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      Dragon Master wrote:

      Leigha wrote:


      My mom and sister and I made plans two weeks ago to take my nephew to the San Fransisco Zoo. It was going to be awesome, I was so excited to go, my mom knows how much I love animals and I was just ecstatic. I requested the day off work, but I’d already requested my birthday off that week, and my boss said I could only have one of the two days off. SO instead of taking my birthday off (was going to go out and party with friends) I say I’ll work my birthday and go with my family to the zoo. About a week ago I made my mom mad. I had my door locked and she HATES when I lock my door, but I didn’t know she was home, I was by myself. So I open the door, and she yells at me about it so, I asked her “What did you want to begin with?!” and she stalked off all angry. Okay, I know that was totally a rude thing to say, especially to my mom, but I was MAD and frustrated and she just kept going on and on and on about how she was going to take my entire door off because I was locking my door.

      SO this morning, I wake up, she’s still sleeping, so I go back to sleep. I wake up again, and she’s gone, and no one’s home. I text my sister and she responds “We’re on our way to the zoo.” WHAT THE ….! She snuck out of the house while I was sleeping and left me at home. After me looking forward to this trip for weeks and sacrificing my birthday for this trip!

      I am so freaking mad and sad at the same time, I want to punch something and curl up and cry at the same time.
      If I had time and money I’d take you to EVERY Zoo in the world, then to the Windstone factory to see the animals that DON”T bite

      AWWWWWWW!!! DM THATS SOOO SWEET! *warm fuzzies*


        My first WHINE!!
        I saw the CUTEST toddler halloween costume on target.com. I thought, “I’ll wait a couple weeks, til we have a couple paychecks in the bank.” The darn thing SOLD OUT already!! It’s not even September yet!! 😑 I found the same costume many other places for 2 or 3 times the price!! GRRRR!! I have 2 year old twins and my little Johnny has his heart set on being a monkey for halloween, and that was the only costume I found that I liked!! To make me feel worse, he keeps bringing the picture to me and saying, “MONKEY!! MONKEY!! OOO OOO OOO **monkey sounds**” I shoulda got it when I had the chance πŸ™„


          Whine #2!!
          My husband took my little brother to Ozzfest and left me behind πŸ™
          To top it off, I gave him our last $30 to get a concert t-shirt and someone stole it from him and ran πŸ˜₯


            Oh no, Skeeterdee, thats aweful! I hate crooks 😑 that guy was so pathetic he couldnt even take care of himself, he had to leech off someone else. Grr!! I hope, for your sake, that Karma kick’s that dude’s butt!

            My first whine-my boyfriend Josh and I got in an arguement last night that lasted for hours, after my car was found to be dead when I was heading to work. I had to WALK in 100 degree heat to the post office, I cleaned the WHOLE apartment, hoping he’d be like ‘OH WOW it looks so nice!’ not even a mention. We went to sign papers for our NEW apartment and he kept bumping my elbow the WHOLE time while I was trying to sign, just being a butthead. He did take us out for sushi across the street but then ruins the evening by bringing up money and telling me I dont need to buy ANYTHING I dont *NEED* until I get my credit cards paid off. Big deal! They’ll get paid off as soon as possible, I’m not worried about it! Its not like I owe thousands on them or anything. πŸ˜› And THEN he makes me feel guilty for some new Windstones I *TRADED* for! Hes normally not like that, but yesterday he was a real….well fill in colorful word here. WAH!!!


              Aren’t relationships great!! You sound married already!! πŸ™‚


                Spent $500 on cats to find out one has a hyperthyroid…so need more money to get meds. There is a cure but she’s 18+ and even the doctor says the $2000 I would have to shell out for the cure isn’t really worth it. So now I get to try and shove 2 pills down her throat twice a day for the rest of her life. But I love her so, really, it’s worth it.

                Just a little whine cause we’re still trying to pay for our wedding in Oct. πŸ™„ I’d say to hell with it and just elope but we’ve already put deposits down on everything (and our family’s would probably disown us).


                Colin has 4 interviews in the next two days, and school starts on Monday! Only reason I’m whining, is that means him moving over the weekend…. and I’m not sure I want to leave Edmonton. πŸ™ Though I wouldn’t be moving for a few months (another whine).

                I keep feeling like following his job is what’s expected of me, not necessarily something I don’t want to do, but I don’t like feeling like I have no choice in the matter! And he doesn’t understand this…. which isn’t helping. πŸ™


                  Dragon87 wrote:

                  Colin has 4 interviews in the next two days, and school starts on Monday! Only reason I’m whining, is that means him moving over the weekend…. and I’m not sure I want to leave Edmonton. πŸ™ Though I wouldn’t be moving for a few months (another whine).

