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      Phantomess did they check to see if the pain might be your appendix or does it feel like a bone issue or soft tissue problem?

      I’m pretty sure the CT scan I did yesterday is supposed to reveal if it is appendix issues (or a number of other things). I haven’t heard back about the results yet. I guess it’s weird to want something to show up on it, but I really am hoping for something to show on the results so I can know what the issue is!
      I don’t think it’s a bone issue.
      I think it’s possible the upper body pains are gallbladder related- a few people in my family have had to have gallbladder removal. My pain doesn’t really match with descriptions I’ve heard from people who’ve experienced gallbladder issues or with stuff I’ve read- but I suppose it could be different for different people.

      When I know more, I’ll let you guys know.

      Formerly had the Batman & Joker avatar!


        Well, MY week has started with a Bang… or rather a Crackling-POP!
        I slipped on ice in my driveway Sunday night while taking my dog, Girlie, out and messed up my left knee badly. They told me that the slip hyperextend‎ed it, which is the knee bended in the wrong direction. When I went down I heard and felt crackling & popping. The Xrays don’t show any breaks, but I’ve been told that I have torn off the tendon that attaches my Thigh muscle to the top of the knee and it needs to be surgically re-attached. The surgery is tomorrow, Thursday 2/26, in the early afternoon.

        I’ve been at home but in a immobilizing brace. I’ve been doing some working from home around doctor appointments and the surgical pre-op tests. After the surgery, I’ll need to stay in a brace keeping my leg/knee completely immobile and straight for 4 weeks, then I will start therapy to start building up the muscle again and range of motion. All total, I’ll probably be out at least 6 to 8 weeks. I might be able to start driving after 6 weeks. Since most of my stuff can be done from home, I’m hoping I can work from home for that time, or part of it. I still need to formally work it out with my director later today. She’s fine with me doing that, I also just need to see what HR says because I was thinking taking next week, or most of it, as sick days, but I’m not sure how the rules go about the quantity of sick days in a row. I think that if it is more than 4 or 5 then you need to switch to short term disability.

        Needless to say this comes at a really bad time. 🙁

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


          Damn, I’m so sorry Ela! I hope it’s a case where you just need a doctor’s note for the extended sick time. My sympathies and hopes that you recover soon.


            Ouch, Ela! I hope the doctor’s are managing your pain well and you recover quickly.

            Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
            ANY Red Eyed Unis
            ANY Test Paint Bat
            The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
            Male- Snow Leopard TP
            White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
            Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
            Mother: Okapi
            Gothic - Mahogany
            PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
            DRAGONS: Male Coyote


            Oh no, thats awful Ela ! I cant imagine something unexpected happening like that, and having to be out of work for that long. You are lucky though that you can do most of your work from home, and hopefully it works out that you can do this in the end.

            Here’s hoping you have a speedy recovery and that everything goes smoothly as possible for you.


              That’s not good! Knee problems are the worst! I dislocated my left knee a couple times in one year and ended up having surgery a couple years later because I had a little piece of bone floating around under the knee cap that was bothersome. I couldn’t dance for a couple years which was tough. I hope your surgery goes well and it heals fast!

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                Oh, goodness, Ela, that is not good news! I do not envy you the physical therapy you are going to have to endure after surgery. Regaining the range of motion in a knee after it being immobilized for that length of time is a BEAR! I still don’t have complete range of motion and is has been a few years since my surgery.

                I’ll hope for the best for you! You are lucky that you can work from home. And, also, can I just say that crutches su*k?!? They look so easy to use until you’re the one that has to depend on them.


                  Long time forum member, first time whine… Okay, so Tuesday night I was driving home after picking up my 15 year old daughter. We were at a red light behind another vehicle, the light turned green and they started to go, but there was an emergency vehicle coming from the opposite direction so they decided to stop. I started to go and then stopped as well, but the Dodge Ram coming up behind me didn’t see us stop and rammed right into the back of my 8 month old Corolla pushing me into the vehicle in front of me! He said he looked down for just a moment and never even applied his brakes. Due to the height of his truck he missed my bumper so the airbags didn’t deploy. Instead, the front of his truck was INSIDE my trunk! My daughter and I weren’t hurt, although my left thumb nail ripped off and my left forearm hurt pretty bad for a few days like I’d been lifting weights. My car was the only one really damaged. His truck was cosmetic and the car in front of me looked just fine (although both women in it left in ambulances, probably hoping for a nice insurance check). Well, I just found out this afternoon that the insurance I thought he had (GEICO) won’t pay anything because they say he was no longer a covered driver on the policy. According to what he told the police he had recently broken up with his girlfriend and had been removed from her policy. It appears that the only insurance he has is some kind of collateral insurance from the used car lot he bought the truck from. So, now MY insurance is going to have to cover the damages and I’LL have to pay a deductible! The repair shop guy said they’ll have to cut the back of my car off which of course I’m not happy about, although he said it’ll be good as new. :((

                   photo car_zpsppzswicc.jpg


                    Hate to say it, the car will NOT be good as new if they simply replace the back end. The frame is all one piece–that damage will affect the car even after repair. Alignment issues, rust issues, rubbing of parts that shouldn’t. Stuff just won’t be…right. And your insurance company should go after the guy for his assets. That’s why car insurance policies have the un/under insured coverage.

