TFs' pyos:new tropical sea dragon pg.5

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      yay! i think i finally finished this guy! i had been itching since i saw this piece to dark themed piece with red, so here he is. geez did it take forever to go over all the details and edging on this piece! just like nam said, this piece has a ton of tricky intersection points that could just drive you batty in trying to get everything clean around them if you are using more than one color! >.< soooo many tricky little busy places!
      anyhoo, this guy is based in black drybrushed over with maroon on the highpoints. there are two shades of red: blood red on the dorsal and neck scales, and a bright crimson on the side-of-the-body/tail scales. the other color is a purpley burgundy and the accenting is all done in a gunmetal silver, which looks much brighter in the pics than in real life- the light box totally lights it up like a tree! this piece overall is a bit darker in real life, all the red is true red or deep red (not pinky) and has a glossy finish, but i think the finish lit the piece up in the pics and made it look amazingly matte. this fella saucy glossy! go figure!
      yeah, so i think its done, i’m gonna live with it and see if i want to change anything, but i think i’m pretty happy as i am without opening a major can of worms in additional edging or underlining. see what ya think.




          Good job! He looks great!

          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          wow! I really like him! Beautiful 🙂


          Very nice job. I really like the coloring, even though there is pink in it. I think you broke the new unwritten rule though… he’s not green. 😉


            He looks fantastic! I really like the gunmetal silver with the black and red, it’s a very nice touch.

            I can’t wait to finally get home and get my paws on my own Keeper! All these painted ones are inspiring too look at, but they’re making me desperate to paint my own at the same time 😆




                eeep! it really looks pink!? 😯 there is actually no pink anywhere, its all real reds/maroony reds, but the gloss finish on the lighter reds make it shine pinkish on the high points like on the wingweb ( i think that’s where it looks pink). gah! i don’t want it looking pink. 😕 darn cameras. hmm i did take additional close ups that i think helped to clarify any questionable areas, but boy it can be a bummer how some of these can be such a trick to photograph.


                  Arya wrote:

                  He looks fantastic! I really like the gunmetal silver with the black and red, it’s a very nice touch.

                  I can’t wait to finally get home and get my paws on my own Keeper! All these painted ones are inspiring too look at, but they’re making me desperate to paint my own at the same time 😆

                  yeah these are alot of fun to paint. there are so many options for how to paint them, its a little maddening trying to decide! plus, its such a big piece i kept rediscovering all these little places and nooks that i almost forgot about. you just keep turning and manipulating the piece and finding more little places. also, at least with the paint scheme/colors i chose, it really varied how the paint job looked depending on the angle you viewed the piece from. particularly those edged scales. the paint would look perfect along the edge from most angles, then slightly off from one other, so i kept rechecking each edged scale from each angle to make sure it looked right. those darn things are everywhere! 😆
                  anyhoo, this piece IS alot of fun and i’m sure you’ll have a blast when u get to start yours! hopefully that won’t be too long from now!! 🙂 i am itching to start another, but of course i can’t decide what to do. 🙄


                    he is wonderful my jaw actually dropped xD


                    Very dramatic! I like how you painted it. 😀


                    WOW!!! Thats just simply AWESOME TF!!!

                    I didnt even know they came out, til Susie had emailed me about the little silver curlies, and saw they had arrived. I missed it! I didnt even get one 😥 :cry:.

                    P.S. – If anyone has one that they would be willing to sell me, PLEASE PM me. I want one soooooooo badly. 😥


                    Nice, TF! I love your paint jobs. They’re flashy without being obnoxious.


                      Very pretty! I like it a lot.


                        I love that purply color on his side. Very cool

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