Show Off Your Conga Lines!

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  • #939266

      Very nice dragons! I love the rainbow of colours as well! I have a few pieces I should get pictures of!

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        Simply stunning conga of Laps! I have quite a few congas – I’ll have to take some pictures this weekend…..


          Wow! Nice collection. It’s like a lap dragon army. No red fire lap dragon?

          Maybe one day! RF would certainly look good in between the Ruby and the Sunrise!

          But… but… but… There’s one on eBay right now for only a mere $750!

          My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


            Ok, Here is my current tadpoad conga. Over the course of time ihave probably owned a total of around 70 lol. Love trading and buying these little cuties!!!! Sadly, my phone camera washes out all the colors. I love rich vibrant colors and these photos are a pale comparison to them IRL. Especially the emerald poads. They are stunning but look very washed out.

            Full Conga

             photo 20160105_100636_zpsttv7wqud.jpg
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             photo 20160105_100729_zpspemibq8b.jpg
             photo 20160105_100738_zpsco6idheh.jpg
             photo 20160105_100746_zpshemgxj03.jpg

            My absolute favorites of the bunch

             photo 20160105_101120_zpszow9oijn.jpg
             photo 20160105_101143_zpspxdplmko.jpg

            These next few i love but might be open to trading or selling if the price is right

             photo 20160105_101303_zpsxddo7f1v.jpg
             photo 20160105_101317_zpsp7uvikjz.jpg

            These five are all very cute but I either have very similar or would like to sell/trade them

             photo 20160105_100942_zpsdf7ri8kf.jpg
             photo 20160105_100921_zpsjajkjgfr.jpg


              Adorable Tadpoads!

              Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
              ANY Red Eyed Unis
              ANY Test Paint Bat
              The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
              Male- Snow Leopard TP
              White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
              Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
              Mother: Okapi
              Gothic - Mahogany
              PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
              DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                Wow. ….those lap dragons are amazing! Thanks for “sharing the rainbow”. 😉

                Here is my conga of mini keeper dragons. …
                 photo 20160105_112833_zpsb42y6hxw.jpg


                  This is my humble conga line. I only wish it were something more impressive than tadpoads…but they’re basically 50% of my Windstone collection now. I might have went a little overboard with the grab bag tadpoads. *cough*

                  These are all of my ‘keepers’, excluding the pink poison dart-ish one who is in my sale/trade ad (she’s grown on me, though, for all that I don’t like pink so I’m really reluctant to part with her).

                  Betrluk, you have some crazy cute tadpoads! And Chloe, those minikeepers! So pretty!


                    Wow Rylorian, really liking that green and black tad with purple spots. looks like a sibling to one of mine. Maybe they are half siblings?


                      Wow Rylorian, really liking that green and black tad with purple spots. looks like a sibling to one of mine. Maybe they are half siblings?

                      They absolutely could be! Or even full siblings for that matter. Take tortoiseshell kittens from the same litter, for example, sometimes similar, sometimes very different, but undeniably cute regardless. 😉


                        My pride and joy, my Lap Dragon conga line:

                        These are lovely, nightcrow!

                        The Lap and Old Warrior are my favourite couple and the biggest sculpts I own.

                        You have inspired me to take out my Laps for a conga line, too.

                        Would you be so kind as to list the colours? It’s a bit hard to tell on my screen just who’s who.

                        Oh, and don’t give up on the Amethyst Lap. I have one and she’s gorgeous.

                        I am looking for a Silver one.

                        Life is beautiful.


                          Way too fun of an idea. …I display by color, so I’ve never even seen my emperors side by side before!
                           photo 20160105_144842_zpsq0nprvc3.jpg
                           photo 20160105_145049_zps09yqqp9n.jpg


                            Wow! Ok so I have some catching up to do. Your dragons are fabulous.


                              When my non-Windstone friends ask me “Why do you need more than one of the same dragon?” I’m going to show them these pictures and say, “This is why! The same, yet so different!”


                                Thank you! But it’s not a race! …..And if it is, it’s one I’m done running, as I’m out of space!


                                  Love this thread and seeing all the lovelies in their different “outfits”.

                                  Betrluk1 and Rylorian – I just kept imagining a Momma Poad in front of all those tadpoads as she herded them around. Too cute.

                                  Chloe – oh, my – those rock dragons – gorgeous.

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