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  • #600956

    foxfeather wrote:

    Just learning…. They look Alot better that mine when I was just learning πŸ˜€ They are all great, I can see why you’d be a big freaked out on the runway with that monster behind you!

    Poor Pocket Dragon! πŸ˜€

    You bet and thet WAS NOT zoomed in or anything 😯

    Thanks for your kind comments everyone πŸ˜€

    Sorry if i posted it in the wrong place Nam, if you want to move it feel free πŸ˜†


      Griffiness wrote:

      You bet and thet WAS NOT zoomed in or anything 😯

      Thanks for your kind comments everyone πŸ˜€

      Sorry if i posted it in the wrong place Nam, if you want to move it feel free πŸ˜†

      It’s no problem man. πŸ™‚ No worries!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com

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