Our store is up and running! 3-7-16 (Help us spot bugs)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Our store is up and running! 3-7-16 (Help us spot bugs)

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      It’s looking good so far! I bet by next week everything will be just where it ought to be!

      *Formerly meowmix101
      Not currently open for PYO commissions.


        Only twelve items per page? You used to have something like 30.


          Only twelve items per page? You used to have something like 30.

          In case you missed my post and multiple mentions by Susie, the look and layout of the shop are a work in progress. Right now we are just trying to get the essentials functioning properly so that folks can make orders (so that Winstone can stay in business…). Please be patient while we make the store work right, then we will make it pretty again. 🙂 Thank you.

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com



            As Susie and Jennifer have mentioned, the new store was launched in a hurry just to get Windstone back online and in business as quickly as possible. Therefore, there are a lot of wrinkles that we didn’t have time to iron out beforehand. We appreciate your patience as we fix various issues and add more features. The new store is in WordPress; the old store (and the rest of the windstone site) are in Drupal. It has been the plan for a while now to move things into WordPress, which we feel strongly will provide a better experience for everyone in the long run. Just hang in there, and it’s all going to be good. Really.


            Because the store is in a different system than the rest of the site, it is necessary to log in to it separately. Existing customer accounts from the old store were migrated over (with your addresses and orders, etc.), but you will need to reset your password. This has been working fine for most people, but a few have gotten errors when trying to reset their passwords. If that happens to you, please email us. We will generate a new password for you. You can then log in and change it to something you will remember.

            The Old Store

            We have tried to remove all links to the old store (which is not functional), but there may well be some stray links still out there. We haven’t yet shut that store down because we still need access to some of it during this transition. PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR OLD WINDSTONE STORE BOOKMARKS! Also, we recommend waiting a bit to add new store bookmarks to your browser as the URLs in the new store are still in flux.

            Your Suggestions

            We’ve been getting a lot of suggestions/complaints about various aspects of the new store. Please keep the suggestions and bug reports coming. There’s lots to do, so we have to prioritize. Functionality issues (bugs) will be addressed first—we have to first get the store working properly. But there are also a lot of nice features that we can add to the new store as we have time. Because the new store operates on a different platform, some things WILL BE DIFFERENT. But for the most part the features of the old store will be included in the new one (again, as time permits). We do appreciate your patience and support. I am one guy working on the Windstone site on a very part-time basis. Again, please give us your feedback, and in the end this new store will be really nice.

            By the way, several people have requested more products per page on the category pages. I’ve installed a plugin that allows me to set the number (which I’ve currently set to 24) and allows you, the customer, to change it to your liking via a dropdown menu at the top of the product grid. Right now the options are 12, 24, or 36 products per page. But this is adjustable.



              One more thing. There have been a number of inquiries about the ability to see the number of a product in stock. Here’s how it currently works: when the number in stock gets down to 5, it will be displayed on the product page. This is adjustable, but the store also uses this number to notify Susie that stock is low. So we have to strike a balance. Hopefully 5 will be a number that works for both shoppers and store administration. If not, we will find a solution. Thanks.


                If you do the “forgot password” thing to reset your password and do not receive an email back from the store, please let me know and I will help. susie@windstoneeditions.com


                  Thank you Clay and Susie for all of your work on this! I am sure it’s been stressful trying to figure out on short notice.

                  A question for Clay – is it possible to have a “Show All” option added to the list for number of products displayed?

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                    Special note! It seems that some people are able to use their old passwords on the new store without a problem. So try it first, before you ask to reset your password. At this time it says “log in” at the top even when you are logged in (hopefully that will be fixed soon to say “log out” when you are in!) You’ll know you are logged in if you can click My Account and see your old orders (do not be shocked that they’ve been assigned new numbers that begin with a 4), there should also be a line of greeting somewhere – It may have your forum name or your real name, depending upon which the shopping cart picked up – we can help you change that if its all wrong.

                    Your PM’s and stuff are not in the store – you have to be logged into the forum to see those.


                      Thanks for all your hard work, Susie & Clay. Will you be adding back a “show in stock only” option? I liked that on the old site. Other than that, yes, it looks different, but it seems easy enough to navigate. I’m sure I’ll be used to it soon!

                      Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                      ANY Red Eyed Unis
                      ANY Test Paint Bat
                      The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                      Male- Snow Leopard TP
                      White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                      Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                      Mother: Okapi
                      Gothic - Mahogany
                      PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                      DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                        I liked the “show in stock only” option as well! Hopefully we can have that again.

                        Please keep the observations coming!

                        Everyone: Be sure to log into your store account and check the email address its got – one of us had the transfer of information pick up and use an ancient email address which I couldn’t even find in our old store. There is no way for us to know it that happened to anyone else – so check your account and update your email address if it is incorrect. Update your billing and shipping addresses as well – I think that will make placing an order go more quickly.


                          How soon until start seeing Grab bags come into the store now that it’s in working order(appears to be on my end at least)?

                          *Formerly meowmix101
                          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                            Be sure to check your “bill to” and “ship to” addresses. My default billing address was correct, but my shipping address was someone’s I had once shipped to. It wasn’t an address I had used recently either; it was used a few years ago.


                              When I go to “My Account” while browsing on my iPhone (Safari) it doesn’t display correctly. It shows my orders but they take up more than the screen and it will not let me scroll to the side to see all the data, or pinch the screen to make it smaller or larger. Basically the scroll bar works from top to bottom but not from side to side.

                              Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                              ANY Red Eyed Unis
                              ANY Test Paint Bat
                              The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                              Male- Snow Leopard TP
                              White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                              Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                              Mother: Okapi
                              Gothic - Mahogany
                              PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                              DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                                I use waterfox as my browser and from the new store I can not get any of the drop down menus to work. They do not work from my account pages either, if I am in the new store site. I move my mouse to them and the drop downs show up but as I move my mouse to choose what I want the menu disappears. (I’m assuming maybe those options haven’t been moved to the new site yet?)

                                Looking for:
                                "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                                  I use waterfox as my browser and from the new store I can not get any of the drop down menus to work. They do not work from my account pages either, if I am in the new store site. I move my mouse to them and the drop downs show up but as I move my mouse to choose what I want the menu disappears. (I’m assuming maybe those options haven’t been moved to the new site yet?)

                                  It does that for me too (on Firefox). If I click the little down arrow symbol, or the word “Shop”, the options usually will stay so I can pick one. It isn’t consistent, though.

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