
Special Items category in store.

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      Here are my thoughts/concerns on the 30 day offer period. 🙂

      I know this goes for me, but I imagine it goes for some others too. I have a hard time waiting for a 9-day eBay auction to end. “Am I going to get it? Do I need to save my money? Can I buy this other thing I want? GAH!”

      If I make my offer early on, I can guarantee I’ll have spent the money 30 days later when it might be accepted. 🙂

      I could WAIT to make the offer, but the odds of me remembering the item is there 30 days later is pretty slim too.

      One of the BIG things this new area has going for it, IMO, is the instant gratification factor. “I love this piece. I have the money. I can buy it now and not sit on pins and needles for the auction”.

      If I have to make an offer, I want to know in a short amount of time if I am getting the piece. Really, a week is about ideal – any longer than that and either the money is spent OR I’ve lost interest. 🙂

      So in conclusion, I am in support of offering it as a BIN only for the first however long and only accepting offers once you’ve decided you’re ready to review them right away and move the item along promptly. 🙂

      I’m with this, by the time 30 days goes by, I know I would have seen an auction or there may have been something new I want, but I have my money tied up in a bid. I’d just probably not to it at all unless I could freely withdraw a bid within that 30 day period.

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        Ive added the ability to change or delete your offer (although I honestly don’t think most people would remember to)


          Would it be possible to add to the item information page the current high offer? That would give people a chance to judge what kind of offer they would like to submit, and would also help prevent multiples of the same offer (that would only really matter at the end of the time period where you may be faced with 10 highest offers that are the same amount).

          I also like the idea of BIN first, offer later. Leave it at a BIN for a week or two, and if it doesn’t sell open it to offers. I would advise shortening the offer period to a week or less. It would certainly cut down on the headaches.


            I just think it will be MUCH less confusing to not bother with offers unless the item fails to sell. If people should wait until the last minute to make offers, then we can just wait until the last minute to allow offers. If the offer form is up for a month, I foresee a month of questions like “did you get my offer” “will you accept my offer” “when will you accept my offer” “I want to change my offer” “I want to delete my offer” “what is the highest offer” “OMG the item says out of stock but the offer form is still there” etc etc.

            I completely agree with this.


              I just think it will be MUCH less confusing to not bother with offers unless the item fails to sell. If people should wait until the last minute to make offers, then we can just wait until the last minute to allow offers. If the offer form is up for a month, I foresee a month of questions like “did you get my offer” “will you accept my offer” “when will you accept my offer” “I want to change my offer” “I want to delete my offer” “what is the highest offer” “OMG the item says out of stock but the offer form is still there” etc etc.

              I FULLY agree with this. Omit the offer option entirely unless the piece sits in the store for ‘too long’ (whatever that is), and you want it to move out.

              It will save Windstone a lot of headache and time invested in answering questions and dealing with frustrated customers. Plus, it would save customers a lot of headache and frustration!!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


                Three more pegs are going in tonight hopefully.

                Did these go in and sell immediately or have they not been put in yet?
                (even if I don’t collect pegasi, I like to see the items…)


                  What I think…

                  Have the item up for a BIN price in the store. No offers. Then give people the option that if they see an item that has been sitting for a long time and would like to offer, they can just email you? On the off-chance that one of these specials sits in the store for more than a few days, you’d likely only get a couple emails to respond to.

                  Overall I agree that there’s likely no need for the offers at all.


                    What I think…

                    Have the item up for a BIN price in the store. No offers. Then give people the option that if they see an item that has been sitting for a long time and would like to offer, they can just email you? On the off-chance that one of these specials sits in the store for more than a few days, you’d likely only get a couple emails to respond to.

                    Overall I agree that there’s likely no need for the offers at all.

                    I think the only thing with that is that it requires more man power and time for one person to read and reply to offers. I too agree that 30 days is too long to wait. I think 7 days is appropriate. Most people get paid every week OR every other week-so that would not only give people time to submit an offer, but give them time for their paycheck to reach them, or for them to sell stuff on ebay/the forum to get money for that thing. (in the event of OMGOMGOMG I gotta have it and I have no money!) The offical Windstone auctions on ebay are 3 days, so I think 7 days is appropriate for the store sales.

                    Also agreed with Kiya on the ebay fees-this month I owe ebay $75-not near the $1400 that Windstone might owe them, but dang does 10% cut into your profits. PLUS,ebay charges a final value fee on shipping too-so $20 to ship your item UPS, means another $2 you owe to ebay. (not fair, I agree, that’s neither here nor there) So I think its good for Windstone to be able to profit that much more from their special pieces

                    I would like to see some kind of notification when something is going to be in the special items category-I only saw one peg-the buckskin and didn’t even get to lay eyes on any of the others. I mean-I’m not into the pegs enough to pay those prices, but 1-I’d like to at least see them (photo archiving? or removing the option to buy it but leaving it up on the page?) and 2-there might be something awesome and amazing I’d like to buy and I’d be dissapointed if I didn’t even know it existed until after it sold. I can’t check the store or forum all the time, but I get emails sent to my phone which is always on me, so I rely on those emails to know when stuff is happening, or when I get a PM, store notifications, back in stock notices, ebay out bid notices etc. etc.


