Pegasi's PYOs – *New* Update pg. 13

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Pegasi's PYOs – *New* Update pg. 13

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    It’s a good rendition of a diamond. Very pretty.


      Very cool! Wish I could see the sparkles. 🙂


        😀 WOW! Your Diamond kirin is beautiful!


        They all look really cool! I can’t wait to see your June one – are you going to try to get the green color that Alexandrite has in sunlight? (It’s weird, it’s green in sunlight, purple in indoors light – all my chemistry can’t explain that one yet)

        Maybe by then I can afford it and buy it from you 😛


          Thanks! Boy do I need to get busy and do my good photographs of Diamond and then finish up Emerald. All it lacks is the clear coat and photos as well.

          I have an idea of trying to give Alexandrite some green flash like the stone is “supposed” to have, but none of the alexandrites (My birthay is in June) I have show the green flash so I may not worry with it. I still have some time to decide. 😀


            So I wasn’t happy with the white tiger griffin so I stripped his paint off and now he looks like this. He’s for my son who kept telling me “He’s pretty Mommy!” while I was working on him. 😀 At least I know he likes it. 😆

            And I also took a quick picture of the Emerald Ki-Rin. I have to replace one of the pieces of tissue paper on my homemade photocube before I can take his “Glamour” shot (along with Diamond!).


              Pretty Emerald. I really like it.


              That griffin isn’t done, is it?


                No the griffin isn’t done just yet. I’m thinking a few markings on the wings, antiquing with a darker brown and then a little gold interference here and there and that’s it.

                Brown is proving to be a pain to paint with. I have a hard time having it go on without it looking like mud and try as I might I know the griffin looks a little muddy in places.


                  So I’ve got “Glamor Shots” of the three PYOs that I have finished recently. Here’s the Diamond Kirin, the Emerald Kirin and a Griffin I painted for my son. Diamond and Emerald will be up for offers in the flea market for a few days before heading to ebay.


                    I think it is very interesting how you choose to interprete a diamond by using white and black. And what a sweet gift to your son 🙂


                      Well I just got the box with the Ki-Rin for Alexnadrite (and I was hoping it would be my baby koi-rin 😥 ). Windstone has changed the packing for Ki-Rins again. You can almost send a Ki-Rin in the inside box by itself now as he has a cardboard insert.


                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        Well I just got the box with the Ki-Rin for Alexnadrite (and I was hoping it would be my baby koi-rin 😥 ). Windstone has changed the packing for Ki-Rins again. You can almost send a Ki-Rin in the inside box by itself now as he has a cardboard insert.

                        He has one of the those cardboard things like the unicorns and big statues do, now? Neat! Wonder if the gryphon will get one soon too… he is the biggest after all.


                          I don’t know if it will be all Ki-Rins or not, but this one I got does. The box he’s in is the same size as a PYO griffin packing box.


                            Well Alexandrite is finished and I touched up Emerald a little more so he’s not so streaky on the scales. When I finished painting Alexandrite’s scales purple I gave them a quick wash using the leftover metallic emerald paint, so it’s got a very slight green sheen to it.

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