                    It’s a very good thing that they make cars so well–yeah, the car might be a mess, but it’s better the car than you. I’m very glad that you and your daughter weren’t seriously hurt.


                      Hate to say it, the car will NOT be good as new if they simply replace the back end. The frame is all one piece–that damage will affect the car even after repair. Alignment issues, rust issues, rubbing of parts that shouldn’t. Stuff just won’t be…right. And your insurance company should go after the guy for his assets. That’s why car insurance policies have the un/under insured coverage.

                      It’s a very good thing that they make cars so well–yeah, the car might be a mess, but it’s better the car than you. I’m very glad that you and your daughter weren’t seriously hurt.

                      The owner of the repair shop said they have a spot welder, just like the ones they use in the factory when the car was built. I have State Farm and from what I’ve heard they are good about paying whatever it costs and not haggling over price and whether something really “needs” to be replaced. Because the truck missed my bumper it appears the frame didn’t sustain any damage so that is good news, at least.


                        Wow, that doesn’t look good! Good thing you are okay! My mom ran our car into a railing about a month ago which tore of part of the front bumper and partial side of the car by the wheel. It looks bad but because it was her fault, I don’t think we have insurance for that which sucks. So unless we can find someone to do some cheap auto-body work, ours will stay that way for now.

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          Damn! My sympathies and empathies! I was rear ended last year around October and it was a hassle! I hope yours goes a lot smoother. I’m so sorry the guy who hit you didn’t have insurance! That’s really ****s!


                            Well, MY week has started with a Bang… or rather a Crackling-POP!
                            I slipped on ice in my driveway Sunday night while taking my dog, Girlie, out and messed up my left knee badly. They told me that the slip hyperextend‎ed it, which is the knee bended in the wrong direction. When I went down I heard and felt crackling & popping. The Xrays don’t show any breaks, but I’ve been told that I have torn off the tendon that attaches my Thigh muscle to the top of the knee and it needs to be surgically re-attached. The surgery is tomorrow, Thursday 2/26, in the early afternoon.

                            I’ve been at home but in a immobilizing brace. I’ve been doing some working from home around doctor appointments and the surgical pre-op tests. After the surgery, I’ll need to stay in a brace keeping my leg/knee completely immobile and straight for 4 weeks, then I will start therapy to start building up the muscle again and range of motion. All total, I’ll probably be out at least 6 to 8 weeks. I might be able to start driving after 6 weeks. Since most of my stuff can be done from home, I’m hoping I can work from home for that time, or part of it. I still need to formally work it out with my director later today. She’s fine with me doing that, I also just need to see what HR says because I was thinking taking next week, or most of it, as sick days, but I’m not sure how the rules go about the quantity of sick days in a row. I think that if it is more than 4 or 5 then you need to switch to short term disability.

                            Needless to say this comes at a really bad time. 🙁

                            UPDATE MARCH 10:
                            Hi Everyone! Well, it’s been 1-1/2 weeks since my knee surgery and I’m doing good… most of the post-op pains happened over the first weekend and now I don’t have any pain – not even any I need to take ibuprofen for! The main pain is that I’m in a straight brace and cannot bend my knee for the next week and a half until my follow up appointment on 3/20 with the surgeon. Then I guess he’ll talk about physical therapy and how long that may happen. I expect PT will last around two to three additional weeks.

                            Right now, my surgeon says I’m fine to work from home (my leg is propped up on a chair beside me) and has cleared me ‘fit for duty with restrictions’, so yes, I’ve been officially working from home since Monday, 3/2/15, instead of taking Short Term disability. I’m assuming that will still be the case after my follow up appointment, and I’ll probably still be out working from home during the PT, while they get my knee back in shape with bending, lifting, etc. to regain the range of motion and strength. One main reason I offered to telework was so I wouldn’t go stir crazy! Also most all of my responsibilities can be done remotely, and some BRC items only I, or perhaps Wendy, really know how to do, and Wendy has been going crazy with the amount of work she has to do for Media Buys…

                            Well, by the time I can physically get back into the office, I’m sure I’ll still have some sort of brace on, but it definitely will not as evasive as what I’ve got now until next Friday! My friend Wendy told me that Physical Therapy is a Killer! I guess I’ll find out in a couple weeks… I’m on the Mend and in good spirits! 🙂

                            IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                              Yay! That’s great Ela! Glad that you’re not in any discomfort and the work situation…well, worked out for you! I hope the therapy goes well and flies by when you start it.


                                Good to hear! I’m glad that you made it through the recent DC area sleet/snow/rain/ice/slop without any additional problems. 🙂

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