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      I cannot express how very sorry I am. You have been given a raw deal!!! I just hope that you don’t give up and you do all the things you hav been wanting to do! Life really is too short. You will be in our prayers now START FEELING BETTER! Thats an order!!!LOL. You’re strong, you can do this. know I speak for everyone here when I say The Windstone Family is pulling for you.


        I am truly sorry πŸ™ If you were here, I’d probably suffocate you hugging you so tight. I guess a virtual huge will have to suffice, but know there is genuine emotion behind it. Not only from me, but as Nirvancat has pointed out, the forum has your back.

        And well, I’ve taken a road trip cross country before so if that’s sometime you decide to do, I can give some advice on what rest stops to avoid πŸ˜› But silliness aside, my best thoughts go out to you! But seriously, New Mexico rest stops are inhabited by some swarms of crazy beetles!


          *hugs* I’m so sorry.


            My best thoughts go out to you, ddvm. Do what you want, say what you think, buy what you like….but don’t accept their time limits and keep a positive attitude. Remember they don’t know everything and they’re practicing medicine…sorry, I know you’re a vet and all. πŸ˜‰


              I’m sorry to hear about your illness. I just read the thread through this morning. I agree with everyone else, you should do what you want to do and enjoy it.

              It was my greatest pleasure to bring my Gramdama a Coke Classic every week in the nursing home (even though she was diabetic) because it brightened her entire week, it was a quality of life issue. She had lost just about everything else that she had been able to do when she was younger but that Coke seemed to make things better.

              Live like it’s your last day and enjoy it all. I will keep you in my thoughts. I hope you get to do everything you want to do.

              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                I am so shocked to have read what I just did. I wish you didn’t have to sell the vetrinary place. I agree with what everyone has said here, and I do believe that the doctors do give the worst case scenerio, so I hope their just blowing smoke! *BIG HUGS* *BEAR HUGS* *MORE HUGS!!!!*


                oh im so sorry to read this,it sucks as cancer is usally already so far by the time it’s found,here is something i want all to see i don’t know if it can help with lung cancer but i say it can’t hurt to try http://www.zalmo.com/ellagic.html


                  I veto this diagnosis. How horrible. Its like im in denial or something… How are you feeling? I truly hope that you use the time you have left, however long it may be, to do whats important to you. Maybe spend it with your family or doing what you always said you wanted to do but never did. Maybe we should all live this way. πŸ™ It just cant be right. Are you able to get around and stuff ok? Im so sorry.


                    Bump so DDVM can see it easier! πŸ˜†


                    I saw the surgeon Thursday and he’s pleased with the surgical site. My xray showed a little fluid but not much which is good.

                    I also saw my oncologist Thursday and got a Zometa injection for my bones. I don’t know if it was the injection but I was completely wiped out Friday – and had a bunch of stuff to do! I went into work to interview a new doctor and she never showed – then called an hour later saying she moved too far from Fanwood to work here! πŸ‘Ώ I felt so sick waiting for her – I could have been home in bed!

                    But the oncologist said the genetic sequencing was inconclusive so they are going to try a different tissue sample they have on hold. But he doesn’t want to wait any longer on chemo – so tomorrow morning (Monday) I go in for my first round – which will last at least 7 hours. 😯 The nurses suggested I bring food. Oh yeah, just what I want – to be eating while getting nausea inducing drugs. I’ll bring plenty to drink though. And I’ll probably be bald in a couple of weeks. πŸ™ But I’ll try hats and maybe a wig.

                    I am planning the trip to CA and Cat called me at the office on Friday! So that was the good thing about waiting around for the idiot doctor. *waves* Hi, Cat! So I’m trying to stay positive. But sometimes it’s harder than others. But I’m trying.


                      Big hugs!

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.




                          *hugs* I hope Monday goes better than expected.


                          *hugs* I am so happy to hear from you, even if your week hasn’t been going so well. I hope that chemotherapy doesn’t make you too ill.

                          The other vet was pretty inconsiderate, she should have at least showed up on time and explained in person.

                          Glad Cat’s call cheered you up. Hang in there and try to stay positive, I know it’s hard some days, but we’re all pulling for you.

                          Much love!



                          there is a medicine derived from marijuana with out the THC , ask your doc about it ,its in pill form they give it to CF patients all the time . It really helps with the nausea and will give you a healthy appetite . You wont test positive for any drugs because the THC isn’t there.

                          Really sucks that numbnut stood you up for the interview , with pushing people aside like that i doubt she will land a decent job , want me to punch her ? 😈

                          If you need any hats im sure PD would be nothing more than ecstatic if i send some of my collection away πŸ˜› , i did find Sinead O’Connor quite attractive back in the day though πŸ˜‰ .

                          get on your feet soon , show those docs that they dont know who they are messing with . A quote i use all the time from Valtaire on my emails is –

                          Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.

                          So make like Optimus Prime and show them your made of sterner stuff 😈

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