Thanks! 😳 *feels fuzzy*
I truly love Egyptian things, so this is sorta from the heart you could say. 🙂 Griffinlover couldn’t have picked a better theme for her Griffin. 😉
I am speechless WSC! He isn’t even done and he looks so amazing! I will say we were on the same page with this griffin 😀 I am going to Egypt in October 🙂 I think I will have to get you a papyrus painting with Anubis 😉
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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He’s finally not naked below the wings! He has his skirt on! No pics yet, it was rainy and then when it cleared I went to a car show! It was awesome all those old cars! It has been years since I went. Tomorrow should be better for pics. I have alot of detailing I want to so to his skirt, like folds and such, but atleast it is on him now. I swear I heard him breathe a sigh of relief when he finally got “fully clothed”! 😆
Pics tomorrow…
I just got his last jewel…It is a scarab beetle carved cabochon that is a blue and white stone of some sort…I’m no good with minerals and rocks unless I own them in the gold pieces I wear on my fingers…Well, not always. 😆
Anyways, here he is with his “skirt on”. Like I said, there will be added folds and shading to it. 😉
It’s hard to photo the overlapping in the back, but he has been so fun to work on! His jewels won’t go on until the very end. I don’t want to clear coat over them.