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      That’s rude of someone to copy someone like that and even more rude to say you should be flattered! What an obnoxious response. That would tick me off too! I had someone use my pictures from an auction once in their auction for I think a production piece but I told them the pictures were my personal photos and they didn’t have permission to use them so they took them off.

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        I once had a copy cat ebayer that I didn’t know about until another user messaged me about it, the user had taken like 4 out of my 5 pictures, I can’t remember if they copied my description or not though, I reported it to ebay and nadda seemed to happen….but the weird part was that despite knowing the pictures were mine, the user who pmed me bought the copy cat’s item instead….

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          Dunno if this is a whine or a complaint. Ever get that moment where someone asks you to paint something for them and then in almost the same breath says something extremely unflattering about your work (and I don’t mean unflattering as in criticism, constructive or otherwise)? Ever had that person be your dad? -raises hand- Yup, that’s me.


          Dunno if this is a whine or a complaint. Ever get that moment where someone asks you to paint something for them and then in almost the same breath says something extremely unflattering about your work (and I don’t mean unflattering as in criticism, constructive or otherwise)? Ever had that person be your dad? -raises hand- Yup, that’s me.

          I know exactly what you mean, my dad paid for my vet asst class and when I tell him he need to take the dogs to the vet he tells me that I don’t know what I’m talking about! Plus, other criticizing crap he likes to talk about, such as, my family lives with my parents, since we lost our house, he told us we could stay there as long as one of has a job. I have a job at Mobil and he still asks when my husband is going to get a job! 😐 |(


            It’s very frustrating! I think some parents (not all because there are some parents out there that are just amazingly supportive) just don’t want to acknowledge that you’re an adult and maybe, just maybe you might know what you’re talking about in certain areas. They’re always going to see you as that little kid that doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing and are only playing pretend. -sighs- Sometimes I feel like my dad doesn’t approve of anything I do unless it’s something that makes money. Especially my painting and drawing. I always feel like what I do is so worthless.


            It’s very frustrating! I think some parents (not all because there are some parents out there that are just amazingly supportive) just don’t want to acknowledge that you’re an adult and maybe, just maybe you might know what you’re talking about in certain areas. They’re always going to see you as that little kid that doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing and are only playing pretend. -sighs- Sometimes I feel like my dad doesn’t approve of anything I do unless it’s something that makes money. Especially my painting and drawing. I always feel like what I do is so worthless.

            It is! I understand that we are their little girl I their eyes but they also should understand we are grown up and we would also to be seen as adults and give us appraisal too! I also feel worthless, but then jut my chin up and say, “Hey I’m happy with I do and that’s all that matters, wether they approve or not!”


              It’s very frustrating! I think some parents (not all because there are some parents out there that are just amazingly supportive) just don’t want to acknowledge that you’re an adult and maybe, just maybe you might know what you’re talking about in certain areas. They’re always going to see you as that little kid that doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing and are only playing pretend. -sighs- Sometimes I feel like my dad doesn’t approve of anything I do unless it’s something that makes money. Especially my painting and drawing. I always feel like what I do is so worthless.

              It is! I understand that we are their little girl I their eyes but they also should understand we are grown up and we would also to be seen as adults and give us appraisal too! I also feel worthless, but then jut my chin up and say, “Hey I’m happy with I do and that’s all that matters, wether they approve or not!”

              Very true! I am happy with what I do as well and even if my dad doesn’t support my interests it doesn’t mean I’ll stop or that they’re worthless or that I love him any less for that matter. I just have to come to terms with that and move on. It’s just difficult sometimes and it helps to be able to vent every once in awhile. 🙂 Thanks so much for listening and chatting too. It really helps.


              It’s very frustrating! I think some parents (not all because there are some parents out there that are just amazingly supportive) just don’t want to acknowledge that you’re an adult and maybe, just maybe you might know what you’re talking about in certain areas. They’re always going to see you as that little kid that doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing and are only playing pretend. -sighs- Sometimes I feel like my dad doesn’t approve of anything I do unless it’s something that makes money. Especially my painting and drawing. I always feel like what I do is so worthless.

