
Quest #4

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests Quest #4

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  • #874809

      It’s been so crazy at work this week (end of financial year and guess who does the budget?!), I’ve only now managed to catch up on this one!

      And although I’ve managed to track down every clue, I’ll have to join the “no idea” group. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Can’t wait to see where this leads… ๐Ÿ™‚

      welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k


        It’s been so crazy at work this week (end of financial year and guess who does the budget?!), I’ve only now managed to catch up on this one!

        And although I’ve managed to track down every clue, I’ll have to join the “no idea” group. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        Can’t wait to see where this leads… ๐Ÿ™‚

        welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k

        Yay! I’ll need a few of those.


          Hmm, still no idea either. But anyone notice how a lot of the same obnoxiously long threads tend to show up in most of the searches? Guess a lot of odd subjects were covered in those threads?

          Keeper of the Fledgings


            welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k

            What do you mena “j/k”? This is no joking matter! I demand my badge!!!


              welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k

              What do you mena “j/k”? This is no joking matter! I demand my badge!!!

              Okay, okay, let me whip up a design =P then you can print it out, cut it out, and tape it to your shirt! We’ll really have the No Idea Club then!


              welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k

              What do you mena “j/k”? This is no joking matter! I demand my badge!!!

              Okay, okay, let me whip up a design =P then you can print it out, cut it out, and tape it to your shirt! We’ll really have the No Idea Club then!

              Oh Oh Pick me, I can be a good club secretary!!! I like Badges:)


                welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k

                What do you mena “j/k”? This is no joking matter! I demand my badge!!!

                Okay, okay, let me whip up a design =P then you can print it out, cut it out, and tape it to your shirt! We’ll really have the No Idea Club then!

                Oh Oh Pick me, I can be a good club secretary!!! I like Badges:)

                Secretary you are heehee. I look forward to today’s hint =)


                  XP Todays seems totally safe!

                  annnd.. I so started my search on that one backwards! lmao


                  XP Todays seems totally safe!

                  annnd.. I so started my search on that one backwards! lmao


                  I was just thinking S*!t I am going the wrong way today!!! I tried to outsmart and got outsmarted!!! Darnit!!! What the heck…just when ya think ya got this searching thing figured out………..She tricks us!!

                  Hey Kaytana did ya hear I’m the Secretary!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel so proud to be Secretary of the….ummmm…I won’t use dummy….hmmmm….CONFUSED CLUB!!!! LOL

                  I am only joking on the Dummy so everyone knows. Do not want to offend anyone.


                    XP Todays seems totally safe!

                    annnd.. I so started my search on that one backwards! lmao


                    I was just thinking S*!t I am going the wrong way today!!! I tried to outsmart and got outsmarted!!! Darnit!!! What the heck…just when ya think ya got this searching thing figured out………..She tricks us!!

                    Hey Kaytana did ya hear I’m the Secretary!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel so proud to be Secretary of the….ummmm…I won’t use dummy….hmmmm….CONFUSED CLUB!!!! LOL

                    I am only joking on the Dummy so everyone knows. Do not want to offend anyone.

                    Hey, we’re the NIC! THe No Idea Club! And proud of it! I even have the badge almost finished, should just need to slap some color on there and post it up to be printed by those that want one =P


                      XP Todays seems totally safe!

                      annnd.. I so started my search on that one backwards! lmao


                      I was just thinking S*!t I am going the wrong way today!!! I tried to outsmart and got outsmarted!!! Darnit!!! What the heck…just when ya think ya got this searching thing figured out………..She tricks us!!

                      Hey Kaytana did ya hear I’m the Secretary!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel so proud to be Secretary of the….ummmm…I won’t use dummy….hmmmm….CONFUSED CLUB!!!! LOL

                      I am only joking on the Dummy so everyone knows. Do not want to offend anyone.

                      Hey, we’re the NIC! THe No Idea Club! And proud of it! I even have the badge almost finished, should just need to slap some color on there and post it up to be printed by those that want one =P

                      All.so.awesome! I’m definitely member quality XD lmao!


                        ooh i spent forever looking for today’s hint and I have no idea why! i was being blind I guess

                        and ta-da! the requested club badge! sorry it’s big =P used the design of my dragon Andromar for it



                          LOVE IT! Great work Sirithiliel!

                          I admit I have a vague idea for the phrase but my idea doesn’t make much sense at all… Can I still join the club??? I really want the badge and I’d wear it proudly! (“No Idea” seems to extend far beyond the quest for me)


                            LOVE IT! Great work Sirithiliel!

                            I admit I have a vague idea for the phrase but my idea doesn’t make much sense at all… Can I still join the club??? I really want the badge and I’d wear it proudly! (“No Idea” seems to extend far beyond the quest for me)

                            heehee in my opinion, anyone can join this little club and use my badge =P we all have ‘no idea’ about something in life, not just this quest. Even those that know the quest answer can join, I think XD that is, if other people don’t mind that….


                            Good lord. I just spent the last hour or so getting caught up from day 5 to day 13. Now I’m ready for a nap! LOL Dang, this gets to be a lot of work!

                            (and I have no idea either…)

                            …wait…actually, I think I do. Hmm….

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