
"TUT" Griffin in progress PICS pg 34!!!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone "TUT" Griffin in progress PICS pg 34!!!

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      Sorry folks–it’ll be a while before that camera comes to me. Redeemed my credit card points for it and it takes them a while to get the item to you–like almost 6 weeks 😮 Not happy about that and this is why I want a digital camera–so I can take pictures and post–by the time my camera gets here this will be old news! But post them I will just to relive the moment! 😀

      Then when I do get it–must remember not to misplace memory card 😳


        Those dang credit card point punks! 😛


        HA!!! Got the card, and now all I got to do is go out and get the pics… 😈


          Oh yeeeeah! 😀


          Ok…Here goes. Now, these guys aren’t finished, but not far from it either. First up is Ocean Merlot…She has had one heck of a face-lift and a sex-change….Looks more male to me now for some reason. But, if Ocean Merlot is lucky enough to find a forever home with someone, it will be up to them which sex to choose. 😉 (He is my first dragon I have ever painted!)

          (Sorry for the gigantor view.)
          And now a few shots from different angles of the “New and Improved” look of him…

          He’s changed quite a bit from the Original hasn’t he? 😮 I added a deep teal, then some golden emerald green, and some more deep plum. I still have accents to add, and I think I am going to go with copper for those. Silver just seems like it won’t pop quite like I want it to, and gold just doesn’t seem right to me either. Call me picky, or over-enthusiastic, but hey…LOL

          And this is the February Ki-Rin…

          And now, his shots of his, “New and Improved” look…

          February changed a lot too! He went from Purple fur to dark rich golden brown fur, with medium brown, and finally a light frosty almond color over top. I wanted it to look like frost covered ground in February. Then I added black antique, and let me tell you what… 😛 On antiquing! I despise it more every time I do it, but get better at it too. What a catch-22. 🙄 I never changed his light silver scales at all, just went over them with blue and violet fine interference paint by Golden. Still have to have purple in there…What’s February without it’s Amethyst coloring?! Then over his belly scales which were dark silver, I brushed on a light coat of the dark plum I mixed for the Keeper I am also working on. *phew* I have 2 Unicorns on the slate once I wrap up these two guys. The Keeper I will work on as I go along (Keeps me from messing around with wet painted sculpts if I work on a few at a time. By the time I get done with one, I can go to the next and rotate like that all day, and never mess one up! But it takes patience to be able to do it too I found. *grits teeth*)
          I am hoping these guys are much more appealing than they were last everyone saw them. 🙂


            Oh wow! I’m very impressed with the facelifts both of these guys got. Especially the kirin. I have to say…I want the kirin, but he’s worth more than I can afford right now. I can’t believe how talented so many people on this forum are!


              Oh WOW, those colors are fantastic! The mane on the Kirin is awesome! 🙂 Great work, I can’t wait to see more!


                Oh wow! I LOVE that Kirin!

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  I love this kirin, in particular the fur! (I tend to like the “natural” looking furs so this one is beeeeuuteefull)


                    I’m envious of your brown fur. It looks so natural. I can’t paint with brown over fur worth a darn. It always comes out looking like literal crap to me.


                      I love how the Kirin turned out! It’s good that you showed before and after shots–after a time. I’m keeping all my first pyos just to compare them down the line when hopefully, I get better. Just love the way the fur turned out! 😀


                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        I’m envious of your brown fur. It looks so natural. I can’t paint with brown over fur worth a darn. It always comes out looking like literal crap to me.

                        poop colored fur O.o stuck-ons? XD


                          The kirin is looking mighty spiffy!

                          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                            They both look great, but oh that kirin!! I love it. 😀


                            Thank you guys oh so much! *beams* 😀
                            I just didn’t feel these guys were getting a good wrap as they were. They needed a “fluff” and a bit of lovin’. 😳
                            They will both be headed to flea market when they are done, this time with bidding. Hoping for Monday…But you know how things are around here. *rolls eyes* At least for the time being my back is behaving pretty well. Just normal everyday ache now. *sigh* I got to do yard work today until I couldn’t stand it anymore, so that was nice. 60’s in November here in Illinois is pretty good weather. Got the rest of my garden harvested, and woah…Big beets! 😮
                            Now, if Bodine would just mosey along into the forums so she can post since she’s been asking about progress shots. She keeps me on my toes, and keeps the fires stoked under me! Thank goodness! 😉 *hugs*

                            (I don’t think that Ki-Rin is natural enough for Marzena though. I actually thought about her while I was painting on him.)
                            Oh, and that poo comment…I think all browns look like poo. I owned one brown car. A 1978 T-Bird with the tan leather top. Beautiful car, but one ugly poo brown thing! I called it the Traveling Turd, but it was one of the nicest cars I ever owned next to my Taurus. Should anyone miss a car like they would a family member? 😈
                            Brown is easy to paint with though Pegasi, it’s the multiple colors of brown that make it not so poo-ish. 😉 (And it is easiest to use on Ki-RIn…The mane has such wonderful texture to it for the method I use.)

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