              It is! I understand that we are their little girl I their eyes but they also should understand we are grown up and we would also to be seen as adults and give us appraisal too! I also feel worthless, but then jut my chin up and say, “Hey I’m happy with I do and that’s all that matters, wether they approve or not!”

              Very true! I am happy with what I do as well and even if my dad doesn’t support my interests it doesn’t mean I’ll stop or that they’re worthless or that I love him any less for that matter. I just have to come to terms with that and move on. It’s just difficult sometimes and it helps to be able to vent every once in awhile. 🙂 Thanks so much for listening and chatting too. It really helps.

              I’ll listen anytime, and I try to vent by telling my cat what’s going on and how I feel but he gives me this look of “What the hell do you think I am!” With his ears back, then he does this backwards spin hop thing and runs away! So I think I’m going to try to get a punching bag after I get my Windstone’s.


                🙂 My cats don’t listen either. They just nap and take advantage of my body heat when it gets cold! Ah well. When you get that punching bag be sure to keep your hands safe when you use it!


                  Prezaurian, my husband -NEVER- has anything good to say about my work. I won’t even try to make him anything anymore, nor do I want him seeing my work when I’m making it. He makes me able to see nothing but its faults, and I don’t need help with that. I rarely even want to make anything anymore, I don’t want to listen to it.

                  I didn’t want him to come to my church’s pumpkin fair while I was working it. (I painted custom pumpkins) He did come one day, knocked the ones I made of the church and its sister congregation’s building, and hated the gourd I painted with a quickie picture of his dog just to have something showing I could do things besides buildings and cartoon spiders. I admit it was a quickie and not good, but…

                  He doesn’t have anything positive to say about the Loch Ness Monster I’m working on, although at least he hasn’t said much bad either. That’s why I posted it here, to get the opinion of others who might not be so negative.


                    Prezaurian, my husband -NEVER- has anything good to say about my work. I won’t even try to make him anything anymore, nor do I want him seeing my work when I’m making it. He makes me able to see nothing but its faults, and I don’t need help with that. I rarely even want to make anything anymore, I don’t want to listen to it.

                    I didn’t want him to come to my church’s pumpkin fair while I was working it. (I painted custom pumpkins) He did come one day, knocked the ones I made of the church and its sister congregation’s building, and hated the gourd I painted with a quickie picture of his dog just to have something showing I could do things besides buildings and cartoon spiders. I admit it was a quickie and not good, but…

                    He doesn’t have anything positive to say about the Loch Ness Monster I’m working on, although at least he hasn’t said much bad either. That’s why I posted it here, to get the opinion of others who might not be so negative.

                    Oh my gosh, that is so brutal! Y’know I understand when someone gives you constructive criticism on something. It can help you improve. But it really hurts when someone you care about says negative things about something you poured some of yourself into! I’m so sorry that you have to go through that. I know it’s probably very naive of me to say, but have you told him how his negative comments make you feel? Because that’s not particularly supportive.

                    But on your Loch Ness, ‘I’ like it. I think he’s very cute and I hope you continue to feel motivated to work on him regardless of what your husband says. The kid in me wants to say, ‘Haters gonna hate.’ But I don’t want to jump to any conclusions because I don’t know anything about your relationship with your husband. I just hope he doesn’t squelch all of your desire to create because that would be a crying shame.


                      So it’s official, this is my last week at work before they lay me off. (We were supposed to run till the end of November but this way they don’t have to pay us 2 days off for Thanksgiving.) The whole situation is so unfair and crappy and ughhhh. We’ve been carrying the entire company, but subsidies in Canada are shutting down our California studio.

                      So reasonably I was pretty depressed when I woke up this morning.

                      So it wasn’t the best of timing to see a text from a guy who broke my heart 2 years ago, whom I’ve not spoken to since he moved out of state. It was a picture of his smiling new fiancee showing her ring. He wrote, “So this happened”

                      They’re both nice people. Just really didn’t need that first thing this morning.