                      I like the “special” section, too.

                      The BIN process very quickly eliminates many people from having even the slightest chance of buying. Especially when two of the three pieces from last night disappeared almost as fast as they went up. If the thought behind the special section was to give people a chance at these pieces without going through ebay, then the setup should be modified to accommodate more members.

                      I like the suggestion that some members have made about having the item open for offers for a set time frame (a week, for example). This would give most of us the chance to at least look at the item and decide if we would like it (aka can afford it). This without the BIN price. If you don’t get the BIN price offered in a week, then sell to the highest offer that came in first.

                      Similar to the above, another idea – that may or may not fly – would be to take “bids” on a certain day only. This is a little bit like a live auction, in that the catalogue (in this case the photo of the item) with your minimum “bid” posted is available for viewing without any bids being taken for a week. Then, on a set day and for a set period of time (say, 2 hours), bids are taken. By knowing in advance when the item will end – just like on ebay – if you really want it and are in a different time zone, you can set your clock and at least submit within the time frame. Everyone puts in their “best” offer, which still remains private. The highest offer wins. In the case of a tie, whoever put in the highest offer first could get it, or it could be offered to the two people in a private bidding “war”.

                      I agree with many of the others who posted – a month is too long to leave it up. Based on last night, though, it is not likely to be an issue anyway.

                      Just my thoughts

                      I liked what you said, up til you got to the part of the private offer…which throws me. I would like to see what I’m up against. If I know someone already bid 240 on something, I wont bother with my measly 120. Then again, If I know I’m up against 240, I just might bid 250 if I want the piece enough, and now I know what I will have to budget.

                      Anyway, I tend to stay away from private secret bidding. Besides, why can’t the highest bid be seen? The bidder can be kept secret, but the highest price should be shown. Just my feelings on this.

                      Good point, and easily “fixed” I’m sure. I DON’T like the BIN only option. things amy simply vaporizze before I even see them, much less have a chance to buy. If this new system is supposed to be more “fair” than ebay, then everyone should have the opporunity to bid before the final day of the sale. Whether that final day be a bidding scramble or just a posting of the highestt bid to date.

                      Life is beautiful.


                        Good point, and easily “fixed” I’m sure. I DON’T like the BIN only option. things amy simply vaporizze before I even see them, much less have a chance to buy. If this new system is supposed to be more “fair” than ebay, then everyone should have the opporunity to bid before the final day of the sale. Whether that final day be a bidding scramble or just a posting of the highestt bid to date.

                        This, for me, too. 🙁


                          I don’t think this is meant to be an auction. To my reading of previous comments, Windstone would really prefer it if you bought the item for full price well before the offer period closes – the offers are only there to help move a piece that isn’t selling at full price out of the store.

                          The only thing said about eBay is that this will give folks who don’t shop on ebay at all a chance to buy test paints/OOAK pieces. Nothing was mentioned, that I saw, about trying to make a better auction system or bidding system than eBay. That’s probably out of the scope of what Windstone can support. 🙂


                            It’s not supposed to be an auction and is not supposed to be any more or less fair than ebay 🙂 (ebay is really about as fair as it gets though). Like kiya said, the offers were supposed to be for helping sell an item if it was not bought for the full price.

                            So far everyone wants it to be more auction-like though, so I have been experimenting with making a system that would allow you to “bid” against each other. I will ask john about letting it become reality, if/when we allow offers on another item.

                            EDIT: The “auction” system I set up allows you to submit one offer on a piece as long as it is below the BIN price. Your offer shows up in a list of other offers made by other people (no names are shown). There is an edit and delete button next to the offer you made, so you can change or delete your offer. You would be 100% in charge of keeping an eye on the list of offers and increasing your own offer if you want to keep your offer the highest.


                              I’m still against bidding, there’s always someone with deeper pockets than most….I prefer BIN since I know I have it rather than worrying until it’s done to see if maybe I won….

                              4 things I'm looking for:
                              1. Mother Meerkat
                              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                                I’m still against bidding, there’s always someone with deeper pockets than most….I prefer BIN since I know I have it rather than worrying until it’s done to see if maybe I won….

                                The “bidding” system I am experimenting with will not be like real auction bidding. You would not be able to make an offer over the BIN price, and the item could be bought for the BIN price at any time. In other words, if the BIN price was $400, the maximum you could “bid” would be $399. But if you wanted it for the full $400, you could just add it to your cart and buy it. Ideally, the offer form would not be added for an item until the item had already been up for a few weeks with no buyers.


                                  I’m still against bidding, there’s always someone with deeper pockets than most….I prefer BIN since I know I have it rather than worrying until it’s done to see if maybe I won….

                                  The “bidding” system I am experimenting with will not be like real auction bidding. You would not be able to make an offer over the BIN price, and the item could be bought for the BIN price at any time. In other words, if the BIN price was $400, the maximum you could “bid” would be $399. But if you wanted it for the full $400, you could just add it to your cart and buy it. Ideally, the offer form would not be added for an item until the item had already been up for a few weeks with no buyers.

                                  okay, that’s fine by me….any word if we’ll get a gallery for them?

                                  4 things I'm looking for:
                                  1. Mother Meerkat
                                  2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                                  3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                                  4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

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