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  • #627563

    I changed the picture to the “real” Good Cat Candlelamp. My fault. Thanks tfsculptures!


    Jasmine wrote:

    I’m on Firefox right now and they’se ain’t no dragon…:)

    I use Firefox at home. The lap isn’t on the first page with the violin and Maya’s sculpture, but it is on the background of the store introduction page. On IE, the lap is on the first page with the violin and Maya’s, and missing on the store intro page. 😆


      Wow!!! That’s strange!!! 😯


      Tom’s fixed the missing Dragon. It now appears correctly on IE and Firefox.


        I’ve never had any problems seeing the dragon and I use IE7. Could be due to the fact that I rarely empty my Internet cache files.


        So is Grey Moose Tom or Craig/Greg? LOL 😆 I just finally got this whole thing read!
        I have sent some of my friends to the site. I like many other forum members have learned how to navigate the site from being here all the time. Now, my friends have beena bit put off by some of the busy-ness of the front page. Others however have cruised on in and dug deep. I have been to sites before that I jsut didn’t enter because the splash page didn’t grab me right off. So, I am with Rusti and Nam on simplifying it. But, I am also not going to say it doesn’t look good now. 😉 I’m so indecisive… 🙄

        😆 😆 @ selling Cat’s cleavage!!
        Where the hell has she been anyway? I haven’t seen a post from her since GB was in the states… 😯

        I always see the black gold lap. But I don’t use the fox… 😆


        She and Louis are probably busy with school now. I keep hoping they’ll stop by.


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        I’ve never had any problems seeing the dragon and I use IE7. Could be due to the fact that I rarely empty my Internet cache files.

        No. The original page was set up to work correctly in IE7. The problem is that all browsers handle things differently. In this case the Dragon image was not visible in Firefox due to a difference in the way the two browsers handle layers. Neither browser is “wrong”; they just have differing rules to handle the same code. (Think of it as a language dialect. A Scotsman and a Valley Girl reading the same poem.)

        So a slight change in the code made Firefox display the Dragon on a visible layer, without making a noticeable change in IE.


        Well, I see both dragons now in IE, whereas I only used to see one. Good enough for me! 😆


          WSC to answer your question, Grey Moose is Tom. 🙂


            The Castle [Dave wrote:

            “](Think of it as a language dialect. A Scotsman and a Valley Girl reading the same poem.)

            I’d like to hear that! 😆


              Quite the analogy!!! 😯


              The homepage has been changed again. I’m beginning to expect a different look every few weeks! 😆


                It’s nice to not have to click 3 times to get to the forums now!


                Yeah, that’s a real improvement.

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