
Pray for my grandma-Surgery is today

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      Well…my grandma went in for and angioplasty (I believe that is what it’s called) and it turns out that her heart arteries are 75%-80% clogged, and so on Monday she will be going in for open heart surgery to have 4 bypasses. I was pretty nervous about today’s angioplasty, but now I am really worried about Monday. Her situation is pretty severe because the doctors wanted to operate on her tomorrow, but they were booked up for surgeries, but if there is a cancellation, she will be wheeled in sooner. The doctors told her to go home and do nothing. They are expecting her to have a heart attack at any moment.
      My mom was there during grandma’s angioplasty, and when grandma heard the news, she told my mom that the worst thing about dying is that she would miss everyone. Then she said she’d especially miss me and that she wants to be there for me. When my mom told me that, I burst into tears. 😥 Grandma and I have a special connection, and if she dies, I don’t know what I’ll do because I haven’t lost anyone close to me yet.
      So, please pray for my grandma.



          Im really sorry and I will indeed say a prayer for her. Let us know how it goes.


          It is so hard to think you are losing someone you love. It makes you feel so helpless. I will have you and your grandma in my thoughts and prayers. *Hugs*


            you got it. :yes:


              Big hugs and lots of prayers and positive thoughts!!!




              It’s really hard to feel like you’re losing someone you’re close to (I know that one from experience).

              Hopefully on Monday it goes well – the best thing you can do for her is to be there and be optimistic. The feeling transfers and your attitude can mean alot when going in for something like this.

              You have my thoughts! *hugs*


                Hang in there, I’ll keep your family in my prayers! My boss had an angiogram done in November (he’s 78) and was told 3 of his main arteries were 100% blocked-yes 100% Apparenlty the smaller arteries were working over time O_o We were all very worried just like you, and he went in for his surgery on December 5th. I was AMAZED at how quickly the surgery went (he got a triple) and how quickly he was ready to come home. They wanted to send him home 4 days later but there was a snow storm, so he came home the 5th day. Your grandma will be really sore for a while, if you can-back and foot rubs make a world of difference! Because of the way they split the sternum, it puts pressure on the back. My boss finds that the thing that bothers him the most now (almost 2 months out of surgery) is the leg where they removed the vein to use-everything else has healed up nicely!




                    I certainly will pray for her. Good luck!


                      Done! And you hang in there… remember to breathe!




                          I’m sorry to hear about your Grandmother, my prayers will be with her and your family.


                          hang in there, with luck everything will be fine!

                          This must be an epidemic, my father is facing open heart surgery in about 3 weeks, but he only needs one artery replaced. And he’s pretty healthy so there’s not a rush for it to be done. Though he isn’t following the instructions to take it easy the butthead.

                          Prayers are with ya!



                            My prayers for you and your grandmother. Waiting is awful–I’m glad the wait won’t be longer.

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