TFs' pyos:new tropical sea dragon pg.5

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    Yeah Medley…He needs Greyscale friends. 😉 😆


      Very cool! I like the straw eyes with the paint job. Looks great! 😀


        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        Yeah Medley…He needs Greyscale friends. 😉 😆

        😀 😀 😀

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          he guys! sorry it took me FOREVER to get back to this post! i had a heck of a past week with my dog stuff and my mom being unwell, so its been total damage control/just do the necessities when i get home from work each night. i didn’t forget though!
          thank you all for liking him! i really liked this one a lot personally. simple but still with presence. yes, purpledragonclaw, i would love to keep him, but my dog needs surgery promptly for her leg, so i need to come with 1500-1800 bucks. thats a pretty powerful modivator to sell, plus, i an always paint another for myself when times are better. 🙁 thankfully they said they’d take payments, 950 day of surgery then the rest due by 60 days. that helps a lot, especially with the 600 from the government coming. phew!
          anyhoo, what i will do is offer him on the forum first, in case someone here likes him who also prefers not to use ebay, and if he doesn’t sell here then i’ll put him on ebay. i’d love for him to go to an “in the family” home anyway for the occasional photo sightings through posts. i think i’ll make the post up today for him in the flea market, plus i rephotoshopped the pics so they are bigger so they show more. thanks for liking my baby!
          oh, i have a black and violet kirin coming soon too; i hope to finish him this weekend- i just have to do his belly and ears!


            a zillion years later, its time for a new pyo!! this guy was a commission, to have the colors of a tropical sea, but interestingly enough, i was coincidentally planning on doing a water themed dragon next anyway, so this little guy kinda did two birds with one stone! it took care of my craving to do a water dragon and but the color/patterning choices were tailored to the commission.
            this fella gradates from a marine blue to aqua then to a pearly white aqua on his feetsies, muzzle, belly and bottom of the wingwebs. i then antiqued over the body with a marine/aqua blue mix. his accents/trim are in a gold brushed over with pearl white to soften the sharpness of a classic gold and to better coordinate with the straw eyes.
            it was a little bit of a trick to be sure to not have made this guy look exactly like any of the previously done water dragons, of which there are quite a few, but i think his colors and patterning are pretty safe. 🙂 hope y’all like him! 😀




              He’s very nicely done! I like him! 😀


                He’s gorgeous! I love his neck frills!


                ooooooh pretty!


                  Wow, he’s incredible! I wish I could paint like that.


                  Oh wow, I wish he were for me! *adds your name to the list of people I want commissions from*

                  Stunning! 😀


                    siberakh1 wrote:

                    He’s gorgeous! I love his neck frills!

                    oooh yeah his neck frills are TOTALLY my favorite part on him! i was thrilled with how they came together and came out!! squee!! i was squealing when i did the first one and saw that it was going to work and look cool, lol! i kept the marine blue real light and washy over the blue underneath so it had that transparent quality.


                      oh wowwwww…………….
                      mmmm, it is soo pretty!


                        There’s my pretty baby! 😀 I’ve finally gotten to unpack him and display him now that I’m home from my parents house.


                        Mmmm Pretty! 😀


                          How pretty! I love blue dragons! *hehe hence the name BlueDragon*

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