Show your Collection, v.6!

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    Leigha-what color is your greenish OW? He looks more blue than the standard emerald. He looks beautiful! I love your white OW too!

    He’s an emerald. He looks pretty dark in that picture, but he’s not really that different from other emeralds. Definitely not even close in color to that Jade oriental in front of him unfortunately. 🙂 I love the white ow too, soooo pearly.

    Correct Wolfen 🙂

    He is Copper Gold <3

    *Swooooon* He’s almost a sand color! I RUV HIM!

    In fact, the male dragon under him looks like a burnt sand color!! Squeeee! Leigha can you take some close up pics of some of your stuff sometime? 😀

    *waves her hand* “You do not see that repainted male dragon…or any of the other repaints in there…”

    I’ll definitely take pictures of them all when they are released from the Pantry Cage.


      *Squee* I can’t wait to see close up pics of your collection Leigha!!! Oh and of course, I don’t see any repaints up there at all!! *innocent* But you know.. if you were to find a picture of a repaint somewhere, it would be safe to keep that link in my PM box 😉

      I just got this beautiful male from Cherokee here on the forums! He has a couple areas of minor damage, but luckily it’s all on the non production side!

      I’ve never had an emerald before, and seeing them in person is amazing! The color is fantastic!

      My pictures don’t even come close to doing him justice.

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        After seeing tethra’s wolf gryphon, I snagged one from the store. I’d seen the previous wolf color in person and disliked it tremendously, so I thought I’d give this one a try. Not the best photo. I really, really like him.



          Lol! I’m glad I could help make your Windstone addiction worse Lokie! 😀 Your photo is still much better then mine were! The new wolf colour suits the male griffin so well.


            ooo, what a handsome dragon Hannah! I agree, the emeralds are amazing in real life. I have an emerald mother and I just love looking at her rich colour. I don’t think I can stop at only one!


              I agree… after seeing the ‘new’ wolf coloration I like it much better! 🙂
              Sometimes the paint schemes evolve (especially when you move across states and have to hire an all new painting team!) and this is one for the better (I think).

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                … or give up and paint them yourself…


                  Wow, I very much like the new wolf griffin colour! I had seen one of the older ones in a store and disliked it very much, but these newer ones are awesome! It’s a good thing I like my Siamese male so much or I might have hated myself for buying him instead of getting a wolf griffin.


                    Hmm. I had no idea that the wolf color had been changed. Shows how out of the loop I am. I have the original color wolf… hopefully these stay around for awhile because I like this coloration as well.



                      Albino Pearl Griffin from 2006.
                      (No clue why it wont resize. 😐 )



                        Albino Pearl Griffin from 2006.
                        (No clue why it wont resize. 😐 )

                        Is he one of the true albinos?? Pink eyes and all?? I can’t really tell (I can’t see from the pic), if so, you are so lucky!!


                          He has the pale blue eyes and gold leafing. I haven’t seen a pink eye one for sale. 🙂


                            I agree with you, Loki! I had a wolf male and chick from the previous color and I tried very hard to like the color, but the antiqueing wasn’t right, the colors weren’t right-so I sold both of them. But I am REALLY liking this new color! Your photo has a WOW factor to it!

                            Heh-anyone want to trade me for my “Naylah” wolf male griffin from ebay? I’m still missing the spotted, siamese and new wolf males! 😀


                              Melody, did you personally paint this batch of males? 🙂


                                Lol! I’m glad I could help make your Windstone addiction worse Lokie! 😀

                                Ha ha, yeah, my wallet is lighter now and my shelves overcrowded. You get the credit for that :p

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