Home Forums Miscellany Swaps PYO SWAP FINISHED PIECES!!! Photos inside!

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      POST PICS!!! 😀


      Oh awesome! I got a FrozenDragon! I was dying to have one. I’ll let him post pics though because he can get to it sooner I think. Right now I’m having some chest pain issues and might need to go to the hospital for tests…don’t know yet and am waiting for my hubby to come home. I don’t know what will happen, but if I don’t go I will take photos tonight for posting unless Frozen does.


        I hope everything goes well! How very scary for you both. I’ll be thinking of you. Please let us know what happens!


          Watergazer wrote:

          Oh awesome! I got a FrozenDragon! I was dying to have one. I’ll let him post pics though because he can get to it sooner I think. Right now I’m having some chest pain issues and might need to go to the hospital for tests…don’t know yet and am waiting for my hubby to come home. I don’t know what will happen, but if I don’t go I will take photos tonight for posting unless Frozen does.

          I’ll post some…you can post some of your own if you like also…

          hope everything turns out ok…


            He’s fabulous! I just want to pinch his little cheeks!


              Very nice, his scales look great.


                Awesome kirin, Frozen!!!! 😀

                And Water, I hope you’re feeling better soon.. 🙁


                Oh that is a nice ki-rin. I love the colors of the fur.

                I hope everything is ok Water.


                I think I’m going to hold off until I can get a blood test either tonight or tomorrow. I feel a little better right now but dealing with the doctors hasn’t been helpful and they send me in circles. I guess I gotta do this my own way if I want any results. If the paint comes back or gets worse I won’t have a chcie but to go to the ER, but I don’t think that will happen…the pain seems more like a hint or warning than anything and perhaps I’m over-reacting from my prior blood clot experience. But I’ll watch it and keep you all posted.

                And isn’t that KiRin wonderful!


                Yes sometimes you have to do something yourself to get results. I hope you don’t have to go to the ER.


                  Lovely kirin. Hope you feel better Water.

                  While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                  I hope its just a false alarm.

                  The kirin is lovely!


                    OOOOOOOH!!!! All the lovely PYOs! They all look so wonderful! 😀

                    Water, I hope everything is ok and it’s nothing serious. *fingers crossed*


                      So far we have what… 3 Ki-Rins and 1 Wolf used? Was there a dragon? No Gryphons yet? Should be interesting to see what critter gets used the most. 😀

                      Mine is done! I’m hoping I can get it out in the mail tomorrow… so my Swapee shouldbe getting theirs soon! ::twisted evil laughter:

                      Got my fingers crossed for ya Water! Yipes!! 😯


                      Beautiful kirin, frozen and Water. It’s a pity the golden interference doesn’t show up on the pics. It must look ever better in person.
                      All the best, Water. I hope it’s nothing serious.

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