pipsxich — I used to have fish too. 😥


                              I’m sorry about your fish.. They are such cool critters.

                              /whine on:
                              Augh! After a lot of expense and time invested, the show I did yesterday was a complete flop. Lots and lots of people, and not a single one interested ( not even in an ‘I like this but can’t afford it’ sort of way which I relate to completely). I know a lot of my work is expensive but I was sure to have plenty of items for low prices too because I know the economy is not good. No one was even interested! I am feeling helpless. If I can’t get anything at all from shows (which are so expensive to exhibit at!!) or galleries, I don’t know how I can keep this career going. I know it takes time, patience, dedication and money to make it as an artist but gosh it’s been over 7 years that I’ve been doing art full time, with thousands and thousands invested, and have been bull headed enough to try every venue I know of, and it’s gotten me no where fast. When do I accept defeat? Some say ‘never!!’ but maybe they don’t have mortgages and bills to pay..!! At some point something has to work out or there will be no choice but to quit and hope I can find a retail job somewhere. Whine, whine whine.
                              Being positive, I need to update my website today. Maybe that will help!
                              /whine off!!

                              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                              My art: featherdust.com

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