                  I keep feeling like following his job is what’s expected of me, not necessarily something I don’t want to do, but I don’t like feeling like I have no choice in the matter! And he doesn’t understand this…. which isn’t helping. πŸ™

                  There’s always a choice. But you guys have to work that out on a relationship level. It’s more about where you are as a couple than where you are in your job. If this is an issue for you and he doesn’t understand, then there’s something deeper than simply moving and a job that you need to discuss. If it’s not something you can figure out together, you will end up bitter, which is not where a relationship should be.


                    *Deep inhale*
                    I sank $90 into a custom-made bedskirt from ebay, bought from a no-returns seller. Got it, and it’s a piece of crap (See Silly Bedskirt poll). I filed a dispute with eBay and hate waiting all 7 days to escalate it and have eBay just make a darn decision.
                    I caught a cold from my daughter. Doesn’t seem right to have a cold when it’s 108 degrees out or more, every day.
                    I have always wanted to sing professionally, majored in singing in college, spent hundreds/thousands of dollars on voice lessons throughout my life. I’m 36 and have tried doing paid solo work for the past 3 years or so. Every time I’m scheduled to debut somewhere, something goes physically wrong! I’ll catch a cold, get fluid in one ear so I can’t hear well, one time it was even MRSE and I had to go to the emergency room later that day! Feels like the whole universe is telling me to give it up. And I’ve literally had gunk in my throat for the past 8 months nonstop – caught a doozy of a cold last winter and there’s been phlegm in my throat, every day, ever since.
                    And now it looks like my very first Dragon Cave hatchling is going to die before she matures.
                    WAAAAH πŸ™„ :shout: πŸ˜₯


                      When it rains it pours. So sorry Jerusha, that all this is happening to you! One thing on top of another and I know how that goes. I recently bought a Windstone from ebay and it arrived in pieces despite me asking the seller if they double boxed! So waiting for refund on that–stupid people! 😑 And I know what you mean when you’re trying to do something–your singing–and something physical or otherwise comes up right before you have a performance. My sister recently told me like it’s the negative powers that be telling you that you’re not going to have it that easy!! Gotta screw it up! πŸ‘Ώ Just hang in there–a lot of us are in that same sinking boat of despair so you gots lots and lots of company!


                        The roofers are here making a huge racket (we had a huge hail storm in July)
                        I put my iPod down, I was sure it was on the dining room table, and now I can’t find it! Anywhere! πŸ™


                          skeeterdeee wrote:

                          Aren’t relationships great!! You sound married already!! πŸ™‚

                          It sure feels like it. πŸ˜› lol

                          FoxFeather-Could a cat have made off with it? Try checking somewhere “it cant be” maybe thats where it is!


                            WolfenMachine wrote:

                            skeeterdeee wrote:

                            Aren’t relationships great!! You sound married already!! πŸ™‚

                            It sure feels like it. πŸ˜› lol

                            FoxFeather-Could a cat have made off with it? Try checking somewhere “it cant be” maybe thats where it is!

                            Don’t have a cat… just the roomies big dog who can’t get up on the dining room table πŸ˜€
                            Been searching for two days and still can’t find the thing! πŸ˜•


                            ghostndragon wrote:

                            There’s always a choice. But you guys have to work that out on a relationship level. It’s more about where you are as a couple than where you are in your job. If this is an issue for you and he doesn’t understand, then there’s something deeper than simply moving and a job that you need to discuss. If it’s not something you can figure out together, you will end up bitter, which is not where a relationship should be.
                            He doesn’t seem to understand why I’m upset is all. I have every intention of following him, just not for a few months. Why I was (and am) upset is that his family, and my family, all seem to think that his job is more important than mine, or what I might want. It’s like I’m being told I have no choice in the matter. Because my Chem Tech compared to his fancy University BEd means nothing

                            No matter that my choice would be what they want, I just was never given the chance to choose for myself. I don’t think he understands that this is the reason I’m upset, he thinks that I’m changing my mind about leaving Edmonton or something. I think I need to try explaining things to him when we’re not about to fall asleep.

                            But at least he has a job, now! Atikameg as a Phys. Ed teacher! πŸ˜€ *anti-whine*


                              Cinnamon won’t stop chewing on wires and we CANNOT get her to stop. We’ve tried everything from bitter apple spray to sticky tape to just blocking everything we don’t want her to chew on. She just comes running in from the other room and body slams the object to move it out of the way. I’m not kidding! That brat cat is scary smart. And obviously extremely bored. I don’t know what else to do. We pet & play with her all the time, it’s not like we don’t socialize with her. We can’t figure out what is fueling these habits and how to help change them. I don’t want to walk in one day to find her with a severe shock wound, or even worse. πŸ™ *Is totally out of ideas on how to stop her* πŸ™„

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