
"TUT" Griffin in progress PICS pg 34!!!

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    Still hoping to be done by tomorrow night, and pics up by Tuesday. 😀 (I explained it mostly in the email I think…Well, I skirted what I did on my day out today, but LOL…Ya know. 😳 )

    Awww Cat, Luv ya back! 😳 🙂


      Wow! Great makeovers… esp. the kirin. Just gorgeous!

      Makes me want to redo my first muse. 😀


      Well, I WAS gonna try to post these two up for sale in between working on the Uni’s and everything else today. I didn’t however even get to get pics today as I have been babysitting my Baby Boy all day. He had a nosebleed this morning, and let me tell you, I didn’t even know cats could do that! So I was on the phone and asking questions, and running back and forth to him all day checking and wiping his poor little nose. It hasn’t bled for the last couple hours, but I am still worried…After all, he is my baby. 😳 (And, I stress easily! 🙄 )
      So, hopefully if anyone has been waiting you won’t mind waiting one more day, as I DO plan to get outside to photo these guys and get them into the Flea Market section tomorrow. 😉

      Oh, and thanks to all who gave me such wonderful compliments! 😀


        Hey, you just take care of your baby.It gives us more time to collect nickels 😀 Hope the kitty is alright.Let us know..
        hugs for you and your little one 😉

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


        I’m ridiculously late on a reply, but I LOVE the facelifts. The Kirin is particularily wonderful – looks like a dusting of snow on the ground. Pretty Pretty… too bad my nickels and dimes are lacking at the moment. 🙁


          Those are drastic changes, and for the better, IMO. Very nice!

          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          Should anyone miss a car like they would a family member? 😈

          Ha ha, I do! My 1985 Monte Carlo SS. I know it’s just a car, but it was my first <3. I didn't even like my bfs as much as that car.


          Lokie wrote:

          Those are drastic changes, and for the better, IMO. Very nice!

          Ha ha, I do! My 1985 Monte Carlo SS. I know it’s just a car, but it was my first <3. I didn't even like my bfs as much as that car.
          Thank you very much! 😀
          (And, I know the feeling!!! LOL XD )


          Alright, I have a few indoor pics I am going to post to give an idea of what all I have been working on. The Keeper has taken back seat to the other things I really NEED to get done. It’s always like that around here. 24 hour days are not nearly long enough! LOL
          So, this is going to be a bit pic heavy, but it’s of 4 different pieces which is why I put UPDATES in the header (Or will be if you happen to sneak in while I am fixing this post title. )

          Ok, first off, is one of the easier ones. The first is of the newest one to hit the table because he has fewer pics. LOL
          This is the Camo wolf. He only has base coats on for now. I will start the rest tomorrow most likely, today I am working on Unicorns.

          He’s just getting warmed up. I have his paints mixed already.

          Next up, is the Snowy Unicorn, and he is still in base coated stage too. I am hoping to get his snowy hills started today. 🙂

          He is base coated in Prussian Blue by Golden. There are alot more details left to add here. But also one of the ones not designated as gifts from the commissioners.

          Next I have the finished product of Ocean Merlot. He/she went under almost a complete facelift and has just been released from P.T. He has to return one last time for a clear coat, but that won’t take long, if I can get a dry spot to put him for drying…The weather sucks here. Bleh.

          He’s had a wild ride through the painting saga again, but he is very pretty in person with his multi shades of greens, teals, and purples. He has copper accents.

          And Finally, This is the one who has been keeping me busy, between sketching and painting. This is the Vinyard Unicorn. He is also a commission. I am pretty happy with the mountain scene so far even though it is nothing more than a background for what lies in wait for this Unicorn too. 😈

          So far this is my progress. My kitteh is fine now, no recurring nosebleeds so I am fantastically happy. Still hoping that he just bumped his nose, or got a dust speck up there and irritated it. I have been working as much as possible so I can get these done and out to their owners. Hoping to complete much more within a weeks time. But just an update for those of you who are interested, or who’s pieces I am working on.


            Oh wow… I am in love with the Vinyard Unicorn! Amazing work on that mountain scene! 😮


              8) I likey very much 😉
              The mountain scene is clever.Can’t hardly wait to see more.
              So very nice…all of them. 8) Your hard work is appreciated you know :yes: :bye:

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                😀 and the bidding begins…..

                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
                Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                  Lokie wrote:

                  Those are drastic changes, and for the better, IMO. Very nice!

                  Ha ha, I do! My 1985 Monte Carlo SS. I know it’s just a car, but it was my first <3. I didn't even like my bfs as much as that car.

                  Nice car, Lokie. Very nice car.

                  Ocean Merlot looks beautifully fresh after his facelist, WSC. Your skill is developing in leaps and bounds. 😀


                  Wow, I cannot wait to see your Vineyard Unicorn completed, so beautiful so far!


                    Poor kitty, keep us updated!

                    Looooove the unicorn!


                    Wow excellent work on those! The unicorn is very unique!

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