                        Oh boy, sorry to hear that about the lay off and your ex. Why would a guy even do that? Like how insensitive is that and unnecessary to text you about the new girl! That is so uncalled for and you didn’t need to have that rubbed in your face! If my ex did that to me I would tell him off so bad, although he wouldn’t because he knows I would be mad! As for work, I have a lot of friends being laid off too and struggling to find work right now.

                        I was informed that my medical from my doctor (that gives me coverage since I haven’t been able to work) is now expired and they suddenly expect me to find work, even though I haven’t been able to work in over a year! How nice of them to tell me that just as the economy is getting worse and everyone I know is losing their job! I may try and go to another doctor for a second opinion as the psychologist they referred me to was terrible and didn’t even try and help me with my sleep problems, nor would she give me individual therapy for my PSTD. She put me in a group instead which I couldn’t make it to every morning because of my sleep problems and then closed my file when I said it wasn’t working and I wanted individual therapy. I am not a fan of the mental health care system here after trying to jump through hoops for a year to get help and be able to pay my rent and bills!

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        Let me start off by saying that I know many people have it worse off than me (many in this forum, even) but I feel like complaining…First, it was chronic depression and decades of various therapies and antidepressants. I coped, like many, with food and continued on with my life. Then, it was Type 2 diabeties which I managed as diet controlled for fifteen years. Ok, its doable. Next, in between complications of chronic lyphodema, I get hit with congestive heart failure. More bad news, more pills. Then my pulse jumps up – yep, now I have atrial fibulation (I know I’m spelling these words wrong; everything is underlined in RED) – more pills. Meanwhile the implications are piling up: heart attack, stroke, blindness, loss of limbs, vastly shortened life span,etc – such a cheerful picture. I’m taking so many medications that my dentist won’t prescribe antibiotics or pain meds after dental surgery – I have to go to Urgent Care and get an MD to prescribe these short term helpers. Then, the mild tremors in my hands, that I have been complaining mildly to my GP about for years (“Its nothing; don’t worry about it”) worsens. A visit to a Neurologist and its confirmed: Parkinson’s Disease. More drugs and complications; the drugs that will minimize the tremors now will, with long term use, result in more uncontrolled movements later! Parkinson’s has no cure and if the other things don’t get me the Parkinson’s will. Last Monday, I got diagnosed with an admittedly minor problem – a large hernia on my abdomen. (Larger is better according to my GP).

                        Ok, I’m done. Where do I get off this merry-go-round?

                        Thanks for letting me whine….


                        Let me start off by saying that I know many people have it worse off than me (many in this forum, even) but I feel like complaining…First, it was chronic depression and decades of various therapies and antidepressants. I coped, like many, with food and continued on with my life. Then, it was Type 2 diabeties which I managed as diet controlled for fifteen years. Ok, its doable. Next, in between complications of chronic lyphodema, I get hit with congestive heart failure. More bad news, more pills. Then my pulse jumps up – yep, now I have atrial fibulation (I know I’m spelling these words wrong; everything is underlined in RED) – more pills. Meanwhile the implications are piling up: heart attack, stroke, blindness, loss of limbs, vastly shortened life span,etc – such a cheerful picture. I’m taking so many medications that my dentist won’t prescribe antibiotics or pain meds after dental surgery – I have to go to Urgent Care and get an MD to prescribe these short term helpers. Then, the mild tremors in my hands, that I have been complaining mildly to my GP about for years (“Its nothing; don’t worry about it”) worsens. A visit to a Neurologist and its confirmed: Parkinson’s Disease. More drugs and complications; the drugs that will minimize the tremors now will, with long term use, result in more uncontrolled movements later! Parkinson’s has no cure and if the other things don’t get me the Parkinson’s will. Last Monday, I got diagnosed with an admittedly minor problem – a large hernia on my abdomen. (Larger is better according to my GP).

                        Ok, I’m done. Where do I get off this merry-go-round?

                        Thanks for letting me whine….

                        HUGS!!!! If I could, I would help you stop that merry-go-round. But for now, all I can say or do is…HUG! And whine away. Sometimes a little whine does make things a bit betterer.

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